GlosScene - The Present Interview
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The Present

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GlosScene recently ran a competition for the 200th band to get in contact with us to be given a feature length interview on site. Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you The Present.

the Present Line up

Leese J. – Vocals
Eon G. – Acoustic guitar and Vocals
Pete G. - Electric Guitar
Marcus H. – Drums
Matt R. - Bass

Where are you from?

Geographically we range from here in Cheltenham, through to Gloucester, Nailsworth and the Forest. Metaphysically, we are all human (I think) except Marcus, who claims he was manufactured.

How long have you been together? With the current Line up just over 2 Years, though the band has been a fluid entity of between 3 and 7 members for 4 years.

How did you get together?

Eon and Pete used to own a Recording Studio in Gloucester, where they first met Marcus (who was at the time in Freeloader). Matt was put in touch with Pete via a mutual friend when he got sick with Matt moaning about the lack of bands with original material about. Eons girlfriend Lisa was co-opted into the band to provide a bigger vocal range, (and another target if the gig wasn’t going well ;-). After a series of Spinal Tap like episodes, including one drummer leaving to seek fame and fortune with a signed act, another deciding he’d rather finish his degree than make a living in the “highly profitable local music scene” (is sarcasm allowed here?), We wish we could say we had one spontaneously combust, but despite rehearsing in a box room for a while, we just couldn’t make it happen. At this point, Eon called Marcus, and asked him to stand in for a number of gigs, and after a while we kind of got used to him being about and asked him to join on a full time basis.

Describe your music for someone who has never heard you?

Marcus - A collection of seemingly random notes, chords, and tonal nuances, carefully intertwined with an occasional melody and some rhythm and bits of percussion we found out the back.
Leese – Alterntindiepoprockive
Pete - Life affirming and Dance-able Melodic Prog-Pop with a Psychedelic twist!

Have you recorded any songs? If so, where can we listen to them or where can we buy them from? Lisa - the Present

We have done one EP, which we sold out of, so now I guess its officially a collectors item :-D We have a second EP almost complete, when it will be available at gigs, or off the website. On top of that we have done some recording at hollow altar, though that is no where near a stage yet where we’d consider putting it into the public domain. Four of our songs are also on our myspace page for listening too, and if you have internet radio, such as Pulse Rated, we have just been added to their play-list, so we’ll be on there soon as well.

When and where was your first gig?

With the current Line-up I believe it was the Bristol Bierkeller, with Transit Cop.

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