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Steve's Dark Heresy

This is the no frills basic version of my web site for those of you who have pants broadband/computers.


Welcome, this is the home of my Dark Heresy campaign that I've run fortnightly for over a year. The players in my campaign are now all about 5th rankish and i've a fair mix of classes which makes for an interesting game.


Head to the Acolytes Notebook if you want to learn about people met and various things learned.

The Player Briefs section has the pre-game mission brief, ongoing GM notes and any relevant handouts for the mission.

Character sheets can be found in the Acolyte Resources section.


Latest stuff: I'd just like to thank all you my players who spent many a night at the edge purging heretics and aliens alike. I'll try get down at some point from my studies for one off sessions or something ;)


Current mission: Downtime

Location: Planet Solomon

Primary Objectives:

Secondary Objectives: