Suicide Watch
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Suicide Watch

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Who Are You: Well,we are Thrash metal band Suicide Watch! We are a four piece from Cheltenham/Ledbury&Wellend,thats Simon(guitarz),Ade(Drums),Ian(Bass)&Rid(Vocals).We are veterans of the metal&Hardcore scene and have been involved in the past with such luminary's as Stampin` ground/Decadence within/Burnside/Cambodian Holiday&Failsafe!

Why Should We Come and See You: Because the Guitarist is lush! Hey,Joke! Nah,You should come and see us because we Shred! No frills,No Silly Hairstyles(Thats because we are nearly all bold!) No F*****g about,Heads down,rippin',classic Thrash Metal!!!

For Fans of / Sounds Like: Oh no,The dreaded,what do you sound like question.......Well,Basically its like this:Shredding 80's Bay area style thrash,add in some killer crossover elements,Mix it up with insane killer Kreator like vocals,and you pretty much have it!! If its bands you are after as a reference point,Try:Exodus/S.o.d/Kreator/Overkill/Vio-lence/Death Angel/Dark angel.......!

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