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John Diggle

John Andrew "Dig" Diggle, or "Johnny" to Lyla, is an ex-bodyguard, ex-soldier and a member of Team Arrow. John is the older brother of Andy Diggle, the husband of Lyla Michaels and the father of John Diggle Jr. As a member of Oliver's team, John is his partner and plays a number of roles including field support, decoy and guidance to Oliver in times of doubt. John was known in the Suicide Squad under the code-name Freelancer. When Curtis Holt accompanied them to rescue Ray Palmer, he was given the designation Spartan by Felicity. Oliver would later (temporarily) retire from vigilantism, and asked John to carry on the mantle of Green Arrow and leader of Team Arrow by extension; until the FBI's investigation is over. He has since returned to being Spartan with an upgraded suit.

Current Version:

Former Version:
John Diggle
Spartan (Original Version)
Green Arrow