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Earth Two is a universe parallel to Earth One. The name was coined by Martin Stein. To its own citizens, it is called Earth One. Shortly after Hunter Zolomon gained super speed, and connected with the Speed Force, before he even became Zoom, he took control of Central City on his Earth, and everyone answered to him. After taking the Velocity drug and becoming Zoom, it became way easier for him to subjugate everyone and eventually took over the entire Earth.

A conflict called the War of the Americas happened sometime during the 20th Century. James Zolomon fought in it. Sometime later on a voyage, Oliver Queen and Robert Queen were involved in a violent shipwreck which took the life of the former. Robert eventually made his way back home and became the vigilante known as "The Hood" and later "The Arrow."

In 2013, the particle accelerator from S.T.A.R Labs had released dark matter waves underground, giving many civilians including Hunter Zolomon special powers. This prompted S.T.A.R. Labs of its studies in meta-humans. Various meta-humans such as Atom-Smasher, Sand Demon and Doctor Light became corrupt with their powers and became criminals. with Reverb becoming a prominent crime boss. Sometime after Hunter Zolomon, later known as Jay Garrick, became the Flash, a future Hunter showed up, known as Zoom, the two becoming enemies while acting as separate entities to give the public hope that Zoom could then destroy, with Reverb acting as Zoom's main agent.

Heroes of Earth Two:
Black Canary
The Hood
Jesse Quick

Residents of Earth Two:
Harrison Wells
Barry Allen
Iris West
Floyd Lawton
Henry Hewitt

Metahumans of Earth Two:
Killer Frost
Sand Demon
King Shark
Doctor Light