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The 2007 Hidden Valley Closed Invitational Golf Scramble 

The Results of the 2007 13th Annual Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic

Hidden Acres Golf Course - April 28th, 2007

Chris Heidebrecht Patty Backman Rick Hyer Schone Malliet

The 2007 Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic Champions: Chris Heidebrecht, Patty Backman, Rick Hyer,  Schone Malliet

(To identify the player by name place the cursor on the player's face)



The 2006 12th Annual Hidden Valley Closed Invitational Golf Classic winners.

 To review the 2006 Team standings click HERE.  

Tap House Owner Carl Tap House Owner Elaine Chris Heidebrecht Patty BackmanRick Hyer Schone Malliet

The 2007 Champs Patty Backman (3rd from left) & Schone Malliet (far right) with Buffy Whiting & Flat Brook Tap House Owners Elaine & Carl (left)

Note: The 2007 Hidden Valley Closed contributed $240 to the Hidden Valley Alpine Racing Association in the name of the Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic.   This represents the prize money donated by the top three finishing teams in the 2007 13th Annual Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic.


The Winning 2007 Team Backman Score Card


Team Standing in the 2007 13th Annual HV Closed Golf Classic


Place of Finish Score In Reference to Par
Team Backman 1st 62 -8
Team Paulovich 2nd 66 -4
Team Karsten 3rd* 67 -3
Team Whiting 4th* 67 -3
Team Powers-Hawkins 5th 70 Even
Team McCarren 6th 75 +5
Team Werlick 7th DNF DNF
Team Holden 7th DNF DNF

* place determined by a match of score cards.  ** Twosome Team  *** Threesome Team

To see photos of the 2005 Hidden Valley Closed click HERE.

To see photos of the 2004 Hidden Valley Closed click HERE.

To see photos of the 2003 Hidden Valley Closed click HERE

To see photos of the 2002 Hidden Valley Closed click HERE.

To see photos of the 2001 Hidden Valley Closed  click HERE.

To see photos of the 2000 Hidden Valley Closed  click HERE.

To see photos of the 1999 Hidden Valley Closed  click HERE.

To see photos of the 1998 Hidden Valley Closed  click HERE.

To see photos of the 1997 Hidden Valley Closed click HERE


 2005 © Dr. John T. Whiting
All Rights Reserved

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Flat Brook Tap House Party Photographs

Winning Backman Team: Patty Backman, Schone Malliet, Event Organizer, John Whiting, Chris Heidebrecht, & Rick Hyer

To View 2007 Golf Course Photos click HERE.


Jimbo plays a few songs to start off the party... the players order some of the Flat Brook Tap House's great food.

Brenda and George discuss the day.

Gaspare entertains the group by playing a few times .

John begins the Awards Ceremony with a prize for the lady golfers.

The 2007 Hidden Valley Closed Trophies.

John presents Amy with her longest drive trophy.

John presents Rick with his closest to the pin trophy.

John presents Chris with his longest drive trophy.

Friends enjoy another rotten day in Heaven.

Amy & Buffy discuss Amy's longest drive.

Jimbo takes a break while Gaspare plays a few tunes.


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