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We're Having a Heatwave
Mary Ann Ruth

The National Academy of Sciences released a scientific report to Congress in June stating that the Earth's temperature is the hottest it has been "for at least 400 years and potentially the last milleniam." See the complete report at www.

The Doggone Monthly is peppering page one and two with summaries and extracts from the news on the US and global heat wave. If you are interested in getting involved to cool down and restore balance to the earth, see Al Gore's documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth" in your area theater and log on to

Other resources are identified here and will also be printed in our late August edition. Educational materials and slide shows are available. Be forewarned. Our own political administration in the US has been dismissing the scientific evidence and attempting to investigate and intimidate climate scientists, according to a variety of reports. You'll have to search out the truth for yourself.

All I know is it is as hot as Hades and the animals on this planet and many elements of nature are protesting.

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Published on Monday, September 12, 2005 by
On Katrina, Global Warming

Speech given by Al Gore

The following are extracts from a transcript of a speech given by former Vice President Al Gore at the National Sierra Club Convention in San Francisco on September 9, 2005 addressing the challenges and moral imperatives posed by Hurricane Katrina and global warming.

  • The President says that he is not sure that global warming is a real threat. He says that he is not ready to do anything meaningful to prepare us for a threat that he's not certain is real. He tells us that he believes the science of global warming is in dispute.
  • Ladies and gentlemen, the warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences.

  • It is time now for us to recover our moral health in America and stand again to rise for freedom, demand accountability for poor decisions, missed judgments, lack of planning, lack of preparation, and willful denial of the obvious truth about serious and imminent threats that are facing the American people..."
  • (view the remainder of the speech)

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