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Chapter Five: Classes Will Begin… Now:

Mosh tried to think straight for the rest of the day. Noiz was getting to him. He just couldn’t understand this picture. Why him? What did she find so special about him? It didn’t add up. As he packed up for class on Thursday evening, Mosh came to a revelation. He was going to dig for the truth tonight. That shouldn’t be too bad, should it?

“Hey Mosh!” a voice yelled behind him. The mouse leapt up nearly in the air. A fifteen-year-old girl in white short shorts and a red string tank top looked at him funny.

“You okay?” she asked. The mouse caught his breath as he relaxed.

“Yumi!” he exclaimed. “Don’t do that to me!” The younger girl giggled at him.

“Off to class?” she asked. Mosh nodded at her once.

“Yeah,” he replied. “In fact, I’m about to be late.” His neighbor backed up some.

“Okay then,” she said. “You seem too busy to talk, so I will get out of your way.” Mosh now felt guilty for rushing his young friend out of the way.

“Fine,” he said. “What’s up?” Yumi smiled at him.

“Not much,” she said. “My boyfriend and I might get back together.”

“Really?” the mouse asked. The girl’s brown, tight curls bounced as she nodded.

“He’s finally seeing things my way!” she announced. Yumi had been working on her nerdy boyfriend and molding him into a bad boy. Why?

“I need a summer project to do,” she reasoned. “I love Takeshi, but he’s just not the kind of boy that I want.” Takeshi couldn’t really take the “training.” As a result, they broke up. Mosh blinked at her in confusion.

“Why not just date a bad boy?” he asked. “Don’t force Takeshi into something that he’s not.” Yumi frowned at him.

“I did that already,” she said. “And it wasn’t enjoyable. But, if I mold Takeshi the way that I want him to be, the game is much more exciting!” Both went silent. *Sweat drop on Mosh’s head* She just doesn’t get it, does she? Yumi swayed from side to side as she eyed her older friend.

“How’s classes?” she asked. The mouse nodded.

“Good,” he said.

“Think you’ll get laid this year?”

“*Sweat drop* Maybe…” Yumi grinned at him.

“You know what would be funny,” she said. “If you ended up nailing one of the teachers at the community college!” Mosh froze up in a pale, nervous stature. Noiz flashed back into his mind once again. He then realized the time.

“Oh shit!” he mumbled. “I’m going to be late!” The mouse pushed his neighbor out of the way and ran away as fast as he could. The girl looked at him, blankly.

“Okay,” she said with a shrug. “Bye then.” Then, she walked back to her own apartment.

The mouse rushed to the subway and got onto the train. He raced all the way onto the campus. Luckily, Mosh made it school, but he was ten minutes later for his class. Noiz and the class looked up at him in the doorway. She concealed her delight as best as she could. Perfect, now I’ll get to start my “private” lessons on him. But first, the serious act.

“You are late again,” the teacher said.

“I’m sorry!” Mosh blurted out as he bowed. “I got tied up on the way here!”

“Just sit down,” she said. “One more tardy and it’ll count as an absent, okay?” The mouse swallowed hard as he nodded.

“Yes sensei…” he mumbled. Then, Mosh walked back to his seat in a zombie-like daze. Noiz continued on with class. He knew that she secretly liked him being late. The mouse had a feeling of what was coming up next after class.

At the end of tonight’s lecture, Noiz dismissed the class. The students all began to leave. The kitty timed herself as she watched them walk out, one by one. When Mosh started to walk out, she loudly cleared her throat. The mouse stopped in his tracks and turned around. Noiz’s lips curved into a smile.

“We have our lesson tonight,” she said. “Please sit down.” Feeling like he had no choice, Mosh’s cheeks went bright red as he nodded.

“Yes sensei,” he said in quiet voice. Then, he walked to a desk in the front and sat down. Noiz watched as he did so. Now, now she was ready to really begin class.