I just created our secure Team Forum (for members only). All
instructions are listed below. Thanks !! -Jim (Coolvibes)
1) Click this Team Forum link:
2) Enter the generic entry password (sent to your Messenger).
3) Click: "Need an Account Register Now.
4) Create your: Username, Password, and list your Email.
5) Click the "I Agree to the Forum Terms" checkbox. Click Submit.
6) Click "Back to Category" on the success page.
7) The system will send you an email. Follow its instructions.
8) Message Gary, Adam, or Jim to Approve
your registration.
9) Create your profile.
10) Post anything, so we know you got in.
Please complete the Survey soon
!! :-)
Here is the link: [X]
Eager to Support ?
We now accept Donations, for
which you can specify the purpose.
Here is the link: [X]