Using 10-key PAD to Input Chinese
Simple & Easy
HexaDecimal System is used
to "represent" BINARY numbers
for simplicity.
為簡潔計, 通常均以 "十六進位數" 表 "二進位數".
4F = 01001111
B3 = 10110011
....... etc.
Letter, Number, or Symbol pattern (dot-matrix) is pre-set in ROM,
internal code(s) (內碼) actually is(are) Memory ADDRESS(es).
Pattern (Letter, Number, or Symbol) can thus be called out, shown on screen.
"100001" is an executable instruction(addresses), machine language.
"J" is its corresponding "Symbolic Pattern(symbolic addresses)";
"110000" is an executable instruction(addresses), machine language.
"blank" is
its corresponding "Symbolic WORD(symbolic addresses)".
電腦係以 二進位數 運作
ZuYin 注音: Using 26 letters, 10 numbers, & 6 symbols
(共用 42 鍵, 37 Phonetic Symbols.)
PinYin 拼音: Using 26 letters & 3 numbers
(共用 29 鍵, 26 Characters.)
ChongChi 倉頡: Using 25 letters
(共用 25 鍵, 72 Radicals.)
TaYi 大易: Using 26 letters, 10 numbers, & 4 symbols
(共用 40 鍵, 240 Radicals.)
GeoStroke 認圖: Using 10 numbers only
(只用 10 鍵, 10 Typical Strokes.)
Chinese character can also be sorted by
initial stroke's GeoStroke input code digit.
You Know its Input Code
When See a Character.
After 20 Years,
加, 減, 乘, 除 二進位計算法 | 邏輯電路 真理(可否)表 / 中華八卦 |
Assembly Language |
將來強大了, 不可失去固有的優美.
德國偏激, 不幸步了後塵.
英國老成, 懸岩勒馬自保,
美國乳犢, 正在迷途惶懼!