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I'm currently GMing a fortnightly game of Dark Heresy the 40K Role playing game and loving every minute of it.


Missions so far (adventure names in coloured writing have a log detailing highlights):

Illumination (From the DH rulebook)
Rejoice for you are True (The 1st adventure from Purge the Unclean)
Return to the Shatters (Adventure I made up as a sequal to "Shattered Hope" warning: i got carried away with the log)
Shades on Twilight (The 2nd adventure from Purge the Unclean)
The Smoking Gun (An adventure I designed set in Gunmetal City)

The party split to pursue 2 different investigations. Zethena, Yada, Nayki and Cutter headed off to pursue a known Heretek in the Josian Reach sub sector.

A Mission for the Mechanicus (Another homebrew adventure)

Meanwhile in a different part of the same sector the fuedal world of Acreage had been having a spate of grizzly murders so Carrius, Krak, Inez and an Adeptus Sororitas named Severine were sent to investigate.

Maggots in the Meat (guest GM'ed by Krak's player)

A return to the normal will see my players doing:

The House of Dust & Ash (From the DH Disciples of the Dark Gods)



The Acolytes in my game are:

Zethena in all her ghosty psychic phenomena glory!

Zethena, the stunning female redhead Psyker. A lady who hails from the paradise world Reth. Each day she seems to be getting more and more paranoid from seeing the true horrors of the galaxy and of course, the warp. Her presence is usually announced by bleeding walls and floating furniture.







Yada the Assassin. A mere 12 years old when she was drafted to work for the Inquisition, she's a little lady who is more deadly than anyone would believe. Brought up on a feral planet she was taught early how to use a knife and could arm wrestle most Guardsmen into submission.





Nayki, the eccentric Tech Priest. Nayki is possibly the friendliest Tech Priest you will ever meet but like most Tech Priest's she's easily distracted by Technology. Characterised by her blonde & silver (tiny mechandrites perhaps?) hair she seems to have very advanced bionics and can pass for an unaugmented human easily.



Mercutio, the dashing young blonde-haired Adept. Mercutio is fast on his feet & mind and is a crack shot. He used his Valet skills to get him by until the Inquisition found other uses for him. In between missions he's been teaching Yada to read & write.



Octus, aka Cutter the loyal Guardsman. An all round faithful Guardsman who has Officer potential. Highly intelligent and a good navigator, he's always trying to learn new weapons and tactics. More recently he was offered the chance to become a Chaliced Commisariat Operative to which he happily agreed.



Carrius the crazy shotgun happy Redemptionist


Carrius, the tall zealous Cleric. Recently whilst investigating a cult on Scintilla, Carrius witnessed a rousing speech from a Redemptionist and became enthralled. Taking up the robes of the Redemption he's swiftly grasped the Ludmillian Dictates purging Heretics and Mutants with fire & hammer.




Krak sporting his massive backpack o' guns

Krak, the brawny dark skinned Guardsman. Krak, a man who's parents bizarrely named him after a grenade. He loves his weapons, and in fact carries a back pack full of them. Just don't ask him to find equipment for you cause it'll take weeks.





Inez, the lanky female Scum. A resourceful young woman who can talk her way out of most situations, Inez was rescued from her fate by the Inquisitor and has been a useful asset to the party, especially since getting Medicae training from the Ordos, possibly prompted after she found a Bolt Pistol and a warning shot on a noble turned into a flying corpse.


  Dark Heresy 40KRP
Servants of the Imperium
Official Dark Heresy Website
Servants of the Imperium Web Comic (it's hilarious check it out!