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24th April - Corinium Calling CD out now!!!

Corinium Calling, a compilation CD featuring the best in local bands has just been released. For more information see the NamScene article on Corinium Calling or click on the following myspace link.

16th April - Help Stop Government Licensing Restrictions on Live Music

There is a government move to make it very difficult for musicians to perform live in small venues, or for schools, pubs and charities to raise money for causes through musical events. The new legislation will inhibit the central role music making has in our lives and communities. Sign the petition by clicking on the following link to help stop this happening:

26th March 2007 - 2 Day FM Podcast

The recent 2 day FM radio station is now available as a podcast, and can be found by clicking on the following link.

5th March 2007 - NamScene & GlosScene Message Boards

We have lauched a message board service in an effort to try and make this site a bit more interactive. Please check it out and feel free to post your news and views about the local scene and life in general. Click here for the NamScene & GlosScene Forums

21st Febuary 2007 - Making it in Music - Free Course

Anyone looking to make a living from muic may be interested in a course about the ins and outs of the music business, being run on the 5th march in Bristol. Anyone interested should click the following link for more information. Making it in Music Course

13th Febuary 2007 - 2 Day FM

A new radio station promoting local talent airs in Cheltenham this Friday. 2day fm - Cheltenham Community Radio, features music, interviews and live performances from the countys best artists and bands and can be heard on 87.7 fm (there will be very little coverage outside of Cheltenham). Bands featured include The Present, JC's Revenge, Hesters Way, Centuary Man and Skankt. If you listen very carefully, you might just hear some words from NamScene too.

1st Febuary 2007 - Chief Pinkton Review

A new review of Chief Pinktons latest CD can be read just here NamScene News & Reviews

22nd January 2007 - Corinium Calling

A new CD is soon to be released featuring the best talent in the local area. Click in the following link to find out more about Corinium Calling. A new interview has also been added with our 200th band winners The Present. See the following link Interview with The Present.

16th January 2007 - NamScene to Your Inbox

Keep up-to-date with all that's going on in Cheltenham and Gloucester with a monthly gig guide sent straight to your inbox. Just mail us your email address to to start receiving your copy next month.

4th January 2007 - Reviews section updated

Lots of new cd and live reviews in the reivews section. Click here to see what's there.

14th December 2006 - People Wanted for Cheltenham Radio Station

Cheltenham Arts Centre (part of the council) are interested in putting together a radio programme about the local music scene, and would love to hear from anyone interested in taking part. The community radio station has an initial licence to broadcast on the 16th and 17th of February 2007 and should be picked up by the whole of Cheltenham. Shows can include absolutely anything, pre-recorded or live from what's on in Cheltenham's venues, interviews with bands or promoters, music debate, live lounge sessions, battle of the bands with a phone in vote - anything at all. Anyone interested should email: for more information.

12th December 2006 - The Rising Sun And All That Jazz

The Rising Sun Hotel is currently looking for jazz musicians to provide background music in the restaurant. Anyone interested please contact for more details.

11th December 2006 - CD Reviews, Contacts and 200th Band Winners

New Nurse CD Review by Rich Partington now up. Click here to read it.

It also appears there has been an ongoing problem with the NamScene email. We're not sure how long this has gone on for, but anyone who has contacted us and not had a reply, we sincerely apologise. In light of this, we have set up a new address which is

Finally congratulations to The Present, who have won our 200th band competition. We look forward to seeing a feature article on them soon.

6th December 2006 Thanks All / 200th Band Competition

It is with great pleasure that NamScene & GlosScene can announce that we now have nearly 200 bands (199 to be precise), featured on our site. We'd just like to take the opportunity to say thanks to anyone that has been involved, anyone who's ever looked at it, put up with our dodgy design and programming skills, all the venues & promoters that have helped us out with information and free tickets and the like, and of course all the bands that have so far got back to us with information about themselves.

We're giving the opportunity for a full length feature interview for the 200th band to be featured on the site and maybe some sort of gold band page (if it doesn't look terrible) to commemorate. Being a site promoting the local scene, we'd like the 200th band to be from around the Gloucestershire area, but any other bands wishing to have a normal band page please get in contact. For a chance to enter, and have your band featured in a full length interview on site, either message us via MySpace, or email You've got till the end of Friday to enter your band and we'll draw the winning band out of a hat over the weekend.

Once again, thanks to everyone who's been involved so far, Happy Christmas, and we look forward to keeping you informed about your local scene for the year to come.


5th December 2006 - The Tone Live Show

What is it? Click here for more info.

1st December 2006 - Free Tickets from MOST gigs at the Two Pigs This Month

The very nice people at the Two Pigs have given NamScene 2 free tickets for most gigs at the Two Pigs this month to give away. Email or message us via for a chance to get your hands on them. These tickets will be given away on a first come first served basis. 10th November 2006 - CD Reviews

NamScene is looking to start reviewing CDs. While time constraints mean that we can't promise to review everything we get sent, we'll do our best to bring you reveiews of local talent and the best of bands playing in Cheltenham. Bands email: for more information on how to get a review.

1st November 2006 - ***GlosScene Launches***

Yes the lucky people of Gloucester now have a NamScene, only it's called GlosScene. Check it out at -

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