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Act II

New Friend            Temptation            Can't Breathe        Fever to Love

Section I: New Friend

(In the lake. Days have passed and Elina feels more alone than ever. The gossip is only getting worse and Maddie doesn't seem to be helping at all. In order to get her out of the sweet baby blues, Hopper John, Holly's husband, showed Elina a cool lake in the shady groves for her to swim in. Elina has been swimming in the lake ever since. It actually looked like things would be better. But soon, things would get really good!)

[Elina dives in again]

Elina: *Oh! This water feels great!* [Swims around a bit and then sinks in]

[A hat drops on her head while she's almost underwater]

Elina: [Slowly emerges and removes the hat] *Hm? Where did this come from?*

[Elina looks at the hat closely]

Voice: Hey!

[Elina looks up quickly. She sees a young man running towards the lake. Elina can't take her eyes off of him. The young man has short messy dirt blonde hair and a slender but strong body. His dark blue short came up to his thighs and his grey t-shirt fit his body perfectly. Mesmerized by the youth's charm, Elina swims closer to get a better look. Her discovery reddens her face even more.]

Elina: *Oh my he's hotter close-up!* Uh... hi there.... [Holds up the hat] Is this yours?

Young man: Yes.

[Elina stands and hands him the hat.]

[The young man takes it while staring longingly into the woman's deep green eyes. Elina is lost in his gaze as well. A long silence passes.]

Young man: Uh..... Thanks. You can let go now.

Elina: Huh?

[Elina looks up and realizes that she still has the big wide-brimmed straw hat in her grasp as well. She looks away embarrassed at her absent-mindedness.]

Elina: Oh right! Here. [Lets go of the hat.]

[Young man puts it on his head]

[Silence passes again.]

Young man: What's your name?

Elina: E...Lina.

Young man: I'm Simon.

Elina: Nice... to meet you.

[Simon just smiles. Elina blushes.]

Elina: *If his smile could kill, I would be dead right now!*


(On the country road. Elina and Simon are walking together in delight)

Simon: So what's a city flower like yourself doing out in the countryside?

Elina: I needed a break from life. You see, my home life is very dull. All I do everyday is cooking, cleaning, shopping, sending my work off to various companies, and thinking of way to excite my husband. What are you down here for?

Simon: I'm helping my grandfather with his fruit farm for the summer.

Elina: I see.

Simon: You said something about sending your work off to various companies. What type of work do you mean?

Elina: Oh, it's nothing!

Simon: Come on, I'm curious to know. What is your work?

[Elina blushes]

Elina: Well, if you insist. [Looks around and leans in] [Whispers] I always wanted to be a child's author.

[Simon just eyes her.]

Elina: I know it's stupid and ....

Simon: You it isn't! I think it's a great idea. In fact, I'm studying to be a child physicist.

Elina: You are?

Simon: Sure am! I love working with children.

Elina: So do I. I always loved working with them. I even wanted some myself. But my husband is too busy for them.

Simon: No one can be too busy for children.

Elina: Do you really believe that?

Simon: With all of my soul.

[Elina is deeply moved by his words. This handsome boy also stirs some tenderness she hadn't felt in five years in her heart. Her cheeks redden again.]

[Simon takes notice.]

Simon: Elina, are you feeling okay?

Elina: Uh.... no! I mean, yes. I mean, I feel kind of hot!

[Simon smiles innocently. Elina's heart skips another beat.]

Simon: I know just the thing to cool you down. Come with me.

[Simon takes the red-faced Elina by her wrist and leads her further down the road.]


(The fruit farm behind Simon's grandfather's house. Simon leads Elina to the greenhouse. Elina is surprised at the rows and rows of various fruit trees. The air is so fresh inside as well. Simon goes straight to an old faucet. He turns it on and sticks Elina's hand under the water. Elina feels cool already.)

Elina: Hey, that feels great. Where did you learn that little trick?

[Simon smiles again]

Simon: My room mate in college is into tai-chi. He taught me this trick one day on our break.

Elina: Ah, I see.

Simon: See, you had lunch yet?

Elina: No.... Why?

[Simon gathers up his strength]

Simon: My grandfather just made some great Irish stew. He's a great cook.

Elina: Are you asking me to stay for lunch?

Simon: Yeah!

Elina: [Smiles] I'd love to!

Simon: Great!

[Both go inside the house for lunch]

End of Sect. I

Section II: Temptation

(On the trail to Amor-Eros Manor. Simon is walking Elina home. Elina spent most of the day at Simon's house. He showed her around the farm. Elina even got to take a basket of fruit with her to snack on. She finds that Simon is more charming by the second. Elina seems to be falling for him. Simon and Elina make it to the front door.)

Elina: I had a great time this afternoon.

Simon: Thank you. Come back anytime.

Elina: All right.

Simon: [Heads off] See ya.

Elina: Bye. [Little wave]

[Elina watches as her new hot friend leaves]

Elina: *He's so fine!*

[Elina starts to have lustful fantasies about Simon. Her cheeks reddened again. Then she crashes back to earth again.]

Elina: *What the hell am I thinking?!? I am happily married! [Pauses] Am.... I?*

Voice: Hello there!

[Elina leaps up and turns wildly. Hopper John is standing behind me smiling]

Elina: [Calming down] You nearly gave me a heart attack!

[Hopper John just smiles]

Hopper: I saw you with that boy.

[Elina blushes wildly again]

Hopper: [Stands beside her] My, he's grown into such a charmer. Turned out fine too.

Elina: [Turns to him] What do you mean?

Hopper: Simon had a rough childhood. Both of his parents were in and out of his life constantly. His papa was a rolling stone with his music and his mama developed a habit with shopping. The parents barely had time to make their marriage work. So after Simon's eighth birthday, his mother filed for a divorce. The father went to chase his stationary music career and no one knows where the mother went. But she left behind tons of debt.

[Hopper John notices that Elina's face is pale with worry.]

Hopper: Oh don't worry dear! His grandfather took little Simon in and the boy hasn't let his past get in the time of his future. That boy just gets stronger and stronger each day. He plans to be a child physicist after he graduates college. Simon doesn't want other children to go through the same things he did. This whole village is so proud of him. We were all so worried he would grow up to be like his dead-beat father. But look how great he turned out.

Elina: I hope he meets his goals.

Hopper: So do I deary. So do I! [Puts his arm around Elina tightly.] Now, come on. They are waiting for us at dinner.

Elina: K.

Hopper: Good. [Pinches her bum and walks away]

[Elina tries not to scream in disgust]

Elina: *Dirty Leech!*

[Elina follows him inside red-faced with embarrassment]


(In Elina's flat. Elina lies in bed. She is in bliss. Her cheeks are even a light pink)

Elina: *Simon. You have been through so much. I hope you do become a child physicist. He's just like Richard before we got married. What ever happened to Rich? He used to be loose with me and had big dreams. Ever since he made it big in real estate, I have had little freedom. Our first year of marriage was exciting and Rich always kept me guessing. Now, the fire is dead. I wonder if Simon has had any dates in the past. I'll even bet he's still a virgin. I would love to show him a thing or two in bed!* [Pauses as blush goes away quickly] *What am I thinking? I am happily married to Richard! I have been for five years! [Pauses again] But am I really? It's been more like a father-daughter relationship than a marriage.  Simon makes me feel free and inspires me to pursue my writing career. [Blushes again] But he's so young! I'll feel like Mrs. Robinson in the The Graduate!*

[Elina lightly shakes her head and tries to sleep. She about did when she hears a tap at the window. Elina sits straight up and sees David peeking in at her. Startled, Elina rushes to the window and opens it.]

David: Hello miss!

Elina: What are you doing here?!?

David: I just wanted to see you again!

Elina: Why?

David: To apologize.

Elina: For what?

David: Peeking in before.

Elina: Oh, okay. I forgive you.

[David smiles]

David: Great! [Looks around quickly] I also have a favor to ask of you.

Elina: All right, what would that be?

David: [Whispers] Come here.

[Elina leans in. David whispers the most vulgar thing to a woman. Elina turns red with disgust and slaps David in the face. David tries not to fall of the ledge.]

Elina: NO! I won't do that!

[Elina shuts the window, closes the curtains, and goes to bed.]

End of Sect. II

Section III: Can't Breathe

(In Amor-Eros's lounge parlor. Maddie and some village women are all downstairs having tea biscuits. Elina is just looking out the window while fantasizing about Simon. For the pass three days, she had many wet dreams about him. No matter how hard she tries to stay pure, the desire to be with Simon grows worse and worse. Elina doesn't know when she'll snap.)

Maddie: So nice to say Simon back again.

1st Woman: Me too.

2nd Woman: Such a lovely young man he has grown into.

3rd Woman: So glad his grandfather raised him.

1st Woman: Would've been a pity if he became an unruly charm pot, just like his son-of-a-bitch father.

3rd Woman: Yeah.

4th Woman: I heard he was still single.

[All of the women gasp. Elina just goes frozen.]

Maddie: Are you serious?

4th Woman: As the law!

5th Woman: Well, why? He isn't.... is he?

4th Woman: [Laughs] Oh no! That boy is as straight as heaven! He says he just hadn't found the right girl yet.

Maddie: Wonder why.

[Everyone goes quiet. Elina tries to stay cool as she blushes.]

Elina: *He's single? Just as I suspected! This is really exciting!* [Pauses to come back to her senses.] *What the hell am I thinking?!? I am HAPPILY married. Am I really?*

[Holly comes in with more tea and biscuits.]

Holly: I heard you talking about our hot little Simon!

All Women except for Elina: Yep!

[Holly grins in a naughty way.]

Holly: I heard he's still looking for the right girl. Am I correct?

All Women except for Elina: Yes!

Holly: I see! [Sits down with the women] Simon doesn't need a scrawny little college girl on his arm!

Maddie: [Looks] What do you mean?

Holly: [Keeps grinning] He needs an older woman for support and sympathy.

1st Woman: [Raises eyebrow] In what way Holly?

[Holly just grins wickedly.]

2nd Woman: Careful Holly, you'll give William's wife a run for her money! She's a bit of cradle-robber, you know.

3rd Woman: I don't understand why older woman always go after younger men. They might as well date their own sons!

Holly: Cause, they are young and inexperienced. Plus they are like little dog, faithful to their master until death do them part.

Maddie: But what if he turns out to be a gold digger?

Holly: Well, that's a chance I'll have to take.

2nd Woman: Mighty bold, ain't ya?

Holly: [Proudly] Hell yes!

[The women just all laugh wildly. Elina can't take it anymore. She runs out of the room as fast as she can and slams the door behind her. The other women look up in curiosity.]

Holly: I wonder what's with her?

3rd Woman: Don't know. She's been quiet all morning.

Maddie: Hm. [Takes a biscuit and nibbles on it.]


(Outside to the garden. Elina is in a fix! The gossip just keeps getting worse! It was all poison to her ears!)

Elina: *What the hell is with them?!? Don't they have better things to talk about than sex and gossip?!?* [Shudders in disgust] *I can't take this!*

[Elina clears her head at long last. She closed her sweet green eyes. Simon entered her head again.]

Elina: *My lovely boy. [Sighs] You are out of my reach. I wish you weren't. I even wish I was married to you instead of Richard.* [Sighs hard] *Oh no! I'm back to that again! Lusting after something I can't have. Have I become that desperate? Am I really in need of a new life? Are things between me and Richard that bad?*

[Elina tries to calm herself down.]

Elina: *I need.... I need.... I need someone to talk to!* [Sits down on the ground]

[All seems dim for the lovely heroine. But then, Elina looks up and out slowly. Simon is walking towards her. He is dressed in dark blue shorts to his knees and a dark grey t-shirt. Elina's heart skips a beat instantly. The timing couldn't be more pleasant.]

Elina: *He must be an angel in disguise!*

[Simon makes it to Elina and stands in front of her.]

Simon: Hello there, Elina.

Elina: Hi.

Simon: [In concern] You sound a bit sad, what's wrong?

[Elina stands up and walks closer to him.]

Elina: [Whispers] I don't want to say it around here. This place has sharp ears.

Simon: Oh. Want to go for a walk and discuss it there?

Elina: Yeah okay.

[Simon and Elina both exit down the road]

End of Sect. III

Section IV: Fever to Love

(At the Morrison fruit farm at night in the rain. Simon and Elina rush to the front door to stay dry. Elina is upset at her soaked clothes.)

Simon: You okay?

Elina: Yeah.

[A short pause arrives and leaves]

Simon: Would you like to come in? At least until the rain lets up.

Elina: Sure!

Simon: All right. But you must be quiet, my grandfather is asleep right now, he always goes to bed at seven. Understand?

Elina: Yes.

Simon: Good.

[Simon reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys. He unlocks the front door softly and opens it. Simon lets Elina in first and then follows behind her. Simon lightly closes the door behind them.]

(Inside the kitchen/dining room. The whole place is dark. Simon flips the light switch and the dim light flickers on. Elina sits down at the table.]

Elina: [Whispers] This is nice.

Simon: Can I get you anything to eat?

Elina: [Thinks for a minute] I could use something light. Amor-Eros's meals are always heavy.

Simon: Okay. I'll see what I can do.

Elina: Could I get a towel as well?

Simon: Sure. And I'll see if I have any dry clothes for you as well.

Elina: [Looks up] Oh You don't have to...

Simon: No, I want to.

Elina: All right.

Simon: I'll be right back. Help yourself to the fridge, okay?

Elina: All right.

[Simon exits to the upstairs]

[Elina sits alone fighting her raging feelings]

Elina: *He's so kind and good to me.* [She suddenly realizes she can no longer resist her burning desires.] *I've got to do something to it out of my system! I know. I'll get something to eat first and then figure out what to do next.*

[Elina rises from the table and walks to fridge. She opens it and looks inside. So far, there is nothing. Just a jar of pickles, a jar of olives, a container of rice, another container of green beans, and a jar of pickled peaches.]

Elina: *They don't have much.* [Sighs]

[Elina settles for the rice and closes the fridge]


[A few minutes later, Simon returns. In his hands is a long silk Asian-style silk robe. He watches his guest quietly.]

[Elina pauses because she feels like she's being watched. She slowly turns and sees Simon staring at her.]

Elina: [Blushes] Oh, I didn't realize you were right there! [Looks at the gorgeous robe.] Is that for me?

[Simon just blushes and nods.]

Simon: It was my mother's.

Elina: [Stands up and walks closer] Thanks.

Simon: [Quickly] The bathroom is upstairs.

Elina: [Whispers] Thank you.

[Elina's kisses Simon lightly on the cheek and heads upstairs]

[Simon stands there blushing]

Simon: *Oh God!!!!*


(Times go pass. Elina returns in only the silk robe. Simon's red cheeks get deeper as he sees that she has nothing else underneath.)

Simon: You look.... Uh....

Elina: [Grins seductively] I look, what?

[Another pause flies between them.]

Simon: .... So.... Beautiful!!!!

Elina: [Giggles] Thank you.

[Simon can't take it anymore. For weeks, he had been trying retain himself. But this was too much to bare. He didn't want to admit it, but the boy himself had madly fallen in love with his hot new friend. Simon wanted her so badly that he would drop out of college just to be with her. Married or not, Simon just had to have Elina! The boy rushed forward and passionately kissed the young wife on the lips.]

[Elina lightly pushes away. Simon backs up confused.]

Elina: [Leans in close and whispers] Not here.

[Simon nods.]

[Elina smiles and takes him by the hand. She leads him back upstairs.]

[Simon feels his heart skip a beat.]


(Simon's bedroom. The room is as dark as the rest of the house. Simon wants to turn on a light but senses he shouldn't, so he doesn't. Elina just sits down on the bed. Through the rainy moonlight, Simon can see Elina's slender curvaceous body perfectly. The young college boy finds himself completely aroused sexually.]

Elina: [Whispers in a randy tone] I found your room easily while I was looking for the bathroom to change clothes.

Simon: I see.

[Elina shushes her softly.]

Elina: [Whispers] Your grandfather is sleeping, remember?

Simon: [Nods quickly and whispers] Oh right.

[The young housewife sits on the bed waiting for her young lovely friend to cross the danger zone and take her in the world of passion.]

Elina: Well, do you want me Simon?

[Simon hesitates.]

Elina: [Smiles and says sweetly yet seductively] Don't worry, my dear. I don't want to force you into anything that feel you'll regret. If don't want me, I'll understand. I might not be the one you're looking for. You can walk away from me and this with clean hands. But, if you do want me, here I am. I am all yours and only yours. I'll even file for divorce just to prove myself to you. But, I have to know your answer. Otherwise, I will burn into madness. I don't know how much longer I can behave myself around you. I really do love you.

[That really did it for hot Simon. He rushes to the bed beside of Elina and pushes her back onto his bed.]

Simon: That's all I wanted to hear you say!

[Simon kisses Elina passionately again on her lips and neck. He feverishly yanks off the sash of her robe. Elina just moans softly. She longed for thing. Richard was never passionate lately, now Simon had opened that door once again.]

Elina: *I know I will regret the outcome in the morning, but that's one risk I'll have to take.*

[Soon both of them get lost in their night passion. For once, Simon didn't feel like his saint-like self. He wanted this ever since himself year in high school. He had found the right girl at last! But in order to secure her, the couple had to endure the hardships soon to arrive in the morning.]

End of Sect. IV

End of Act II