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I: Basics:

Q: So Christie, how are you tonight?


Chris: Calm at the moment. Thank you.


Q: Wow, I don’t know where to begin here. Whoa. Uh. Tell me about yourself. You know, for your fans.


Chris: All right. My name is Christie Vera Martin. I am forty-three years old and I live with my father, Roger Martin. My mother is Pam Elliot. I am also currently engaged to Brian Lancer.


(The reporter sits there in a stunned silence. The woman notices this.)


Chris: What? What are you so shocked for?


Q: You’re forty-three? I thought you were at least twenty-four! How do you manage to stay so young looking?


Chris: *Giggles* Why thank you. It’s pretty simple actually. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I’ve never done drugs, I’m a vegetarian, I do yoga normally, and I never really party.


(Stunned silence for a moment.)


Q: That’s all? No plastic surgery? No dodgy diet plans? No eating disorders?


Chris: No.


Q: All natural?


Chris: Yep.


Q: Wow.


          (The woman just nods.)