H. Rider Haggard
Henry Rider Haggard was a famous British adventure writer, who left England at age nineteen to do civil service work in the Tranvaal, pursuing ostrich-farming as a lucrative side-line. In 1881, he returned to England to read for the bar, and in 1884 was admitted as a barrister. He was never very active in law, however. Around this time his first books began to appear. In 1885 his novel King Solomon's Mines attained a massive success on both sides of the Atlantic, and its protagonist, Allan Quartermain, became the lead character in a subsequent string of romances. Haggard was very prolific during the Edwardian age, and most of his novels were instant best-sellers, albeit few are remembered today. Never pretentious, and always catering to the general fiction market, his works held a vast appeal for readers of all ages. He was a close friend of Rudyard Kipling, and, like him, an ardent English imperialist. He was knighted in 1912, and made Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1919. Among his last projects was the writing of dialogue for the 1925 film production of She. Haggard still proves highly enjoyable reading, although much of his best fiction is out of print.
Cetywayo And His White Neighbours [f|1882]
10892 Dawn
Solomon's Mines [f|1885]
3155,DW She
5898 Jess
Maiwa's Revenge [f|1888]
Mr Meeson's Will [f|1888]
711 Allan
Quatermain [f|1888]
11882 Colonel
Quaritch, VC [f|1889]
2763 The
World's Desire (w Andrew LANG) [f|1891]
2721 Eric
Brighteyes [f|1891]
Beatrice [f|1892]
1848 Montezuma's
Daughter [f|1893]
6769 The
People Of The Mist [f|1894]
# Joan
Haste [f|1895]
# Heart
Of The World [f|1895]
Ayesha [f|1895]
2842 Black
Heart And White Heart.. [s|1900]
Lysbeth [f|1901]
# A
Winter Pilgrimage [f|1901]
5175 The
Pearl-Maiden [f|1903]
2762 The
Brethren [f|1904]
2761 Benita
# The
Way Of The Spirit [f|1906]
2857,Q The
Yellow God [f|1909]
The Lady Of Blossholme [f|1909]
2722 Morning
Star [f|1910]
2602 Queen
Sheba's Ring [f|1910]
1711 Child
Of Storm [f|1913]
# The
Witch's Head [f|1913]
The Wanderer's Necklace [f|1914]
1368 When
The World Shook [f|1919]
'She' Meets Allan [f|c1920]
# Wisdom's
Daughter [f|1923]
Heu-Heu [f|1924]
# Queen
Of The Dawn [f|1925]
Belshazzar [f|1926]
# The
Treasure Of The Lake [f|1926]
# The
Days Of My Life [2v|a|1926]
# Allan
And The Ice Gods [f|1927]
# Mary
Of Marion Isle [f|1929]
5745 She
And Allan [f|?]
2728 Hunter
Quatermain's Story [f|?]
2727 Allan's
Wife [f|?]
5746 The
Ancient Allan [f|?]
1207 Nada
The Lily [f|1892]
1690 Marie
1724 Finished
1918 Long
Odds [f|?]
2729 A
Tale Of Three Lions [f|?]
2841 The
Ivory Child [?]
2769 Cleopatra
2764 The
Mahatma And The Hare [?]
2893 The
Wizard [?]
2856 Moon
Of Israel [f|?]
Elissa [?]
3097 The
Wanderer's Necklace [?]
3096 Beatrice
3094 Red
Eve [f|?]
3153 The
Virgin Of The Sun [?]
3814 The
Lady Of Blossholme [?]
Love Eternal [?]
4074 Swallow
5764 Doctor
Therne [f|?]
5174 Allan
And The Holy Flower [f|?]
6051 Stella
Fregelius [?]
6073 Smith
And The Pharaohs.. [s|?]
8184 The
Ghost Kings [f|?]
9780 Fair
Margaret [f|?]
13434 Regeneration
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