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Sir Charles G.D. Roberts


   Charles Gordon Douglas Roberts was a Canadian poet and novelist, who has been hailed as the "dean of Canadian authors."  He was born, raised and educated in New Brunswick, and served as a high-school principal for many years.  In 1897, he moved to New York, where he became a freelance journalist.     He took extended tours of Europe, Africa, and the rest of the world, and turned out large quantities of popular fiction.  When WWI came, he entered the army as a private by lopping ten years off his age.  He started as an officer, and was mustered out as a major.  He lived in England until 1925, then he returned to Canada, dwelling in Toronto for the rest of his life.  Although best known for his poetry, he also wrote a large number of adventure novels and short-stories, some of which appeared in the leading magazines of the day.  His prose is clear and straightforward, and his tales move quickly along.  Some of his descriptive writing is excellent.



            Orion and other Poems [p] [1880]
In Divers Tones [p] [1887]
Ave: An Ode for the Shelley Centenary [p][1892]
Songs of the Common Day [p][1893]
The Raid from Beausejoir [s] [1894]
The Land of Evangeline and the Gateway Thither [1895]
Earth's Enigmas [s] [1896]
History of Canada [n] [1897]
The Forge in the Forest [f] [1897]
The Book of the Native [1897]
New York Nocturnes [p][1898]
A Sister to Evangeline [1899]
Collected Poems [p][1900]
By the Marshes of Minas [f| [1900]
The Heart of the Ancient Wood [f] [1900]
Kindred of the Wild [s] [1902]
Barbara Ladd [f] [1903]
Book of the Rose [p][1903]
The Watchers of the Trails [1904]
The Prisoner of Mademoiselle [1905]
Little People of the Sycamore [1905]
Return to the Trails [1905]
Red Fox [1905]
Cruise of the Yacht "Dido" [1906]
The Heart that Knows [1906]
In the Deep of the Snow [1907]
The Young Acadian [1907]
Haunters of the Silences [1907]
The House in the Water [1908]
The Backwoodsmen [1909]
Kings in Exile [1910]
Neighbors Unknown [1911]
The Feet of the Furtive [1912]
A Balkan Prince [1913]
Children of the Wild [1913]
Hoof and Claw [1913]
Secret Trails [1916]
The Ledge on Bald Face [1918]
New Poems[p] [1919]
Jim: The Story of a Backwoods Police Dog [1919]
Some Animal Stories [s] [1921]
In the Morning of Time [f] [1923]
Lovers in Acadie [1924]
They Who Walk in the Wild [1925]
Sweet of the Year [p] [1926]
The Vagrant of Time [p] [1927]
The Iceberg and Other Poems [p][1934]
Selected Poems [p] [1936]
Canada Speaks of Britain [p] [1941]


Web Resources:

The Poetry of Charles G.D. Roberts
