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Chapter fourteen: Private View:

Rob slowly awoke the next morning. The soft morning light came through the bamboo blinds. The mouse looked beside of him in the bed. Noiz was still asleep in bed. Rob smiled to himself tenderly. “My girl looks so good!” he thought. Suddenly, the mouse found himself completely aroused. He just had to have more from last night. The mouse leaned in and gently kissed the kitty on the lips. To his surprised, they tasted so sweet in the morning. He leaned in and kissed her again. This time, Noiz woke up and kissed him back. She pushed him onto his back and climbed on top. The mouse became excited. “Oh wow!” he thought. “She’s become more bold. I like it!” Noiz broke off the kiss and looked at him smiling.

“Aw,” she cooed. “Who’s a good mousey?” The cat began gently playing with his short brown hair. Rob stared up at her well-rounded set in a hungry way. Her chest begged for someone to play with them. That wasn’t all. The way she was sitting on him made her look like a sexy-looking cowgirl about to ride him. Even her sweet little fingers playing with his hair was so sexy. His rod was hard underneath her. Noiz smiled at him wickedly. She leaned down to his hot burning ear.

“I know what you want!” she whispered to him. Rob looked up at her in high excitement. Noiz moved to his lips and kissed them gently. Rob kissed her back. The cat sat up smiling.

“You want me?” she asked. The mouse nodded at her happily. His mistress smiled at him wickedly. Her fingers lightly traced down to his bare chest. He stared at her with big eyes. Noiz kept her eyes locked on him closely.

“How badly?” she asked. Rob’s eyes got bigger in heavier desire. Oh, not this was getting to be too much. Noiz was being evil now. This was a system overload of lust. The mouse didn’t know how much more could take. This was just torture.

“S-So much that I could die in madness without you!” Rob cried out. Noiz lightly put her finger to his lips. She smirked at him wickedly. The cat leaned down to his hot burning ear.

“That’s all I wanted to hear from you!” she whispered to her lover. Then, Noiz decided to try something new this morning. She slowly guided him into her. Rob trembled in delight at the feeling of her walls around him. The kitty moved her love’s hands to her lovely thighs. She leaned to his ear again.

“Hang on to me!” she whispered to him. Rob nodded at her quickly. Noiz smirked to herself. She sat up on him slowly. The cat held onto his handsome young male torso. Now, she was all set.

“Hang on!” Noiz advised Rob boldly. "You’re in for a great ride today!” Then, Noiz got right to work. But, it wasn’t the good old up and down action. No sir! Not this morning! The kitty began slowly taking her slender curvy hips in a seductive hip circle. She did her continuous circles to the right. Lighting shocks of pleasure hit Rob’s brain in a wild fire rocket rush. This was new and exciting. Her movements were of a seductive belly dancer. The mouse was moaning aloud in surprised bliss. Noiz began to pick up the pace slowly. She cried aloud in high pleasure. He felt so good rubbing against her sweet inner walls. Tiny sparks of ecstasy soared all through her slender chocolate body. The kitty cat felt so sexy with her seductive overpowering hip circles. She was glad to had taken up belly dancing as a new hobby. Noiz felt so dominate at this very moment.

“You love this, sweetie?!?” she cried aloud.

“OH YES, MISTRESS!!!” Rob screamed. “HARDER!!! FASTER!!! OH YES!!! DON’T STOP MISTRESS!!!” Noiz sped up more with her sexy hypnotic hip circles. Rob moaned aloud in high bliss. The circles alone weren’t the only thing that he was hooked into his beloved kitty mistress this morning. The sight of her chocolate slender curvy body mesmerized like a moth to a bonfire on the beach. Her soft chocolate skin, her long black kitty tail swaying in the air, her well-rounded breasts, her tasty thighs in his youth hands, and her beautiful shapely gyrating hips changing directions and paces were all a massive sensory overload on his horny high school boy mind. The mouse had just discovered new heights of mind-blowing pleasure. No drug or drink in the world could match this ecstasy. It was official: Rob loved it when Noiz was dominate. It made her sexier in his eyes. Noiz-sama should be on top more.

Rob came wildly and hard within his mistress.

“NOIZ-SAMA!!!” he cried aloud. “OHHH!!!” The kitty came as well. She screamed out in high bliss. They both seemed to stay in that happy place for quite a few minutes. Finally, Noiz collapsed onto him lightly. Both were panting really hard. Noiz looked into the mouse’s lovely blue eyes. A little smile came across her face.

“How was that, babe?” she asked. Rob smiled back at her. He gently licked her on the throat.

“That was great!” he called. Noiz kissed on the lips. He kissed her back. Noiz smiled at him some. She kissed him on the nose.

“Get dressed!” the cat said. “You’ve got school!” Then, she climbed out of bed, put on his shirt, and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. Rob lied there confused for a moment.

“Huh?” he asked. Then, it hit him pretty fast. “Damn it!” the mouse thought. “She’s right!” Then, Rob quickly leapt out of bed and hurried to get ready for school.