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Kid Flash

Wallace "Wally" West is the son of Joe and the late Francine West, and the younger brother of Iris West. He is a champion drag-racer under the alias "Taillights".

In the alternate "Flashpoint" timeline, Wally West was the meta-human speedster known prominently as The Flash, nicknamed Kid Flash by his friends and some members of the media. As the protector of Central City, he fought against his archenemy Edward Clariss. He later regained his speed in the post-Flashpoint timeline, donning the name Kid Flash, which is also how he was nicknamed by his friends and some members of the media in the Flashpoint timeline. After defeating and detaining the criminal known as Plunder, he was embraced by Central City and officially became known as Kid Flash to all. He became the love interest of Jesse Quick who moved to Earth Three. He was tricked by a powerful speedster called Savitar via hallucinations to open a portal into the Speed Force, getting trapped in the Speed Force to replace him. He was later rescued by Barry Allen and Jay Garrick, who in turn took his place. He assisted Barry and Jay in the final battle against Savitar, successfully saving Iris. After Barry took Jay's place in the Speed Force, Wally was left as the only speedster hero of Earth One.

Current Version:
Kid Flash

Former Version:
Wally West