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Homepage        This page will contain general, basic information about salsa dancing and music. There will be information on contemporary salsa music and artists as well as foot charts that explain the basics of the salsa dance steps.
        The following is a list of artists in the salsa and merengue genres along with a list of albums they have produced.If you hold your mouse over an album title, a tooltip will provide a rough translation of the title.
  • Willy Chirino: South Beach
  • Victor Manuelle: La preguntaba a la luna
  • Tito Nieves: En Otra Onda
  • Tito Rojas: Quiero llegar a casa
  • Gilberto Santa Rosa: Intenso
  • Willie Colon: Idilio
  • Oscar D’Leon: Infinito
  • Albita: Una mujer como yo
  • Celia Cruz:Siempre vivir
  • Frankie Ruiz: Nacimiento y Recuerdos
  • Jerry Rivera: Ay mi vida
  • Elvis Crespo: Suavamente, 1998
  • Raul Acosta y Oro Solido: Planeta Solida, 2001
  • El General: Grandes Exitos, 1998
  • Gisselle: Giselle, 2001
  • Olga Tanon: Exitos y mas, 1995
  • Juan Luis Guerra: Ni es lo mismo es igual, 1998
  • Brava Cana: Best of the Best, ???
  • Hits ilegales: ???, 2002
  • Eddy Herrera: Exitos, 2001

    List by Abi and Danielle
    Translations by Nicky

  • Gotta Chart
    Dance In Time Productions
    Basic Steps
    Variation 1
    Variation 2
    Variation 3
    Variation 4 Pictures of the Celia Cruz Exhibit at the National Museum of American History

    Merengue is a type of music very similar to salsa, but with a different beat. While salsa focuses around a 2 on 3 beat with steps that generally move forward and back, merengue has a 2/4 beat and moves side to side. It's tempo and steps resemble sort of a march.



        Celia Cruz was born in Cuba...Celia's famous catch-phrase was "Azucar!", which means "sugar". She inserted it in songs, sort of the way musicians in other genres will say "Yeah!". This is where our group got "Azucar!", for any of you who were wondering why on earth we were signing our blog posts, etc. with that word. From what we understand Celia is to Salsa what Elvis was to rock'n'roll. Celia was declared the "Queen of Salsa" and her music is very popular in the salsa scene in Lubbock; her music is classic and widely appreciated.
    This link will take you to a webpage with more information about Celia's life and career development: Celia Cruz This link will take you to the lyrics (and translation) of one of her songs: Lyrics

    Celia Cruz: La Vida Es Un Carnaval

    Todo aquel que piense que la vida es desigual,
    tiene que saber que no es asi,
    que la vida es una hermosura, hay que vivirla.
    Todo aquel que piense que esta solo y que esta mal,
    tiene que saber que no es asi,
    que en la vida no hay nadie solo, siempre hay alguien.

    Ay, no ha que llorar,
    que la vida es un carnaval,
    es mas bello vivir cantando.
    Oh, oh, oh, Ay, no hay que llorar,
    que la vida es un carnaval
    y las penas se van cantando.

    Todo aquel que piense que la vida siempre es cruel,
    tiene que saber que no es asi,
    que tan solo hay momentos malos, y todo pasa.
    Todo aquel que piense que esto nunca va a cambiar,
    tiene que saber que no es asi,
    que al mal tiempo buena cara, y todo pasa.

    Ay, no ha que llorar,
    que la vida es un carnaval,
    es mas bello vivir cantando.
    Oh, oh, oh, Ay, no hay que llorar,
    que la vida es un carnaval
    y las penas se van cantando.

    [Para aquellos que se quejan tanto.
    Para aquellos que solo critican.
    Para aquellos que usan las armas.
    Para aquellos que nos contaminan.
    Para aquellos que hacen la guerra.
    Para aquellos que viven pecando.
    Para aquellos nos maltratan.
    Para aquellos que nos contagian.]

    Everyone out there that thinks that life is unfair,
    Needs to know that's not the case,
    Because life is beautiful, you just have to live it.
    Everyone out there that thinks they are alone and that that's bad
    Needs to know that's not the case,
    Because in life no one is alone, there is always someone.

    Ay, there's no need to cry,
    because life is a carnival,
    It's more beautiful to live singing.
    Oh, Ay, there's no need to cry,
    For life is a carnival
    And your pains can be alieviated through song.

    Everyone out there that thinks that life is always harsh,
    Needs to know that's not the case,
    That there are just bad times, and it will all pass.
    Everyone out there that thinks that this will never change,
    Needs to know that's not the case,
    The bad times will turn, it will all pass.

    Ay, there's no need to cry,
    because life is a carnival,
    It's more beautiful to live singing.
    Oh, Ay, there's no need to cry,
    For life is a carnival
    And your pains can be alieviated through song.

    [For those that complain forever.
    For those that only criticize.
    For those that use weapons.
    For those that pollute us.
    For those that make war.
    For those that live in sin.
    For those that mistreat us.
    For those that make us sick.]

    [Bracketed lines are not on the recording I have. There is another set of lyrics which Celia sings at the end of my recording which I am still trying to notate and find a translation for.].
