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Are you ready for a good read about you and your dog?

If so, pick up What Wendell Wants: Or How to Tell If You're Obsessed with Your Dog by Jenny Lee (New York: Bantam Dell, Random House, 2004).

The 2005 paperback edition opens with a Contents page that doubles as a quiz to assess your potential obsession with your dog:

Do you talk about your dog nonstop?

Do you name each of your dog's toys?

Do you suspect your dog is a genius?

Is money no object when it comes to your dog?

Do you often worry about your dog's reputation?

Do your dog's haircuts cost more than your own?

Does your dog get more heavy petting than your significant other?

Have you updated your will with provisions for your dog?

Are you plagued by irrational fears of your dog's untimely demise?

Do all holidays now revolve around your dog?

((C) 2004 by Jenny Lee)

Jenny Lee entertains readers who may be reluctant to admit they have any obsessive thoughts about their dogs. She tells Wendell's story, reveals the hilarious happenings in her own household and reflects the anxieties and activities that many dog lovers share.

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