Board of Directors  
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Who Are Gorge Artists?

Gorge Artists Inc., is a not-for-profit corporation. It launched with sponsorship from The Dalles Art Center, a grant from the Wasco County PUD, and the work of volunteer organizers and founders. It was founded by John Maher, Pat Bozanich and Marian Dyche in 2006.  It was recognized by the IRS with 501 (c) 3 status in 2008.

Gary Honald is providing office space for the organization. Many thanks Gary. The Wasco County PUD provided start-up funds for office equipment and supplies. Thanks to these visionaries, others have also joined in the effort. Visit our sponsors page for a list of sponsors and their rolesEmail us if you would like to become a sponsor or volunteer.

Gorge Artists Board of Directors

Pat Bozanich

Pat Bozanich knows that creativity comes in a variety of forms. Some folks paint, others sculpt, or quilt or sing or write symphonies. Pat's creativity takes a different turn. She creates systems to accomplish goals: environmental education programs; business plans for earth-friendly enterprises; code enforcement structures to encourage compliance; alternative education programs. You know, fun stuff. And now she's involved with Gorge Artists - an attempt to make the Gorge an economically hospitable habitat for artists. Don't laugh; she loves to make things that work.
Board Member - Chair - Steering Committee Member



Marian Dyche

Marian Dyche has been a member of the Dalles Art Center's Board of  Directors for many years.  She has recently retired from managing the Columbia Art Gallery in Hood River and is supposed to be enjoying her garden and expanding her skills as a fiber artist.
Board Member - Treasurer - Steering Committee Member


John Maher

John Maher

is a fine art and commercial artist who has been working in communications media for over thirty years. 

Art director, designer, writer, web master, editor and photographer, he has writing and photo credits in Northwest Magazine, Gorge Guide and Columbia Gorge Magazines among many others, and his photographs have been published  internationally, including National Geographic, New York Times, Premiere, Spy, and Parade magazines. He has photographed annual reports for many Fortune 500 corporations.  He was featured on OPB’s Oregon Art Beat television show and has exhibited his fine art widely in the U.S.

Board Member - PR and Marketing Director, Web and Print Manager, co-founder.

Mary Rollins

Mary Rollins attended Dana College, in Blair, Nebraska. As an art major, she also attended the University of Copenhagen; and, graduated Magna cum Laude with a BS in Fine Arts from Southern Oregon University in 1979. Post-graduate studies included instruction from Bruce Butte, Morris Shubin, Katherine Chang-Lui, Judy Barnes, Jan Kunz, Semyon Bilmes, Judy Morris, and Susan McKinnon. Her years of professional training and discipline have given her what she describes now as,  “ appreciation for the impact of strong values and the changing qualities of light.” But, it was her life as a Minnesota farm girl that prepared her for her own life journey in the Pacific Northwest, where she has lived and worked for over thirty years. In her own words, “I have a very deep interest in the natural world around me. I’m influenced by its intensity; the variation, color, line, and design I find in nature.” Today, her subjects include intimate views of rivers, wildlife, and florals of the Pacific Northwest. Her work stands as a personal interpretation of the world; and it has been described in professional art magazines as--Contemporary Naturalism.

Board Member , Sponsorship Chair, Tour Artist

Melanie Thompson

Melanie Thompson is an award-winning clay artist.

For the past twelve years she has been designing, crafting and selling her functional artware at juried  venues in the western region.

Melanie realizes clay as a vehicle to create beautiful and useful pieces while expressing her appreciation for the natural world.  She is self-taught and says she is ‘amazed and delighted’ to see where her instincts and learn-as-you-go approach have taken her career.

She offers her knowledge in crafting as a business and recognizes the challenges and realities, whether hobby or livelihood.  She shares her experience full spectrum—from initial idea, creation, interaction with patrons and hopefully, sales!  She is familiar with the jury process, which includes photography, applications, pricing and display.

Melanie’s work has been featured in Oregon Home magazine, with display credits in Portland Monthly, Cottage Living and HGTV.

Board Member

 Karen Watson

As a child, Karen drew and painted continuously. At the age of 16, she was featured in her first art exhibit at the Pasadena Schools Superintendents Office. After high school she was accepted into the College of Creative Studies within the University of California at Santa Barbara. There, she studied fine art with an emphasis on figure drawing and painting. She would like to acknowledge one particular instructor/artist, Bonnie Blau whom she had the honor of studying under.

During her 3rd year in art school, she opted to take a quarter off to travel and ski. When she returned to school a few years later however, she chose to pursue a career in nursing. In 1990, she moved to Hood River, OR. with her husband and two children, there she enjoyed working as a labor and delivery RN, raising her family, sailing and gardening. She decided to rediscover her creative side and began figure drawing and took a couple of classes from Community Education. That same year when she turned 40 she gifted herself with a weeklong workshop at Menucha Art Camp. It was a magical experience and she hasn’t stopped painting since.

Initially she worked in pen and ink, charcoal and watercolor, but after an introduction to pastels from artist Marla Baggetta, they have been the medium of choice for her. “Pastels are incredibly vibrant and energizing to paint with. They are fun and messy and I feel like a child finger painting again. I’m crazy about color and enjoy pushing it and playing with perspective.”

With bold application of pastel strokes and color, Karen creates vivid representational images, enabling the viewer to experience and appreciate the landscape through her eyes. Her award winning work is exhibited in both private and public collections.

Karen was also recently featured in the October 2007 Pastel Journal Magazine.

Juried Society Membership

    * Oregon Pastel Society since 2003


    * The Frame Gallery, Hood River, OR

    * Columbia Art Gallery, Hood River, OR

    * The Dalles Art Center, The Dalles, OR

    * Westwind Gallery, The Dalles, OR

    * The Shoalwater Cove Gallery, Port of Ilwaco, WA

    * Aspire Arts Gallery, Paducah, KY


    * 1977-1979 College of Creative Studies, UCSB CA Fine Arts

    * Community Ed Workshops with Andrew Pate and Judith Cunningham

    * Color Intensive Workshop with Kitty Wallace

    * Menucha Art Camp with Marla Baggetta


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Pat Bozanich
Pat Bozanich

Marian Dyche
Marian Dyche

John Maher
John Maher

Mary Rollins

Melanie Thompson



Karen Watson