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Chapter Fifteen: Desire Under Tarsus:

Rob went to school in a good mood. He felt like a new boy! Everyone around him saw his new glow. Many people were really curious. They were wondering what was making him all cheerful this morning. Ron and Billy were on the case. They waited for him at his locker. The mouse walked up to them with a smile on his face.

“Hey fellows!” he called. “What’s up?” The boys circled around him closely. Ron leaned in close.

“Okay spill it!” he said. The mouse looked at his buddy confused.

“Spill what?” he asked. Billy leaned in closer.

“What are you so happy for?” he asked. Rob began smiling all over again. His mind disappeared elsewhere. The mouse was thinking about his kitty. She blew his mind this morning. So much so that he wanted more. But, he had school right now. Darn education at times. Oh well, there was always tonight. The boy sank deeper into his fantasies. Ron and Billy instantly put two and two together. Grins were up to their ears.

“Oooo!!!” Billy called. “Our little Robbie got some last night!” The mouse was blushing more at those words. The boys snickered at that one. They were dead right. Rob’s face always gave it away. Soon, Ron and Billy were hungry for more. They just had to get all of the information out of him.

“Well,” Ron said. “Tell us! How it was?”

“Who’s the lucky girl?” Billy asked. Rob suddenly felt himself trapped once again. He knew how these guys operated. Ron and Billy were determined to know everything about the mouse’s sex life. The boys weren’t going to quit until they were satisfied. There had to be some way to get out of talking to them.

Then, the bell rang. It was time for class. It was time for class. Rob breathed out and relaxed. Saved by the bell once again. But then, Ron and Billy grabbed him by the arms.

“Don’t worry!” Billy called. “You can tell us on the way to class!” Rob became nervous all over again. They just didn’t quit, did they? The mouse sighed aloud in stress. This was going to be a long morning.

For most of the day, Rob could not focus. His mind was on Noiz-sama. She had taken over his heart completely. He just had to see her again. Tonight would be perfect. Right then, the mouse began planning his hot Friday night. This was the weekend. That meant three days and nights of hot loving. They would not get sleep at all. The rest of the day was spent planning the hot weekend. Every detail had to be perfect. Once Rob had the bedroom scene worked out, there was only one thing left to do.

The mouse got on a computer at his library and logged onto his e-mail. He looked around for a bit. No one was watching. Rob smirked to himself as he got right to work. His message went like this:


I miss you so much. I just have to see you again tonight! I have to come over.



The wait was a pain. But the teasing heightened the pleasure for later. Speaking of which, Rob needed to come up with a new way to please his mistress. So far, he couldn’t think of anything. But then, an idea came into his head. “I’m a mouse!” he thought. A smirk came across his face. “Oh yeah!” Rob thought. “She’ll really love this!” The only thing missing was her reply. Oh, waiting is such bitch!

But then, the mouse got the reply. Noiz’s reply was a hot one:


I will be in Aiko Suite for in Victoria’s Secret! ;)

Love and Kisses, Noiz-sama


Rob was grinning up to his ears at that one. Tonight was going to be great. He just couldn’t wait. But first, the mouse has to get through school. Oh, waiting is bitch! But it was all worth it!

That evening, Rob did his homework at his dorm and hurried over to Aiko Suite. The mouse rang the doorbell at his love’s door. Akago opened the door. Rob looked at her slightly confused.

“Uh… Is Noiz in?” he asked. The hand maiden bowed to him.

“Right this way san,” she said. Then, the girl led the mouse into the castle. Rob began counting down to the moment of pleasure. Each step made his heart race so. He just couldn’t wait to taste her. Akago  took the boy to the door of Aiko Suite. She turned to him slowly.

“Here you are,” the hand maiden said. “Enjoy your night.” Then, she went down the hall to her room. Rob watched her do so. He was now alone. The mouse turned back to the door. Pleasure was calling his name tonight. He could just hear it. “Yes,” the mouse thought. “Here I am! Take me now!” Rob took in a deep breath and opened the door.

The sweet scents of perfume greeted mouse. Candles were lit on the floor. The heavy curtains were drawn closed for privacy. Sensual music was playing tonight. Rob looked around overjoyed. He was home again. Suddenly, the mouse had a low whistle. He looked up and saw his mistress. The kitty was lying on the bed waiting for him. Noiz was dressed in a white short silk gown with a black bow on her breasts and spaghetti black straps. She had a black ribbon tied around her neck. Rob smiled at her tenderly aroused.

“Hey there!” he said. “You look really pretty there tonight.” Noiz smiled at him wickedly.

“Why thanks!” she said back to him. Her voice him a strange effect on the pet. He was… completely turned on by her. His desires had completely taken over his mind. He rushed over to his lover and kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back. The cat dragged her pet down with her. The ride was started right away. More kisses followed after each other. Noiz moved his hands to her chest. Rob grabbed onto her breasts tightly as he slipped his tongue into her waiting wet mouth. She gave him her muscle as well. Battle commenced in seconds. The hot steam added onto the moment. More sexy action followed in seconds.

Noiz grabbed onto Rob’s shirt and quickly yanked it off. The mouse began kissing her more and more. He leaned in close to her ear.

“I have a new way to pleasure you!” he whispered to her. Noiz’s heart leapt in excitement. She looked at her lover happily.

“Really now?” she challenged. Rob smiled at her boldly.

“Yes!” he called. Noiz looked on interested.

“Okay,” she said. “Show me!” Rob smirked at her in a rich way.

“Brace yourself!” he called. Then, the mouse kissed her again on the lips. Noiz kissed him back happily. A rich little smiled came onto her face. “Hm, good start so far!” she thought aroused. Then, more kisses followed behind. The moment shot up even more. Both instantly yearned for even more of each other. Something had to give right away.

Noiz reached forward and grabbed onto Rob’s jeans. The mouse tried his best to keep still. Noiz broke off the kiss and smirked at him in deviance. “I know what you want, baby!” her eyes seemed to say. Even under him, the cat had the dominate power over him. There was no denying it there. Noiz was the dominate and Rob was the submissive. A perfect fit really.

The cat quickly undid his jeans. Rob watched on happily. Noiz smirked at him again. She quickly yanked off his jeans. His arousal could be seen through his boxers. The cat smiled at him wickedly.

“Ooo!!!” she cooed. “Someone looks happy to see me!” Rob blushed at her words wildly. Noiz smirked at him yet again. She just loved messing with his head. Made things more exciting that way. Noiz grabbed onto his boxers and yanked them off as well. Rob stared on waiting. Noiz lied back smiling.

“Okay,” she said. “Show me a good time!” Rob smiled at her wickedly.

“Alright then!” he said. Suddenly, Rob shut his eyes and shrank himself down into a small mouse. Noiz watched on intrigued. The pet looked up at her.

“Spread your legs for me!” he ordered. Noiz looked at him in an odd way. Rob realized his error.

“Please,” he said. Noiz smiled at him.

“That’s better,” she said. Then, the cat gracefully spread her legs for him. Rob smiled to himself wickedly. He leapt up onto her chest. Noiz watched on interest. What was he plotting? Rob began lightly nibbling and licking at her breasts. Noiz moaned aloud happily. This was a new experience for her. It wasn’t over yet however. Rob was only beginning on the appetizer. Hunger dominated his mind tonight. There was only one way to cure it.

The mouse slowly began to move downwards. The licks and nibbles continued to increase. Noiz moaned out louder in bliss. Rob smiled to himself happily. He was only warming her at the moment. This had to be just right tonight.

Rob crawled down to his love’s stomach. He sped up even more. The boy could not resist the taste of her. He had to have more and more of his lover. Noiz was crying out loud pleasure. It all kept getting better and better from there. And that was only half of the ride. The mouse a mission tonight. He was going all of the way. The mouse slowly crawled down further. The kitty was trembling all over. This pleasure was shooting up higher and higher. She shut her eyes tightly to take in more. Rob smiled to himself wickedly. He was really firing her up. It was time for the best part. Rob began traveling even further down. Noiz cried out happily. She wasn’t aware of what was coming next. Rob kept licking and nibbling under the fabric until her reached his final destination. He crawled over to her entry. Here was the mother lode. It was show time!

Rob took a couple of licks and kisses to her entry. Noiz trembled in delight. Ooo! He was teasing her now. Rob was being so wrong tonight! But, he was only starting. He began licking and nibbling at her entry. Noiz was screaming out in higher bliss. But then, something strange happened. The cat suddenly felt hungry. In both ways to be honest. Not ordinary snack would satisfy her. There was only one to cure this fix. But yet, the cat didn’t want to stop him. “I want to satisfy myself!” she thought. “But this feels too good to stop!” The cat moaned aloud again. Rob smirked to himself wickedly. He wanted her to crazy for him. The mouse was half way there. Just a little more…

Rob dipped his little inside of her. He “accidently” found one of her hot button and licked it on. Noiz cried out louder in high bliss and desire.

“OHHH!!!” she screamed out loud. Rob liked what him heard. So, he licked her again. The cat cried out again. She was really enjoying this! Rob began licking on her more and more. His mistress became wet all over. This was really torture now! She didn’t know how much more she could take. There was only one way to stop the madness.

Without warning, Noiz grabbed up her lover and held him high above. The mouse watched on excited. This was what he wanted so much. The grand finale was now here. Noiz smiled at him wickedly. Desire had taken over her mind now. There was no going back now.

Noiz opened her mouth wide and quickly dropped Rob inside. She closed her mouth in delight. It wasn’t over yet. She began sucking on his sweet taste. Rob led against his tongue and enjoyed the pressure. Noiz was just surprised by the new taste. “Oh wow!” she thought. “I never had anything like this before! This is… mind-blowing!” The kitty began sucking harder and faster. The mouse himself was enjoying it all from the inside. He had fantasized about this forever! Now, it was all here.

In minutes, the taste overtook the cat. She swallowed almost instantly. A huge smile came to her face.

“Yum!” she cried out. “That was the best treat ever!” Noiz lied there waiting for few moments. After a while, Rob reformed in his normal size next to her. Noiz turned to him smiling.

“Hi there,” she said. The mouse gently kissed her on the lips. Noiz kissed him back. Rob smiled at her warmly.

“How was that?” he asked. His love smiled back him.

“Great!” she called out.

“You alright?” the mouse asked her. She gently kissed him on the nose.

“Yes,” the kitty said to him in a soft whisper. They shared one more kiss before falling asleep in each other’s arms.