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Chapter Forty-Nine: Devil’s Night:

Now came the main event for the night. So far, the day was innocent. Noiz and Mosh went around to different stores on the strip. They went to a seaside restaurant for dinner. The kitty happily covered all the expenses. She kept her flirting down to a minimum. By this time, Mosh had gotten used to them holding hands in public. His wife looked down when he took hold of her hand.

“Oh,” she said. “What’s this?” The mouse only looked away, blushing.

“Well, it’s okay now!” he blurted out. Noiz only giggled at him. Mosh looked at her with a redder face.

“What?!?” he yelped. His wife looked up at him with a smile on her sweet face.

“You’re so fun to mess with,” she said. She reached up and teased his hair and ears. Mosh lowered his head and sighed. Why does she always do this to me?, he thought. Noiz leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. The mouse turned and looked at her.

“What was that for?” he asked. The kitty gave him a little shrug.

“Just cause,” she said. Mosh blinked at her.

“Do I even want to know?” he asked. Noiz giggled again.

“Maybe,” she replied. The mouse only shook his head. She just had to keep playing these games with him, didn’t she? By sundown, they made it to a seaside hotel. Noiz ordered the room and got the key. She turned back to her husband.

“We’ll go set down our things and go out on the beach,” she whispered. The mouse turned his head to her.

“Say what?” he asked. Noiz smiled and nuzzled him on the neck. He could smell the perfume from between her breasts when he looked down. Oh, she really means business now!, Mosh thought. He gave her a sharp nod.

“Yes!” he whispered loudly. Noiz smiled and led him down hall. Their room overlooked the ocean itself. Noiz opened the big window and closed her eyes.

“Mmm,” she said. “It feels so good tonight.” She turned to Mosh.

“Can we sleep like this tonight?” the cat asked. The mouse gave her a little shrug as he smiled.

“Anything you like,” he said. Noiz gave him a little smile. She walked over to him and cuddled close to his tone, strong, young body. Her hot breath touched his ear. Mosh tried to breathe as his breath grew harder along with his member. He glanced over at her.

“Noiz-sama…” he murmured. The kitty looked over at him.

“Come out to the beach with me,” she whispered. Mosh slowly nodded.

“Yes mistress,” he whispered. Noiz took hold of his hands and led him outside with her. From there, blind lust took over everything.

Kitty and mouse walked all the way down to the shore. Noiz gracefully laid down first. Mosh looked at her with hungry intrigue in his eyes.

“Oh,” he said. “And what do we have here?” Noiz gave him a huge smile.

“Kitty’s hungry,” she said. Her husband raised an eyebrow at her.

“In what way?” he asked.

“I’m hungry here and here,” she replied, pointing to her mouth first and then her pussy. The mouse blushed as he swallowed back some drool. He sank down to his knees before her. His hands came on either side of her shoulder.

“Well then,” he said. “I guess I’ll have to fix that, won’t I?” Noiz nodded happily.

“Take me!” she commanded.

“Yes ma’am!” the mouse replied. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Noiz kissed back as she snaked her tongue inside his mouth. Her grabbed onto her pink tank top and slid it over her head. His wife pulled him in closer to her curved body. The mouse already worked on getting off his own shirt for more access to such well-rounded, bare breasts. His mouth moved down to her throat. Noiz closed her eyes and moaned aloud. Her body arched upwards as he unzipped her skirt. The wife smirked to herself before she acted on her plan. Quick as a flash, she flipped him straight onto his back. He looked up at her with wide eyes.

“Mistress!” he squealed. Noiz snickered and kissed him on the lips again. He kissed back with a pounding heart. His wife disposed of her skirt and grabbed onto his shorts that had now formed a tent. The mouse boy trembled as her hands made quick work with unzipping them. His hands reached up and yanked off her panties. His boxers followed behind his shorts. Noiz anchored herself on him and started the slow ride. Mosh moaned out loud as he grabbed onto her hips. She looked him straight in the eye.

“Do you want this?” she asked.

“Yes!” he cried aloud. His wife’s lips curved into a warm smile.

“That’s good to hear,” she replied. Then, she knelt down to bite at his throat as she pumped her hips faster on his cock. Mosh reached up and pulled her in closer to him. Noiz moved her hungry teeth down his chest. Her husband shut his eyes to take in the pain and pleasure. The kitty herself ate and lapped up the blood that flowed into her mouth as she pumped even faster. Her claws even dug into the muscles of his strong, slender arms. Mosh drew in a slower breath as his life grew dimmer under her. From this point onwards, the kitty just let the nightly waves of the ocean guide her movements through a blind lusty speed to her release.

The ride to ecstasy ended on a high note with a loud cry from the cat. She collapsed next to her husband’s still-alive body. She looked at him with big eyes and a watering mouth. Doesn’t seem right to just leave good meat just lying there, now is it?, she thought to herself. Well, only one thing left to do now. Noiz rolled over on her stomach and crawled over to the mouse. She licked her lips at him.

“Thank you for this meal,” Noiz whispered to herself. Then, she leaned down and took another bite of the sexy little mouse for that night.