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Lex Luthor

Alexander "Lex" Luthor

F) Rm30
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Gd10
R) Am50
I) In40
P) In40

Health: 60 Karma: 120
Resources: Mn Pop: -50

Known Powers:

Lexosuit: Lex has created a high-tech battle suit, nicknamed "Lexosuit", which he uses to better match Superman
Watch: Lex always carries with him a special watch of his own invention with whom he is able to remotely control various devices with Mn ability. It is capable of linking with computer systems, guarded or otherwise. He may use this ability to scour computer files, access security records, see through security cameras, see through surveillance satellites.
Pistol: Gd Shooting, 3 areas, he keeps a pistol holstered inside his jacket, though only used it in an emergency

Talents: Leadership, Crime, Business/Finance, Deception, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, Weapons Design, Computers, Medicine, First Aid, Multi-Lingual: (English, Latin, Russian, Kryptonese), Resist Domination, Intimidation, Martial Arts A, B, E, Guns, Geometry

Contacts: Eve Teschmacher, Otis Graves, Mercy Graves, Various Other Criminal Networks