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ORGANIC no less, because every time Council wants us to swallow their B_S they use the magic word
Using the PHOTOs below (Click on them for an Enlarged View) check out the following outlandish statements.
The Mushrooms of Marcoola
Council have treated us as MUSHROOMS since the very first Airport Master Plan.
We've been constantly KEPT IN THE DARK and fed BULLSHIT for years.
NOW - We're now READY for PICKING.

Council told us they couldn't build Runway 11/29 because it passed through a National Park.        WHAT NATIONAL PARK?
Apart from the FALSE Blue Boundary Line and Purple Colouring the Crown Land is the SAME on both sides of the boundary of the Future Airport and the National Park.
Yet Council quoted Conservation Issues as the reason NOT
to BUILD RWY.11/29.

CLICK the Pic to see Where the National Park Begins and Ends

The Council have decided NOT to extend Runway 18/36 which is GOOD.
But they show the Existing Airport Boundary as already including the land at the northern end of the existing runway.  THIS IS INCORRECT!
This land is actually ROAD RESERVE.  It's part of the verge of the David Low Highway.
Conservation Issues was again given as the reason for NOT building the Bikeway in the protected dunes east of the Esplanade, but again this is actually Road Reserve .
CLICK the Pic for Details

The reasoning behind the Airport Upgrade is to tap into the Asian Tourist Trade.
Direct flights from Bejing being the ultimate goal. But Brisbane International Airport is currently undergoing a $Billion Upgrade and it's only a short trip down the highway.
Why not spend this money on the Fast Rail Link (CAMCOS) instead of wasting it trying to compete with Brisbane for THIS DUBIOUS TRADE.
Asian tourists tend to patronise their own buisnesses. They even have their own Tourist Services.  All the profits will be remaining in Asian hands. We will only get the Crouds.
And why would they even want to buy our cuddly Koala Toys when they can buy them direct from the manufacturer back home.

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