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Morning Trap            Small Talk        I Know Your Secret        Interesting Offer Pt. 1

Section I: Morning Trap

(Simon's bedroom at sunrise. Elina is still asleep in bed. She and Simon had a wild passionate night last night. It was better than her nights with Richard. She went to sleep with blissful dreams. But soon, those dreams would rot into nightmares.)

[Elina slowly awakes]

Elina: [Mumbles] What happened... last night?

Voice: You sleep well?

[Elina looks up. Simon is standing in the doorway. He only has on a sheet. Instantly, Elina remembered what all happened. A devilish smile came across her face.]

Elina: *His body is just as hot as last night!* [Sounding proper as she sits up] Well hello there. Yes, I did.

Simon: [Smiles] That's good.

Elina: I had a great time last night.

Simon: So did I.

[Silence passes.]

Simon: Staying for breakfast?

[That little question slaps Elina back to reality. Her face shades to grim. Simon notices right away.]

Simon: [Concerned] What's the matter?

Elina: I can't go back to Amor-Eros now! I don't have an ably!

Simon: What do you... [Then understands quickly.] Oh, them.

[Elina nods sickly.]

Elina: And there's me husband!

[Simon becomes pale as well.]

Simon: What will we do?

Elina: I don't know...

[The doors opens from across the hall. Simon quickly turns around.]

Simon: That's my grandfather.

[Elina's eyes grow big with panic.]

Simon: Don't worry, I'll just talk to him and explain that you decided to stay because of the rain last night. And we'll work it out from there.

[Elina tries to relax]

[Simon quickly gets dressed.]

Simon: Just stay in bed until I come back and get you. Do you understand?

Elina: Okay.

[Simon heads across the hall.]

[Elina tries to calm down again.]


(In the kitchen. Simon is sitting at the table alone. Elina comes down and joins him. She feels so numb. Everything just happened so fast last night. She knew this would happen, but she perused it anyway. She felt so guilty now. Elina just stole the one thing he one-night husband would never get back again. It was as if she had corrupted a little child. Part of her wished she hadn't slept with Simon. But yet, Elina wanted more with him. But only if he wanted it to.)

[Elina sat down at the table with Simon.]

[All is silent so far. Neither of them barely eat.]

Elina: So... What becomes of us?

Simon: I don't know...

[Another silence passes]

Simon: *Should I risk it and ask? I might as well.* [Holds Elina's hand.] Elina, can I see you again?

[His one-night wife looks so tense.]

Elina: I.... don't know....

Simon: Well, don't you want to see me again?

Elina: [Swallows hard and answers in a weak voice] Yes.

[Simon feels much better.]

Simon: Don't worry, I won't tell and I won't try to sleep with you again.

Elina: Okay.

Simon: That's settled then. I walk you back.

Elina: Please don't.

Simon: It's the least I could do.

[Elina just nods.]

Simon: It'll be alright.

[Simon just gets up and holds her. Elina makes up her mind. She decides to risk her marriage and reputation to be with this young college boy.]

Elina: [Whispers] I love you, Simon. I love you no matter what happens.

Simon: I love you too, my dearest. [Let's go of her and looks her straight in the eye.] I really do.

Elina: I know.

Simon: Let's go then.

Elina: Right.

[The couple exit.]

End of Sect. I

Section II: Small Talk

(Outside in the garden of Amor-Eros. Elina and Simon enter quietly. So far, it appears that everyone isn't up yet. The couple seem safe.)

[Simon walks Elina up to the main doors.]

Simon: I'll see you later.

Elina: All right.

[Simon wants to kiss her but knows it's too risky to do so. Instead he just waves and leaves. Elina watches him until her young love is gone.]

Elina: *My love...*

[Elina goes into the Manor.]


(Inside the parlor. Elina is surprised to be greeted be all of the ladies of the manor. All of them stare at her. She instantly becomes nervous.)

Elina: *Just don't say a single word.*

[Elina breathes hard.]

[Holly stands up.]

Holly: Oh, there you are! We were so worried about you. Where were you last night?

[Elina tries to think up a decent lie. One of the women stands up.]

1st Woman: I know where!

[Elina becomes pale with freight.]

1st Woman: You were at that fruit farm, weren't you?

[Elina can't seem to breathe or move.]

Elina: *Say something you stupid bitch! Say something!*

2nd Woman: You mean with Simon?

Holly: I bet so!

[Elina still can't talk. She's trapped!]

1st Woman: You don't think she...?

[Elina can feel herself shrink.]

Maddie: Nah! Elina's not the type to cheat on her husband.

Holly: Why not?

Maddie: She doesn't have it in her!

[Elina's face just reddened deeper.]

Holly: You never know. Some of the sweetest girls can be real devils in the sack!

Maddie: Nah, Elina's too much of a good girl for that!

1st Woman: What a shame!

[All of the women laugh loudly. Elina can't take it anymore! She turns around and runs straight for the lift to her flat in embarrassment. All of the women just stare.]

Holly: What's with her?

Maddie: Dunno, maybe she couldn't handle the truth.

[The women all laugh again.]

End of Sect. II

Section III: I Know Your Secret

(In Elina's apartment that eveing. Elina is pacing around sickly. Things were taking a turn for the worse.]

Elina: *How can everyone guess so quickly?!? Simon and I didn't tell a soul and his grandfather doesn't know the who story, does he?*

[Elina grows sicker but the minute.]

Elina: *What if Richard finds out? He'll file for divorce! I'll be left with nothing!* [Collapses onto her red sofa] *Can things get any worse?*

[A knock comes on the door.]

Elina: [In a choked voice] Come in.

Maddie: Door's locked.

Elina: Oh, I'm coming.

[Elina gets up and unlocks the door. Maddie stands on the other side.]

Elina: [Sadly] Oh, hi there.

Maddie: May I come in?

Elina: Sure.

[Elina lets Maddie in and closes the door behind her.]

[Maddie sits on the sofa.]

Maddie: I came to apologize.

Elina: [Confused] For what?

Maddie: For picking on you earlier. You have to forgive the ladies here, it's what we like to do to each other.

Elina: Really?

Maddie: Yep.

Elina: Oh. You're forgiven then.

Maddie: [Smiles] Thanks.

[Elina sits down and joins her.]

Maddie: And just between you and me, [Leans in close and whispers] Do you and Simon, you know, have sex last night?

[Elina blushes]

Maddie: Oh come on, you can trust me. I won't tell a soul.

[Elina hesitates at first]

Elina: [Small voice] Yes.

Maddie: What was it like?

Elina: [Pauses and smiles] It's all the sweetest ecstasy I ever had in my life. Simon sure needs how to love and pleasure a woman for a virgin. It made me want to go back for more. But I don't know if I will be able to....

Maddie: Because of your husband?

[Elina nods]

Maddie: I see.

[Right then, Maddie develops a hunger and a devilish idea to snag Elina's husband or Simon for herself.]

Maddie: Say Elina, does Richard happen to be visiting the area anytime soon?

Elina: Yes, why?

Maddie: [Grins] I would like to meet him myself.

Elina: [Confused] Why.... [But then catches on] Oh no! You're not sleeping with me husband! Richard is faithful to me.

Maddie: [Innocent yet sly] I might as well, he'll need someone to run to when he finds out that his dear little wife has committed adultery with a young local college boy!

[Elina grows pale and flared]

Elina: Are you... blackmailing me?

Maddie: [Innocently] Why Elina, why on earth would you suggest that I would do such a thing?

[Elina rises to her feet in a flash]

Elina: [Enraged] Get out!!!!! I can't believe you would stoop so low to stab a friend in the back! You are nothing but a harlot!!!

[Maddie gets up calmly]

Maddie: [Fake offended-sounding] Well, are you the hypocrite?

Elina: GET OUT!!!

Maddie: Fine.

[Maddie leaves gracefully]

[Elina locks the door in fury and sits down on the ground]

Elina: *That's it! No more sweet little Elina Hendrix! I have to fight my own battles from now on! I will stand by Simon no matter what! Let those old bitches gossip about me all they like!* [Mood changes] *But what about Richard? Will I be able to ask for a divorce without hesitating? Will I be all right with Simon?* [Mood changes back] *One thing's for sure, I have to keep him from Maddie!*

[Elina's mobile rings loudly]

[Elina jumps up startled, crawls to the bed, and answers her mobile]

Elina: Hello?

Richard: Hi baby girl!

Elina: Richard!

Richard: You sound a bit off, what's wrong?

Elina: I do? Nothing's wrong I'm fine.

Richard: Are you sure?

Elina: I am positive.

Richard: All right. I'm coming to visit tomorrow.

Elina: You're coming here? Right here tomorrow? From London? Tomorrow?

Richard: Yeah! Is there any problem with that?

Elina: No, no! [Little laugh] At what time?

Richard: I'll surprise you!

Elina: [A little not so amuse] Okay...

Richard: Are you sure there's not problem in me visiting you? Have you been behaving properly? I would hate to have any disgrace attached to my name would I got to the countryside.

[Elina becomes nervous but then remembers her pact.]

Elina: I promise you there is no problem and I have been a lady during my stay. Your name will be as white as a lamb when you get here!

Richard: That's what I would like to hear from my favourite girl. I'll bring you something when I get there.

Elina: Great.

Richard: Sweet dreams my sweet child.

Elina: Good night.

[Elina and Richard hang up. Elina plugs up her mobile to be charged up again and lies back on her bed.]

Elina: *The battle has officially started.* [Toughens up] *No more running and hiding! It's time to fight!*


(In Maddie's flat. Maddie had been listening to Elina through the wall.)

Maddie: [Grinning to herself] *So, Richard comes tomorrow.* [Snickers] *Looks like I'll be paying a little visit to Shepherd's point tomorrow!*

[Maddie snickers as she cuts out the light.]

End of Sect. III

Section IV: Interesting Offer Pt. 1

(Shepherd's Point next morning. The rain is pouring down hard at the station. A train pulls into the station. People unload off of the train. A man with short dark hair and a heavy raincoat and a grey hat gets off the train. He has a big bouquet of red roses in his hand. He looks around at the sea of people. So far, he has no luck. Then, he thinks he sees someone wave from down. The man hurries to the slender pale arm. He sees a short and slender dark-haired woman with a crimson umbrella over her head.)

Man: [Confused] Were you signaling me?

Maddie: Are you Richard?

Man: Yes, why? How do you know me?

Maddie: Lovely! I heard about you from your wife.

Richard: You know Elina?

Maddie: Why yes! In fact, we'll really good friends!

Richard: Really?

Maddie: Yep!

Richard: Great. But where is my wife?

Maddie: She's a little tied up at the moment. But, I could do the nice thing and take you to the manor where she's staying.

Richard: All right.

Maddie: Follow me.

[Richard and Maddie exit the station to the parking lot.]


(In Maddie's car. Maddie is driving the long road. Richard sits in the passenger seat a little suspicious.)

Richard: *This isn't like Elina. She usually phones me when she is going to be busy. Who is this woman? Did she send for her to pick me up? And why?*

[Maddie plots how to seduce him while she drives.]

Richard: [Looks out the windshield] Are you sure we're going the right way?

Maddie: Sure!

Richard: But it seems so long...

Maddie: This is the only way to get to Amor-Eros Manor. But, I happen to know a little shortcut....

Richard: Where?

Maddie: Let me show you.

[Maddie drives off to a dirt road up ahead]


(In the woods on the trail. Maddie and Richard look no where near the manor. Richard is now a little concerned.)

Richard: Are you sure this is the right way?

Maddie: Oh trust me, this way is always the best route and it sure beats that long muddy road we were on!

Richard: If you say so....

[The car comes to a complete stop in the middle of the woods. Richard looks around bewildered. Clearly this was a set up. But why was she does this? What did she want?]

Richard: Why... did we stop?

[Maddie doesn't answer and keeps facing the windshield.]

Maddie: Tell me, Richard. How much do you love your wife?

Richard: I love my wife very much.

Maddie: I see. [Unbuttons her white blouse some] And what would you say if she cheated on you?

[Richard laughs]

Richard: Don't be silly! Elina wouldn't do such a thing!

Maddie: Well then...

[Maddie turns wildly to him and unfastens her seat belt. She climbs onto the now bewildered Richard.]

Richard: What the hell are you doing?!?

[Maddie grins wickedly.]

Maddie: [Puts her finger to his lips.] Relax. I'm getting a little test. [Kisses Richard on the lips tenderly.]

[Richard pushes away quickly. Maddie just eyes him lustfully.]

End of Sect. IV

End of Act III