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Hello everyone!  I'm in the midst of finals right now, and I'm just taking a quick break to write this.  Unfortunately, I left my flash drive with a backup of the site at the UCSB library.  It has not been turned in to the lost and found, so I must assume it has been stolen.  Which is sad; it had my backups, a few images from the way my site used to look, and a few passwords (now reset) as well as a near final draft of a paper I had to do.  Luckily, I have a printed out paper version of the paper but I couldn't upload the document to the plagiarism check website, and I'm currently going through a bunch of hoops to straighten that out.

If you took the flash drive I'm assuming you, you sneaky opportunist, now know of my site, since all the info about it is on that drive.  I'd like it back, or at least email me the document of the paper I wrote, it should be at the top directory of the drive.  Also the old banners, I don't have copies of them on my hard drive and I wanted to do an anniversary flashback thing in 2 months.  That'd be cool.  Here's my email: dryicesnowmen(at)gmail(dot)com.  But that's on the flashdrive, so you probably already know it.

In other news, I love my new screen.  In case you didn't know, my laptop screen broke after I dropped it.  I now have a separate Dell screen attached to the laptop, and now it's like I have a desktop with a strangely fat keyboard.  A shout-out thanks to my Grandma, I visited my family for Thanksgiving and she happened to have an extra screen.  It works great!


I've been tinkering with the site, and have brought you the next great thing!  A search engine!  How awesome is that?  There's also a "random" comic button, cool!  You've probably already noticed that, though.  Anyway, let me know if there's anything you want changed about it.  I can set up a RSS feed, but the RSS feed would show the text of the comic, and probably ruin the joke so I'm staying away from that for now.  If you really, really like RSS feeds, you can probably find out how to get it on the ohnorobot site.

Anyway, excited about that search engine!  Also fixed a few loose ends, they keep popping up; it's ridiculous.


Happy Holiday everyone.  As I write this, the search function seems to be… not functioning!  I assure you this is a problem with the site that hosts my search engine.  I guess there's no such thing as a free dinner, eh?  Hopefully it fixes itself soon, and is more reliable in the future. 

In other news, made a few tweaks.  I changed the site banner a little bit.  Added 1 or 2 things and increased the diversity a bit.  When I made the banner, I hadn't yet come up with the idea of how to show diversity, but it's in their arms.  I had been meaning to fix the banner for awhile, and now I have.

Also, another thing I've been meaning to fix was the duplicate of Siamese Twins (irony?).  I've replaced the second edition with a short one introducing humans as characters.  Enjoy.  I also redrew this one, because I didn't like how it looked before.  Enjoy as well.

And know, I've got a special Holiday treat coming up!


I'm a tad sick with a cold, which is unusual.  I normally don't get sick, so it's hit me pretty hard.  I'm looking forward to the new year, though.  Hopefully I'll be better by then.  As you've probably realized, I'm way behind on my game.  I haven't even ironed out the plot!  I've been working on bringing you other important aspects of the site: the new layout, the new banners, the buttons, the search function and mending things here and there.  I promise I'll work on the game when I can; it'll hopefully be ready by next year, same time.

Enjoy the Gregorian New Year if I don't blog again before then!

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