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Ella, Something for Someone & Suburban Thills - 2 Pigs 25th December 2007

EllaThe night is opened by Suburban Thrills whose big haired bassist is bettered only by the size of the muse style riffs offered up by the band. Opening their set with a quieter number the band soon click into gear offering up a healthy mix of post hardcore tunes to keep the sizeable crowd warm on this cold Cheltenham night.

Next up Stroud's Something for Someone lurches into action throwing body shapes for fun and manage, just, to avoid serious collision on the small stage. As their name suggests, the band prove to have something for everyone and are equally at home with the lighter intricate side of their work, as they are with the heavier side of things. With a sound falling somewhere nicely between At the Drive in and Funeral for a Friend, the band has just recorded a new e.p., we recommend you go and check it out.

And so it comes to Bristol's Ella to close the night, a band whose brutal assult whip up the crowd in front of the stage as soon as vocalist Benjamin Devereaux's mighty roar kicks in. With each member of the band living and breathing each song as if their very life's depended on it, it makes for a highly enjoyable and entertaining spectacle. Although it could be argued they rely on the screamier side of things once too often, the energy and killer riffs on show tonight mean that those who stayed don't leave disappointed.

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