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Chapter Sixteen: Mistress:

Rob wasn’t the only one with eyes for Noiz. Sometimes, she would show up at his school to pick him up and the boys would be drooling over her. Billy and Ron certainly were. Rob didn’t enjoy how they stared at her so. Those jokers could such perverts at times.

“Cut it out!!!” the mouse yelled at them one day as they stared at her curves when she the school for work. His friends turned to him looking hungry.

“Dude, your girl is hot!” Billy said defensively.

“Yeah,” Rob agreed quickly. “But she’s a lady, not an object!”

“So?” Ron questioned. *Rob falls over*

“Stop staring at Noiz-sama like she’s a whore!” the mouse cried. His friends didn’t listen, however. They just pushed Rob out of the way and kept staring. The mouse sighed in stress. He just couldn’t get through to those two. The mouse might as well have been yelling at a wall. “I give up!” Rob thought in defeat.

But, one could call Rob a hypocrite if they knew what he and Noiz got up to almost every night. The cat may be proper at times, but she was a total freak in the bed! In fact, she always played the dominant role and he played her submissive. Tonight was one of those nights.

Noiz waited on their bed in Aiko Suite. She sent the text message already. The cat even dressed up for tonight. Now, she just needed her mouse.

Soon, there came a knock on her door. Noiz looked up right away. Her heart raced in heated desire. The cat fixed herself up one last time. Noiz sat up straight on the bed.

“Come in!” she called. The door opened wide. Noiz smiled at her lover. Rob stood in the doorway smiling.

“Hi,” he greeted her. His mistress dressed up like a geisha tonight. Noiz donned a short silk pink kimono decorated in cherry blossoms. The black corset obi put emphasis on her waist and curves. Her black fishnet stockings hugged her pretty legs. The black ribbon around her neck looked hot on her. The light make-up completed the whole look.

“Miss me?” the mistress asked. Rob could barely speak at first. A huge grin came onto his face.

“Yeah!” he replied in high hunger. Noiz looked on at him smirking.

“I can see that!” she replied. Rob looked at her lost for a moment.

“Huh?” he asked. Noiz looked at the lower part of him with a smirk on her face. The mouse looked down at himself quickly. He instantly saw what she was talking about. They hadn’t started yet and his member was already up for battle. Rob blushed at his state. Noiz smiled at him in pity. She stood up and walked over to him.

“Aw,” the cat replied. “Come here.” Then, she lightly kissed him on the lips. Rob relaxed in seconds. He kissed her back right away. More kisses followed after that. The mouse pushed his girl back onto their bed. He seemed to have total control there for a second. But, Noiz quickly overpowered the boy. She flipped him right over onto his back. Rob looked up at her helplessly. Noiz smirked at him.

“Bad mousey!” she said. “You don’t get to top me that easily!” Rob nodded at her quickly.

“Yes Noiz-sama!” he said aroused. “It won’t happen again!” The cat smiled at him wickedly.

“Very good,” she replied. Then, Noiz kissed him again on the lips. The boy kissed her back. More kisses followed again. Then, an idea came into the cat’s mind. She pulled Rob up so that he was sitting up again. The mouse broke off the kiss confused. He began to speak his mind when Noiz gently put her finger to his lips. She leaned in close to his burning ear.

“Relax,” the cat whispered. “I just want to try something new with you tonight. Trust me on this one.” Rob nodded at her in confused excitement. Noiz smiled at him wickedly.

“Good boy!” she whispered at him wickedly. Then, the cat kissed her pet again on the lips. He kissed her back once again. No more playing around this time. Time to get to work.

Noiz quickly yakked off his shirt. Rob grabbed her close to him. The cat slipped her tongue into his mouth. The mouse’s own tongue played with hers as he lightly nibbled her lower lip. While he worked with her up top, Rob slipped his hands around his mistress’ slender waist. They found her corset obi and began to unfasten it slowly. Rob pulled it away and threw it to the floor. The kimono fell loose around her milk chocolate body. Noiz began kissing at his neck tenderly. The mouse whimpered and moaned softly. He grabbed onto her kimono and slowly slid it off. Noiz happily trembled at his touch. He knew how to turn her on. Now to take it further.

Noiz grabbed onto his belt and began unfastening it. Rob tried his best to keep still for her. The proved to be next to impossible. Noiz had to use her weight to keep him still so she could finish. The cat yanked out his belt and threw it to the floor. Next came his jeans. The cat moved a bit so the task could be easier. Rob let her do so  without any protests. He blushed in excitement again. Noiz looked at him in a hungry way as she undid his jeans. Her mouse trembled in high delight. He felt himself getting even harder down south. Women were evil with building up the teasing. Noiz certainly was no exception to the rule. She knew how to tease and entice him enough to keep him hooked.

Noiz pulled off his jeans and threw them down to her floor. She grabbed onto his boxers and pulled them right off. She threw them off as well. Rob looked at her waiting. The cat eyed him back as well. She kissed him again. The mouse kissed her back. He slipped his hand behind her back and grabbed onto her black lacy strapless bra. He found himself unhooking it within seconds of touching the fabric. Noiz deepened the kiss in response. Rob removed the bra and threw it to floor. He grabbed onto his mistress’ panties and pulled them right off. Noiz broke off the kiss to take over again.

“Just sit still in Indian style and I’ll guide you through the rest,” she instructed. Rob complied in bliss. Noiz smiled as he did so.

“Good boy,” she told him. The cat then climbed into his lap and sensually wrapped her legs around his waist. She slowly guided him inside of her. The cat moved her lover’s hands under her hips.

“Hang on tight!” she commanded. Rob nodded at her quickly. Almost set now. Noiz wrapped her arms around his neck passionately and got right to work slowly. The mouse slowly whimpered in pleasure. Noiz smirked to herself wickedly. She didn’t plan on speeding up tonight. Not this time. The cat only wanted to focus on building up to the big O. (And maybe a little snack here and there.) Rob shut his eyes tightly to enjoy the feeling of her around him. Noiz was so sexy when she took control. The power kept him hooked like a coke addict to coke.

Noiz kept on with her slow strong pace. He found her G-spot by accident. The cat kept at that new angle for more strokes. Rob moaned even louder at the sensation. He pulled her much closer to him for more. That heightened everything even better. Now, the mistress was completely around him. Her arms tightly around his neck, her legs around his waist, her breasts pressed up against his chest, her womanhood around his member. Could this get any better?

Noiz knew how it would. She leaned in while rocking back and forth and began kissing on his neck and shoulders. The mouse moaned out even louder. These kisses soon became nibbles and bites. Rob was really in heaven now. Eating plus loving. Doesn’t get any better than this! Or does? Who can say? Rob would just have to come back for more once again.

Noiz reached her climax in a huge way. She screamed out against Rob’s chewed on collarbone. The mouse came within her as well.

“Noiz-sama!” he screamed out loud in bliss. Both stayed still long enough for the excitement to die down again. They looked into each other’s eyes panting. Noiz looked at him smiling.

“You alright?” she asked at last.

“Yeah!” Rob said with a nod. His mistress kissed him on the lips once again. She lightly patted him on the head.

“Good boy,” the cat whispered to him. Then, Noiz lightly pushed him back onto their bed. She slowly pulled off of him and lied back down on his strong young body. Noiz took one more munch on his neck before settling down one more time. Rob held her close to him smiling. They went to sleep just like that for the night.