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Chapter Forty-Five: Bonded:

Rob lied back on the bed waiting nervously. Noiz was just scary a few moments ago. Noiz was just scary a few moments ago. That spanking was just disturbing. She hits hard for a little thing. Rob shuddered just remembering the spanking. But yet… it turned out to be pretty hot. In a scary way. Rob shut his eyes again. He hated to know what Noiz was plotting now. She could be so unpredictable at times.

When Rob opened his eyes again, Noiz stood in the doorway. She looked much sweeter this time. The kitty girl only had on her collar and a towel. The mouse boy stared on blushing. Noiz smiled at him warmly.

“Good!” she spoke. “You’re right where I left you.” Rob swallowed hard as he nodded.

“Yes!” he yelped as his face turned completely red. Noiz giggled at him.

“Good thing,” she replied. “Cause mama’s read to make up!”

“H-How?” the mouse boy stammered. Noiz smiled at him. She leapt onto the bed and glomped him. The kitty kissed her mouse on the lips. He kissed her back. Noiz gently pinned him down onto the bed. She slipped her tongue into his mouth. After a few flicks of that sexy muscle, Rob gave her his own tongue. The kissing built up from there.

Noiz grabbed onto her lover’s black t-shirt as they kissed and pulled it off. She threw it to the floor. Rob trembled all over at her touch. A tent rose up in his jeans. He held onto her closely to his chest. The mouse boy rubbed on her back and shoulders. Noiz moaned aloud in his mouth. She had to have more!

The kitty’s hands moved down to her lover’s jeans. She quickly unzipped them. The kitty slowly rolled the jeans off and threw them to the floor. The mouse’s hot and heavy waiting member was exposed. He lightly rubbed it against her inner thigh. Noiz moaned out louder. The situation called for even more.

The kitty moved Rob’s hands to her towel. He slowly pulled that off and threw it to the floor. Noiz kissed on him even more. Rob moved his hands to her plump breasts. Noiz moaned aloud in his mouth once more. They slowly broke off the kiss. The cat looked at her prey lustfully. Rob stared up at her helplessly.

“Take me!” he pleaded. “I am your prey!” Noiz grinned at that one.

“Glad to know!” she said. Then, she gracefully took his hardened member and slid it into her. Rob moaned out as he grabbed onto her lovely chest. Noiz cried out at the gesture. She got to work right away. The kitty began thrusting back and forth slowly. Rob moaned aloud. He shut his eyes in bliss.

“Harder!” he cried. “HARDER MISTRESS! IT FEELS SO GOOD!!!” Noiz complied happily. She sped her pumping up on him. Rob moaned louder. His mind sank away into deep pleasure. The waves conquered them both. Impulsive passion governed their minds. Noiz screamed at the top of her lungs as she sped up even more with each thrust. She threw back her head with her cried.

“OH YES!!!” Rob yelled. “MORE! MORE! MORE!” The cat complied with his every wish. She screamed out louder than normal. Her pet squeezed onto her chest really tight. Noiz screamed once again and went as fast as her lovely body would allow. The mouse boy squeezed her soft mounds as tightly as he could. So much had built up over the whole ride. Something had to give…

In the end, Rob came violently hard. “OH I LOVE YOU, NOIZ-SAMA!!!” he shouted in the best example of bliss known to man. His mistress came as well.

“AHHH!!!” she yelled in a tone matching his. The kitty sat on the top panting with her lover. When she got her breath back, she leaned down to her worn out boyfriend. Her hot breath playfully caressed his ear.

“You and I are now bonded!” she whispered boldly to him. “Bonded by love now and forever!”

“Mmm,” Rob mumbled as he drifted off to sleep. Noiz softly kissed him on the lips.

“I love you, Robbie-kun!” she whispered. The kitty went to sleep atop her beloved.