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Chapter Thirteen: Devil Inside:

“Robert!!!” Andrea called out the next morning. “Get Up you have chores to do!!! Don’t even try to get out of it either!” But, she was in for a surprise this morning! Andrea opened her student’s bedroom with a kick. Boy was she surprised to find the mouse in bed with a woman. Her face became red with delight. Rob and Noiz slowly awoke to see a woman in her fifties staring at them. Noiz instantly became uncomfortable.

“Uh… Robbie-kun,” she said nervously. “Who is that?”

“Uh…” the mouse said. Andrea smiled at them brightly.

“Oooo!!!” she called. “Rob’s got a girlfriend!” The mouse’s cheeks became bright red.

“Andrea!!!” he cried out in embarrassment. Hs mentor kept grinned like an alley cat.

“I’m so happy for you!” she called. “In fact, you can sleep in if you like. I don’t mind!” Then, she backed out of the room snickering to herself. Noiz turned back to her mouse looking worried.

“Who was she?” the cat asked in nervous shock. Rob sighed aloud.

“She’s my mentor!” he replied slightly humiliated. Noiz looked at him shocked silence.

“Your mentor?” she asked. *Sweat drop on Rob’s head*

“Yes,” he mumbled in discomfort. Awkward morning indeed.

But, breakfast was a little better. Everyone was dressed by then. Silence was all around at first. Andrea looked at the pair still smiling. The grin made Noiz very uncomfortable. She leaned over to the her mouse.

“Why is she smiling at us like that?” she whispered to him. *Sweat drop on Rob’s head*

“She’s happy I slept with a woman last night!” he whispered back. *Sweat drop on Noiz’s head*

“Oh, I see!” the cat whispered back. Andrea clapped her hands together loudly. The pair looked up quickly. The mentor smiled at them brightly.

“So!” she called. “Tell me about yourself, Noiz!” The cat froze there for a moment.

“Well,” she said. “I am a writer and twenty-five years old.” That sparked the other woman’s interest right away.

“Ooo!” she said. “You’re a writer. What do you write?”

“Fiction,” Noiz replied. “With many different genres.”

“Ooo!” Andrea called again. “That’s very interesting! I bet you get many dates.” *Sweat drop on Noiz’s head*

“Yeah,” she said in discomfort. “But I haven’t found the right one yet. The wrong ones keep finding me.”

“Awww!” Andrea said in pit. “You’re so lucky to have met Rob. He is such a good boy! He has a hard time finding a girlfriend!” *Sweat drop on Rob’s head*

“Andrea!!!” he hissed under his breath.

“Really?” Noiz asked.

“Uh-huh!” the mentor called. Rob slammed his head down against the table. The women turned to him slowly

“Rob,” Andrea said. “Is there a problem?” There was no answer. The mentor just shrugged.

“Guess not,” she said. “Every single time!” he thought in misery. “Every fucking time!” The rest of breakfast turned out quite nice. Andrea and Noiz got off very well. In fact, the mentor loved Noiz like her own daughter. When the women were cleaning up the breakfast table, Andrea got to know the cat even more. Rob was surprised by this approval. It usually takes Andrea months before she liked anyone at all!!! Noiz must have said or done something that Andrea must have really liked, because they were acting like the best of friends. The mouse just couldn’t believe it at all.

After breakfast, Noiz walked Rob to school. The mouse kept looking at his kitty surprised. Noiz noticed his face instantly.

“What is it, Robbie-kun?” she asked sweetly. The mouse turned at her likewise.

“Andrea-san really likes you,” he said. Noiz looked at him slightly surprised.

“She does?” the cat asked.

“Yeah!” Rob said. “Andrea-san was really nice and chatty It usually takes her a while to like anyone! She really must like you.” The kitty smiled as she took that all in.

“I think you’re right,” she asked. Rob smiled back at her. They shared one more kiss before heading off to Tokyo High.

The walk to school was a successful one. Many of the male students had their eyes locked on her. They were drooling happily. The cat pretended not to notice. This was how it always was with her. But, Noiz only had eyes for Rob.

The rest of the day breezed by easily. By afternoon, Noiz was horny. There was only one way to cure that. So, the cat drew out her cell phone. She dialed up Rob and waited. Her heart raced happily.

“Hello?” the mouse said on the other line. The cat was really happy now.

“Robbie-kun!” she called aloud. The mouse was happy likewise.

“Noiz-sama?” he asked. The cat giggled a bit.

“Hey, sweetie!” she said. “What’cha doing tonight?” Rob was surprised by this question.

“Nothing,” he replied. “Why?” Noiz tittered at his reply.

“Mama feels lonely!” she said. Rob was overjoyed to hear that.

“Ooo! What time do you want me?” he asked.

“Nine sounds good?” she asked.

“Great!” he said. “I’ll see you then.” His mistress smiled.

“Great,” she said. “Bye.” Then they hung up. The kitty smiled to herself wickedly. The date was set. Now it was time to set up shop. “Oh my, I better get ready!” she thought. Then, Noiz headed to her bedroom to get started.

The evening came just in time. Rob made it over to Sakura Ai Palace just in time. He was in a great mood. The mouse rang the door bell.

“Coming!” Noiz called to him. Rob waited happily. He was expecting noting but the best tonight. The mouse didn’t know what he would get. Finally, the door opened wide. Rob looked and stared with red cheeks. Noizchild greeted her beloved mouse only dressed in a silk black and red lace teddy. The nightgown was short and see-through. Rob could see her matching panties through the gown. And believe me, his face was bright red all over. Noiz smiled at his reaction.

“Does mousey like his doll tonight?” she asked in a husky seductive tone. Rob couldn’t say a word at all. He just forward and kissed her on the lips. Noiz was pleasantly surprised.

Ooo!!!” she thought. “I’ll take that as a yes!” The cat kissed him back and dragged him into the house. Rob reached behind him to the door. He closed and locked it behind them.

Noiz led her pet up to her bedroom. Rob pushed his mistress back onto the bed. She kissed him again. The mouse of course kissed her back. The heat storm started up from there. Noiz quickly grabbed Rob’s t-shirt and slid it off. The mouse playfully forced his tongue into her mouth. The cat quickly accepted and gave him her own tongue in response. A lusty battle began in their mouths. So much desire was there. It had to escape somehow.

Rob grabbed onto Noiz’s gown and ripped it right off. The kitty trembled in delight at his touch. She instantly spread her legs for him. Rob broke off the kiss to get a good look at her. He could tell just by looking at her that she was really wet for him. Rob smirked to himself in a dirty way. “Noiz-sama wants it bad!” he thought. Well, okay then. Who was he to deny the request of a lady? The mouse kissed her again. Noiz kissed him back. The tongue battle started from there again.

The cat grabbed onto his jeans and quickly undid them. Rob tried his best to stay still as she began rolling them off. He began forcing his tongue deeper. Noiz almost choked on him as she got his jeans completely off. This kind of excitement called for a raise in the steaks. So, she broke off the kiss and leaned in close to his ear.

“I have a little gift for you in drawer next to you!” she whispered to him. Rob looked at her really happy. Then, he reached over to the nightstand and opened the drawer. He looked inside. The mouse’s eyes grew big in aroused surprise. Rope was in the drawer. Rob turned back to her. Noiz was lying there smiling at him. The mouse quickly put two and two together. A smirk came across his face. “Bad kitty!” he thought. Then, Rob pulled out the rope and tied Noiz’s wrists to the headboard. The cat giggled as he did so. Rob made sure that the ropes were perfectly tight before continuing. The mouse took another look at his mistress. She looked even hotter than before. Rob felt himself getting really hard now. He wanted to bang her really hard. But first, there were a few adjustments to be made.

Rob kissed her on the lips. Noiz kissed him back. The kisses started up again. The mouse slowly began kissing down her neck. Noiz moaned aloud. She shut her eyes in bliss. Rob smiled to himself wickedly. “Good!” he thought. “I have her distracted!” Now for the fun part. Rob slowly slid his hands to her sides as he kissed on her sweet flesh. His master moaned aloud in bliss. Rob smirked to himself again. He grabbed the sides of her panties and yanked them off in a rush. He threw the panties down to the floor. The pet took a moment to look at his mistress. She was now hotter than Aphrodite. Rob couldn’t hold back any longer. He ripped off his boxers and threw them down. Noiz opened her eyes and took a peek. Her cheeks were bright red with delight. Her eyes were begging for more. Rob grinned at her seductively.

“Do you want me tonight?” he asked her.

“Yes!” Noiz so in a high-pitched squeak. The mouse grinned at her wickedly.

“Okay then,” he said. Then, Rob slid himself into her. Noiz moaned aloud happily as she shut her eyes again. The mouse kissed her on the lips again. Then, he started pulling in and out of her slowly. Noiz moaned aloud as she lightly wrapped her legs around him. The ride remained slow for a little while longer. Then, they couldn’t take it anymore. The desire inside of them was burning for more.

“HARDER ROBBIE-KUN!!” Noiz cried out. “HARDER!!!” The mouse complied in a heartbeat. Noiz moaned out happily. Rob sped up even more. Noiz’s legs tightened around him. The mouse reached up and cut the ropes from around his mistress’ wrists. Noiz grabbed him and held tightly. The loving pressure drove the mouse to pump faster. Noiz moaned aloud again. She arched her hips up to his thrusts. The mouse then sped up even more. Noiz just let her body fall back into deep pleasure. They could be like this forever.

At last, Rob came hard within his kitty. He cried aloud happily. Noiz moaned out loud with him. Rob just lied there while his prize spilled into his beloved. It seemed to take so long. But it was worth every second of it!

Once he was finished, Rob collapsed beside of his master panting. The cat turned to him smiling.

“That was great!” she said.

“Yeah!” her pet agreed. Noiz kept her smile.

“Stay tonight,” she whispered. Rob gently kissed her on the lips.

“Anything for you, my love,” the mouse whispered back. The cat smiled at him again. They fell asleep beside of each other like that.