GlosScene - Latest News
1st May 2007 - May Gigs
The May gig guide is now up on the site. Remember, you can have a monthly Cheltenham & Gloucester gig guide sent to you in a handy e-mail, straight into your inbox! To receive this, just send your email address to:
1st February 2007 - February Gigs & More
The February gig guide is now up on the site. Other new stuff on the site includes reviews and an interview with Namscene/GlosScene's 200th band - The Present. We'd also like to remind you that as from today, the Guildhall is a completely non-smoking venue. Remember, you can have a monthly Cheltenham & Gloucester gig guide sent to you in a handy e-mail, straight into your inbox!
8th January 2007 - What's New on GlosScene
Happy New Year!! We've added some more information to GlosScene, including a Review section with both live and CD Reviews, and a Gig Archive page. To read the reviews follow the 'Interviews & Reviews' link on this page. Also, GlosScene has a new e-mail address as the other one was a bit unreliable.
To have your CD reviewed or a to contact us about anything, either message us via MySpace, or email:
6th December 2006 - 200th Band Competition
It is with great pleasure that NamScene & GlosScene can announce that we now have nearly 200 bands (199 to be precise), featured on our site. We'd just like to take the opportunity to say thanks to anyone that has been involved, anyone who's ever looked at it, put up with our dodgy design and programming skills, all the venues & promoters that have helped us out with information and free tickets and the like, and of course all the bands that have so far got back to us with information about themselves.
We're giving the opportunity for a full length feature interview for the 200th band to be featured on the site and maybe some sort of gold band page (if it doesn't look terrible) to commemorate. Being a site promoting the local scene, we'd like the 200th band to be from around the Gloucestershire area, but any other bands wishing to have a normal band page please get in contact. For a chance to enter, and have your band featured in a full length interview on site, either message us via MySpace, or email: or
You've got till the end of Friday to enter your band and we'll draw the winning band out of a hat over the weekend. Once again, thanks to everyone who's been involved so far, Happy Christmas, and we look forward to keeping you informed about your local scene for the year to come.
12th November 2006 - CD Reviews
GlosScene is looking to start a CD Reivews section. If you would like to have your CD Reviewed, please send an email to
1st November 2006 - GlosScene Launches!!!!!
Hello and welcome to the site, keep checking back here for the latest news from GlosScene - your online guide to the Gloucester music scene. Do you know something we don't? Get in touch!
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