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Act IV

An Interesting Offer Pt. 2            Dilemma            Bath and Bed            Festival Night

Section I: An Interesting Offer Pt. 2

(In Maddie's car in the center of the woods. Maddie sits on Richard's lap waiting for a reaction. Richard just stares at Maddie in bewilderment.)

Richard: What the hell do you mean?

Maddie: I want to test your faithfulness to Elina.

Richard: Why?

[Maddie puts her finger to his lips]

Maddie: Don't ask the questions. Just go along with me.

[Maddie kisses him again. This time, Richard kisses back. Maddie backs up.]

Maddie: [Grins] Well, how was that?

[Richard grins]

Richard: Got anymore for me, baby girl?

[Maddie grins]

Maddie: I always do.

[Maddie does so.]

[A few minutes later. Richard sat in the car panting. Maddie straightens herself up.]

Maddie: Now, shall we go?

Richard: [Still out of it in pleasure.] Sure!

Maddie: Good.

[Maddie starts driving with a grin on her face.]

Maddie: [Grins to herself.] *Take that Elina! I have your husband now!*

[Maddie and Richard drive to Amor-Eros Manor]

End of Sect. I

Section II: Dilemma

(In Elina's flat at night. Elina paces around sickly. She is having second thoughts again.)

Elina: *I don't know if I can leave Richard. Despite the unequal treatment, he has been good to be. He did pay for me to go on the trip. But, Richard has never been open with his emotional, before or after marriage. Simon on the other hand is open but strong with his emotions. But he's so young! How would he able to support us both? Would he be able to handle it? I'd have to actually work.* [Smiles to herself.] *That would be a nice change from my current life. But can I do it and make my relationship with Simon work?*

[A knock on Elina's door. Elina looks up.]

Elina: [Confused] *Who is it at that time of night?*

[Elina opens the door. Simon is standing on the other side.]

Elina: [Shocked] Simon? What are you doing here?

[Elina notices a hazy look in Simon's eyes.]

Elina: What's wrong?

[Simon doesn't answer. He just embraces her tightly and kisses her sweet yet passionately on the lips. Taken-aback pleasantly, Elina kisses back. Simon breaks off the kiss. Elina just stares him lost.]

Simon: I love you Elina! I have always loved since we first walked together. I can't stop thinking about you! I know you're married and everything, but I could care less! But there is a question burning in my very soul. It keeps me from sleep every night. It hounds my every waking moment! I try to ignore it, but the more I do, the worse this void in my heart grows. So please, Elina! [Rushes forward and grabs her sweet little hands] Tell me the truth and put my mind at rest. Do you feel the same about me or is this just a short fling?

[Elina stands there speechless. She is so moved by his words. But she had to give him an answer. The housewife then notices that Simon is about to faith from lack of sleep. This gives her a tasty idea!]

Elina: [Grins tenderly.] Simon.

Simon: [Weakly] Yes?

Elina: You look sick. [Takes him by the hand] Come with me.

Simon: [Confused] Why?

Elina: [Keeps smiling] You'll see.

[Elina leads Simon to the fancy bathroom. The young college is confused but he like the sound of that.]

End of Sect. II

Section III: Bath and Bed

(In Elina's bathroom. The water in the bathtub is scented with jasmines, roses, and lavenders. Simon and Elina are in the bath together. Simon is more relaxed now. In fact, he is rubbing on Elina's small baby soft shoulders. The mood is steamy  and romantic. But despite everything's perfection, Elina is feeling down and guilty.)

Elina: *I shouldn't be doing this. It just does feel right.*

[Elina sighs]

[Simon notices]

Simon: What's wrong?

[Elina turns to him sadly]

Elina: I feel so guilty. I shouldn't even be doing this. I mean I like you too, but I'm married and you'll still in college. Plus I'm old enough to be your sister! This is so messed-up!

Simon: Aw, love. [He lights pushes her hair from her face.]

[Simon just holds Elina tightly. He leans in close to her sweet ear.]

Simon: [Whispers sexually] Don't worry, my love. I don't want to force you into anything that feel you'll regret. If don't want me, I'll understand. I might not be the one you'll want to run to if you ever leave Richard. You can walk away from me and still be redeemed. But, if you do want me, here I am. I am all yours and only yours. Just file for divorce and become independent. But, I have to know your answer. Otherwise, I will burn into madness. I don't know how much longer I can behave myself around you. I really do love you.

[Elina turns red. Those were her almost exact words. Now, she had her answer.]

Elina: I will stay with you forever!

[Elina lounges forward and kisses Simon wildly. Her love kisses back sweetly. It all leads back to the same passionate flare that occurred nights ago. Elina actually feels like a real woman again.]


(In Elina's bed. Simon is asleep had all of that passionate lovemaking in both the bathtub and the bed he experienced with Elina. Elina lies awake beside him. She is both too nervous and excited to sleep. She has her action plan ready to go!)

Elina: *My mind is made up now! I will tell Richard I want a divorce tomorrow at the Village Festival. I won't back down! I must stand up and be a real woman! I have to do this for Simon!*

[Elina clinches her fist tightly.]

Elina: *I can't back down! I won't back down!!!*

End of Sect. III

Section IV: Festival Night

(Elina's flat the next morning. Elina and Simon are woken up with a loud knock. Curious, Elina gets up and peeks out.)

[Maddie stands on the other side. Elina rolls her eyes.]

Elina: What?

[Maddie grins through the peek hole]

Maddie: Only to remind you that the Village Festival starts today, like a good friend should!

[Elina snorts]

Elina: *Some friend you are!* All right. Thanks.

Maddie: See ya!

[Maddie leaves]

[Elina toughens up]

Elina: *Time to take my plan into action.*

[Behind her, Simon awakes slowly. Elina turns to him.]

Elina: Oh good you're up, we have a busy day today.

Simon: *Yawns* Why?

[Hits him like a whip]

Simon: [Eyes widen] The festival!!!

[Elina nods]

Simon: [Quickly gets up] I have to help grandpa with the fruits!

[Simon gets dressed and hurries out the door, not before kissing Elina on the lips. Elina watches him leave with a smile on her face.]

Elina: *I need to get ready as well.*

[Elina hurries to her bathroom.]


(Evening at the Village Festival. The paper lanterns seemed to outwit the stars in the sky with their brightness. The sweet scents of food teased people all over the festival grounds. Children run around freely. Richard looks around the place with a huge bouquet of roses.)

Richard: *I don't see her yet.*

[Richard feels cover his eyes from behind.]

Richard: Elina?

Maddie: Nope! It's Maddie!

[Richard turns around rapidly and stares the woman right in the face.]

Richard: Oh, it's you.

[Maddie eyes the big red roses in his hand]

Maddie: [Gingerly] Are those for me?

Richard: [Sharply] They are for my wife!

Maddie: [Looking lost] Why?

Richard: I love my wife very much!

[Maddie tries not to laugh]

[Richard catches her and gets annoyed.]

Richard: What the hell is so damn funny?

[Maddie stops laughing and looks up]

Maddie: Even though you slept with me?

Richard: Shut up!

Maddie: Why? I thought you enjoyed it.

Richard: That was just a shag! I love my wife to the end.

Maddie: Even though she has been cheating on you?

[Richard becomes even angrier]

Richard: Elina would never do such a thing!!!

[Maddie laughs again]

[Richard grabs Maddie wildly. Maddie keeps on laughing.]

Richard: You think that is so damn funny, you stupid bitch?!?

[Maddie doesn't answer. She just breaks away and runs through the festival.]

Richard: Get back here!!!!

[Richard chases after her in rage]

[Maddie leads to the fruit stand. Richard stops dead in his tracks. Maddie stands by grinning.]

Maddie: See for yourself.

[Richard does so. What he finds blows his mind! The agent sees Elina kissing on Simon. This was the straw that broke the camel's back!]

Richard: Elina!!!!!

[Elina and Simon break off the kiss and turn around fast]

Elina: [Shocked] Richard!

Richard: What the hell are you doing and who the hell is he?!?

[Elina stands there frozen]

Elina: *Here goes nothing.*

End of Sect. IV

End of Act IV