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Below are listed several writers who made important contributions to fiction of the Edwardian period.  Many of the individual author pages are still under construction.  If you feel I've left out an author of importance, let me know and I'll do my research to decide whether he/she should be included.  Each author's page contains a bibliography of works, with appropriate links.  These bibliographies are not always complete, so additional info is always appreciated.  Also, you may want to consult Index To Abbreviations Used in Bibliographies.


Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman

Applin, Arthur

Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn (Mrs.)

Bailey, Henry Christopher

Barbour, Ralph Henry

Barr, Robert

Baum, L. Frank

Beach, Rex

Bennett, Arnold

Benson, E.F.

Bindloss, Harold

Blackwood, Algernon

Bower, B.M.

Brebner, Percy

Buchan, John

Bullen, Frank T.

Burgess, Gelett

Burgin, George Brown

Burroughs, Edgar Rice

Caine, Hall

Castle, Egerton

Chambers, Robert W.

Chester, George Randolph

Churchill, Winston

Connolly, James Brenden

Creswick, Paul

Cullum, Ridgwell

Curwood, James Oliver

Davis, Richard Harding

Dawe, Carlton

Day, Holman Francis

Deeping Warwick

De La Mare, Walter

Deland, Margaret Wade

Diver, Maude

Dixon, Thomas

Doyle, A. Conan

Farnol, Jeffery

Fletcher, Joseph Smith

Ford, Sewell

Freeman, R. Austin

Fuller, Henry B.

Futrelle, Jacques

Garland, Hamlin

Glanville, Ernest

Glyn, Elinor

Grainger, Francis Edward

Green, Anna Katharine

Grey, Zane

Haggard, H. Rider

Hamilton, Cosmo

Harris-Burland, J.B.

Hichens, Robert

Hill, Grace Livingston

Hodgson, William Hope

Hornung, E.W.

Hume, Fergus

Irwin, Will

Jacobs, W.W.

Johnston, Mary

Kipling, Rudyard

Knibbs, H.H.

Le Queux, William

Lillibridge, Will

Lincoln, Joseph C.

London, Jack

Lowndes, Belloc (Mrs.)

Lynde, Francis

McIntyre, John T.

McCutcheon, George Barr

MacGrath, Harold

Machen, Arthur

Mackie, John

Marchmont, A.W.

Masefield, John

Mason, A.E.W.

Morris, Gouverneur

Morrison, Arthur

Mulford, Clarence

Nicholson, Meredith

Norris, Frank

O'Higgins, Harvey

Onions, Oliver

Oppenhein, E. Phillips

Osbourne, Lloyd

Pemberton, Max

Quick, Herbert

Reeve, Arthur B.

Rideout, Henry Milner

Roberts, Charles G.D.

Rohmer, Sax

Sabatini, Rafael

Sadlier, Anna Theresa

Saki (H.H. Munro)

Service, Robert W.

Shiel, M.P.

Spearman, Frank Hamilton

Stevenson, Burton Egbert

Stoker, Bram

Taylor, Bert Leston

Tracy, Louis

Train, Arthur

Upward, Allen

Vance, Louis Joseph

Van Dyke, Henry

Wallace, Edgar

Ward, Wilfred (Mrs.)

Wells, H.G.

Weyman, Stanley J.

White, Edward Lucas

White, Fred Merrick

White, Stewart Edward

Woodrow, Wilson (Mrs.)

Wright, Harold Bell