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Chapter Four: Dancing Sex Queen:

Picture the scene.

It’s Friday night. I wanted some action that night. I went out to this club called Diamond Aphrodite. It’s rather hidden within the city. I used my connection to find it. (What can I say? My looks charm can get me far. I use them well.) I looked like my usual sex bomb self. Screw diamonds, black leather is my best friend. I wear it well, thank you. Tonight, I added a touch of red under the skirt. I made my way to the head of the line. The bouncer glanced up at me through his thick black shades. Ooo! Tall drink of a man. How come I don’t try to go for the bouncer? So strange…

“Hello,” I said. He didn’t speak. He just stared at me. Hm, not a talking man, huh?

“It is packed in there?” I asked. No answer, but he removed the rope.

“Thank you,” I said. I bowed my head and walked inside. I could hear the music from the doorway. I already had my plans ready. Get a drink. Dance for a bit. Look for a hot man. Take him home with me. Simple, sexy plan.

The flashing pink and purple lights were hard to miss. I could smell the smoke already. To my surprise, there weren’t many people here. I took a look around. Where are all the hot guys? I’m looking for six’s and sevens. There aren’t any eight’s or higher in this place. They go to the high-class clubs. Noiz doesn’t make that much money.

I made my way to the bar. The bartender eyed me.

“Brandy, please?” I asked. The bartender got to work. I took a second look around the bar. Where are all the hot ones? Come on. Come out, come out wherever you are. Mama wants to play.

It doesn’t take me long to get lucky.

This man… Whew! Gold dust rained down upon him. His black suit gave him a classy look. He had to be about seven to seven and a half. His hands looked so strong. I licked my lips. He’ll do fine.

Once I finished my brandy, I decide to put on a show. I brushed by him as I made my way to the dance floor. He turned to look as I expected. I smiled and winked. He gave me a blank stare. Yes, that’s it. Look at me. I moved to the dance floor and began my plan.

The fast-pace song helped me move to my dance. I let him get an eyeful of my curves. My skirt moved with my hips. My corset kept my eyes on him the whole time. He couldn’t look away either. His cheeks were light pink as he held his drink. He looked he wanted to get up and talk to me. Good, I have him.

It doesn’t take long for my target to walk over and dance with me. His cologne teased my nose.

“I’m Noiz,” I said. “What is your name?” The man finally smiled.

“Jin,” he said. I smirked as I leaned in close to his ear.

“Let’s go somewhere more exciting,” I whispered. That was all it took. We left together right after that.

That is how I bag my men. Now back to my sexy adventures.