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In Profile - Pop Goes the Weasel

A little information about yourself?
Gender bender. 22, who loves 7" vinyl, filthy electro, vintage clothes, i-pods, laptops, world cinema.

Describe nights put on by PGTW?
At The Hub every Friday night @ 9pm sharp. Capacity is 200 (does anyone know?!) and is Strictly18+ ;). The atmosphere is electric with hints of glamour.

Motivations for putting it on (why did you start it)?
I have always been interested in up and coming indie/rock/electro music and was fed up with travelling to the nearest city to see these bands where I had to drive, not drink and go straight home after the gig. When I moved to Cheltenham and realised that nothing was happening in the alternative gig scene I wanted to do something about it. My motivation is knowing that there are people like me out there that want the music to come to them- and now it has.

Tell us about the gigs?
Past debauchery............ Selfish C*nt, Cazals, The Sugars, Boys of Brazil, Client, Vincent Vincent and the Villains, Ladyfuzz , Redcarsgofaster, The Others, Performance, Bam Bam Francs, Trash Money, Trash Fashion, The Mighty Roars, Pink Grease, das Wanderlust and Retro Spankees.......General cost is £4 advance / £5 on the door.

Favourite Gig
Would have to the carnage of Ladyfuzz. Surely it has to go down as one of the messiest witnessed in nham?! Just the fact that the people who come to our night have no preconceptions of how they should behave at gigs. They really don't give a sh*t. People crowd surf, get on stage and make bands play 'bouncy ball' again, throw angular shapes all over the shop.......would you get this is in Birmingham? Bristol? Nah would ya f*ck.

What are your plans for the future?
To get off my chops and to be sick in a turban.

Anything else we should know?
Cav Jones has the fastest feet. Yes.

Contact details for PGTW can be found at or at Bands looking to play should get in contact via MySpace. Open to all offers apart from awful bands. Make us moist with something new.
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