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Chapter Two: Breakfast:

Noiz made it downstairs to the kitchen the next morning. Louise turned to her smiling. The boss looked around at around at the whole setting. Her employee stood near the entry eyeing her up and down. An elderly couple sat at the table with their breakfast staring at her. Noiz looked at all of them back. The kitty felt so out of place this morning. She had on jeans and t-shirt. The poor soul missed her Asian wear so badly. Her employee smiled at her brightly.

“Aw how cute!” she called out. “I have to get a picture!” Lou pulled out her IPhone and turned to the camera option. Noiz frowned at her still.

“I hate it,” she complained. “I look younger than I actually am!”

“Wait; is that a complaint coming out of your mouth?” Louise questioned sharply. Noiz rolled her eyes sharply.

“No,” she grumbled.

“Remember, complaining means a longer stay here!” the older woman called. Noiz rolled her eyes again.

“I know, I know,” she complained.

“So, smile!!!” Louise said aloud as she tried to push Noiz’s mouth into a smile. The kitty pushed her off.

“Don’t touch me!” she snapped.

“Then at least pretend to be happy here!” Louise called. Noiz breathed out stressed.

“Fine,” she hissed. “I’ll act as cheerful and happy as I can!” Louise smirked at her boldly on that one.

“Good!” she replied. “Now come and have breakfast with my grandparents.”

“Fine,” Noiz said again. The women joined the elderly couple at the table. The couple looked up at them. Louise stepped forward to the table.

“Grandma, grandpa, this is my boss Noizchild,” she said. The older woman turned to the cat. “Noiz, these are my grandparents, Liberty and Marcus Hardy.”

“Hey,” Noiz said. Liberty looked the catgirl up and down. The kitty looked at her closely. Liberty looked on at her surprised.

“Oh my lord!” she cried out in a Creole accent. “Aren’t you a tiny little thing?”

“Uh… yeah…” the kitty replied.

“How old are you?” Marcus asked her.

“Thirty-one,” Noiz replied. The old man looked at her in surprise.

“Damn!” he called. “I thought you were fifteen or sixteen years old when I first saw you!”  *Sweat drop on Noiz’s head* “I knew this would happen!” she thought in worry. Louise clapped her hands together firmly.

“Okay then,” she said. “Let’s all eat now!” Noiz nodded a little bit. She didn’t really have a choice at the moment. In a few seconds, everyone sat at the table eating breakfast. Noiz tried her best to eat some of the food. The kitty couldn’t handle a fork and spoon too well, because she had used chopsticks for the past nine to ten years overseas. That wasn’t the only problem the boss had, however. She had been in Japan for so long that she almost couldn’t stomach American food too well. Louise lightly patted her on the shoulder.

“Just take it easy, hon!” she whispered to Noiz. The kitty nodded uneasily. Liberty noticed the boss’ face.

“Not used to Creole food, child?” she asked the kitty. Noiz shook her head.

“No,” she replied. “I’m not used to American food at all anymore!” Liberty and Marcus looked confused on that one. Their granddaughter smiled at them humbly.

“She’s been in Japan for so long,” she explained. “So, she’s not used to eating American food so much anymore.” The elderly couple nodded some.

“Ah,” Liberty replied. “I see!” Noiz nodded a little bit and began to take smaller bites. She began to slowly feel better again.

“So Noiz, are you married?” Marcus asked her bluntly.

“Yeah,” the kitty replied. “And I have a daughter back in Japan as well.”

“Oh,” Liberty spoke up. “How long and how old?” Noiz began to cheer up some.

“Six years and she’s four,” the woman replied. The elderly couple looked on intrigued. Liberty turned to her granddaughter.

“Lou-Lou,” she spoke up. “Why haven’t you got married and had kids yet?” Louise rolled her eyes and sneered at that one.

“I have been married twice, grandma,” she replied clinching her teeth.

“I said get married, not get yourself saddled up with assholes!” Liberty replied. Louise looked away sneering still. Noiz snickered at that comment. Louise had been married twice, but they both failed miserably. The first husband, Daryl, turned out to be a lying cheating dog. The second husband, Rex Hill, cheated on her as well. From then on, Louise steered clear away from marriage as long as she could. Louise slammed her hands down onto the table.

“Okay!” she called out loud. “Come on, Noiz! Let’s do a little shopping and sight-seeing around post-Katrina, shall we?”

“But I haven’t finished breakfast yet…” the kitty spoke up. Lou grabbed her hostage very quickly.

“I’m calling the shots here, remember?” the older woman hissed at her. “You got me?” Noiz slowly lowered her utensils.

“Okay, okay,” she said. “I’ll come quietly.” Louise lightly sneered at her there.

“Good!” she said with gritted teeth. “Now let’s go!” The older woman turned back to her grandparents.

“Thanks for breakfast,” she said. “We’ll be going now!”

“Bye baby bell!” Marcus called out. Lou gave him a little smile and dragged her boss right out the door. She just had to get away from them. Liberty may be a sweetheart, but she always crossed the line when it came to Daryl and Rex. That was Louise’s signal to get as far away as she possibly could from that. Today was no different at all.