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Don’t Go Away

Kurai couldn’t piece together what happened yesterday. She couldn’t think straight anymore. Her mind was only on one thing: Akitada. She couldn’t get the mouse out of her head. He was so handsome, so kind, and so innocent. Kurai wanted to do so many things to him. She even spent all morning plotting how to seduce the angel into her arms and bed. The demon kitty kept herself entertained with many fantasies about him at night before going to bed. These were fine at first. But soon that wasn’t enough for Kurai. She just had to have more. But there was a little problem. She was a pure demon and he was a pure angel. Angels could not cross into Hell and demons could not cross into Heaven. Unless…

Kurai then remembered the clause. She was grinning from ear to ear at the terms. She knew just where to get the pact made. Kurai put her hand the sky, shut her eyes, and began lightly chanting to herself. A black light flew up from her feet and began swallowing the demon kitty whole. The light then shot up from the dock and straight up into the sky.

The angel Michael was at his current post in Ronahon working on paperwork. Kami placed him here for four months as a rotation plan to keep Ronahon straight from the latest violent riot. Gabriel started the last four months and now it was Mike’s turn. None of the three big angels wanted to play sheriff to the place, but who were they to complain? It was Kami’s word and that was that. Michael just wanted to serve him time and head back to Heaven. The last thing that he wanted was any trouble of any soft from anyone. That was exactly what he was going to get in a minute.

Michael was almost done for they when the desk intercom crackled on. The angel quickly looked down and pressed the call button.

“Yes?” he asked in slight question.

“Michael, you have a visitor,” the receptionist said in an uneasy voice. The angel rolled his eyes annoyed.

“I’m closed for today,” he said. “Tell them to come again tomorrow!”

“But she insists, san,” the receptionist said in a slow rising panic.

“What’s taking so long, you damn bitch?!?” Kurai snapped impatiently. “Just get me up to Michael already, damn it!” The angel’s eyes widened at that voice. Nineteen whole years! Nineteen whole years of her rudeness and forever-loud volume. What could she possibly want now? Michael sighed and pushed the button.

“Let her up,” he said in stress.

“Yes sir,” the receptionist replied. The angel sat back in his chair. Kurai was like a plague they couldn’t control. She just kept coming back. What would it take to drive her away for good? Within seconds, Kurai was in Michael’s office. The angel looked the demon kitty up and down. He just frowned at her attire. Kurai was dressed in a tight denim miniskirt with silver skull and black belt, gold bikini top that drew attention to her lovely full chest, black scarf in her hair like a headband, and black sandals. Kurai noticed his face straight away.

“What?” she asked innocently. Michael still narrowed her eyes on her.

“Your clothes,” he said sternly. Kurai looked down at her outfit.

“What about them?” she asked sounding clueless. Michael became stressed again. “Does she not realize that she dresses like a tramp?” he thought. “She’s just hopeless!

“Okay,” the angel said aloud. “What do you want now? Come on and spit it out!” Kurai began to blush lightly.

“I want to get into Heaven.” she answered in a sheepish voice. Michael stared at her mortified with wide eyes.

“You… WHAT?!?” he asked. Kurai’s cheeks became redder.

“I want to get into Heaven.” she repeated a little stronger. Michael still kept staring at her shocked. Kurai always did some crazy things. But this was so… disturbing. She had to be up to something the time, he just knew it.

“May I ask why?” Michael managed to ask at last. Kurai’s heart was racing now. The love was preventing her from speaking. She couldn’t think straight again.

“Akitada!” was what she blurted out at last. Michael was about to ask, but then he put all of the pieces together. “Okay,” he thought. “This has gotten weird now.” The kitty was stuck in a heavy crush on the angel mouse. Clearly, Alice’s work at play. A smile came across Michael’s face. Here was his chance to straighten the little devil out for good.

“Sure!” he called at last. “I’ll give you the pact to get you into Heaven!” Kurai’s eyes lit up in delight.

“Really? You mean it?” she asked in excitement. The angel nodded to her smiling. Kurai didn’t know what to say or do! She was super excited now.

“Oh wow!” she yelled out. “Oh wow! I’m going to see Akitada now! Oh wow!” Michael calmly held up his hand.

“Just calm down and hold out your arm,” he told her. Kurai breathed in some and held out her right arm. Michael began the pact. The whole process goes like this: an angel or demon takes a feather, dips it in black ink, and writes the symbol for your destination on your arm. They light a fire and hold it over the writing. After a few words, the symbol sinks into your skin all the way to your blood. You can walk freely into your destination without any harm. Michael performed the ceremony pretty well. Kurai’s arm was still hot after all of that. She blew on it to cool it down. Michael stood back smiling. He did his part, now to sit back and watch. Kurai was smiling up to her ears.

“YES!!!” she called out loud. Then she held up her right hand, shut her eyes, and began chanting. The lights began to form around her next naked feet. It swallowed her up and took her straight upwards. Michael watched after her. He was smiling all the way. “May Alice’s plan work!” he thought. Then the angel began cleaning up.

Within seconds, Kurai was right at Heaven’s gate. She opened her eyes in delight. “I’m here!” the demon kitty thought happily. “I’m actually here!” Her heart was racing in joy now. She would get to see Akitada again. Kurai straightened herself up and proceeded to the gates. The guardian’s eyes grew big when he saw her. The demon kitty grinned at him widely. “Hello!” she called. The guard was completely nervous.

“Yes?” he asked. Kurai leaned in close.

“Open the gates, please.” she said. The guard went completely pale at those words. He looked as if he had seen a ghost.

“WHAT?!?” the guard asked in shock. “WHY?!?” Kurai blushed again.

“I have to see Akitada!” she said aloud. “I even have a pass and everything! Please open the gates!” The guard was speechless. He was beginning to see the reason. It was just strange.

“Okay,” he replied. “You can pass through.” Kurai cheered in joy. Then the guard pressed the buttons for the gates to open. The demon kitty walked through smiling. The gates closed behind her. The guard was in a panic. Kurai always brought trouble was her. Havoc was always behind her. The guard only what would happen next.

Kurai walked through bravely. Everyone was staring right at her. They were nervous with reason. For nineteen years, this demon kitty gave everyone in Heaven headaches. They were all to watch over her for eternity. The reasons for this were just unknown. No one could explain why Kurai was Heaven’s responsibility. There were a few guesses, but that was about it. So all they could was watch and worry. Now, she was here and the fear was spreading like wildfire.

Kurai pretended not to notice them at first. But after a while, it became annoying. The demon kitty looked around glaring.

“WHAT?!?” she snapped at all of them. The angels quickly went back to work on what they were doing. Kurai rolled her eyes and kept walking. She came to the directory board of Heaven. She read the information closely. Akitada was currently in class. He told her about his classes here is Heaven. His day went like this: poetry class every morning, a short break, then music class, next dream class, lunch, art class, English class, and home at last. Kurai looked at the ivory white sundial near the second gate. It was now ten in the morning. Kurai did a little fact checking in her brain. If she was right, Akitada would be in his music class right now. Kurai smiled at her timing. “Just in time!” she thought happily. “Class should be over in five minutes. I better hurry!” Then she hurried to the cherry red doors and processed inside. Within the time span, the bells began to ring out. Class was now ending. The angels were leaving for their next classes. Kurai kept watching for Akitada. So far, he was nowhere in sight.

Then, she saw him. Akitada was walking down the stairs to his next class. Kurai feasted her eyes upon his charming school uniform. He was holding his books close to his young masculine body. The golden sun shined on his hair and ears in a romantic way. The demon kitty couldn’t hold back anymore. She raced forward towards her angel mouse and flew straight forward in lighting speed. The other students looked up in complete terror. They began scattering out in different directions. Akitada slowly looked up to see crush flying towards him like a cannon. The mouse was surprised, but he didn’t run. He didn’t fear her at all. A couple of angels noticed that he was just standing there blankly. Concerned, they hurried over to him as quickly as they could.

“Akitada!” one of them yelled out. “Come on! We have to go!” The angel shook his head.

“No,” he said calmly. His two classmates looked at him as if he was crazy.

“But Akitada,” the second one insisted. “She will kill you if you don’t move.”

“No,” the mouse said again. “It’s her!” Right then, Kurai flew straight into her mouse. She tackled him right to the ground lovingly. The angel fell back startled. Kurai kissed him wildly on the lips. She looked down at him happily.

“Missed me?” the demon kitty asked in joy. Akitada was too dizzy to answer her at first. Kurai’s mood changed when she sensed someone watching them. She turned up glaring. Akitada’s two classmates were still staring at him confused.

“Uh…” the first one spoke up. “You two… know each other?” The demon kitty really became annoyed.

“What the hell are you lot looking at?!?” she snapped at the boys. “Beat it!!!” The angels did so pretty quickly. Kurai calmed down and turned back to the mouse. Akitada was looking at her happily and a little uncomfortable.

“Uh… Kurai…” the mouse was finally able to say. “Could you get off me? Please?” The cat didn’t listen to his request. She just cuddled close to her crush. *Sweat drop on Akitada’s head*

“I guess not…” he mumbled to himself. He then just held her to his slender body. Kurai slowly turned her head to his ear.

“I missed you!” she whispered to him in high bliss. *Another sweat drop on Akitada’s head*

“I can see that…” he mumbled again. Then they heard heavy footsteps approaching them. The couple looked up quickly. Kurai became pissed really fast.

“Do you mind?!?” she hissed in anger. “I’m with my boy…” She went quiet pretty quickly when she saw who she was ranting at. Alice, Beth, Ursula, Michael, and Raphael were all eyeing her down. They were not amused at the demon’s behaviuor. Kurai became very nervous. If she was in the living realm with her gang, she would be fearless against these five angels. But this was Heaven and she was solo. So, she was just screwed.

“Uhh…” the demon kitty said nervously. “Hi… guys…” The angels were still frowning at her. *Sweat drop on Kurai’s head* “What’s with these guys?” she thought nervously. Raphael stepped forward.

“Kurai, Akitada!” he barked aloud. “In my office, now!” Kurai was really worried now. This wasn’t her usual self here. She was really small this time.

Raphael’s office was very nice to boot. Gold and pearls were everywhere. The large desk was glass and marble. Paintings of the Renaissance were all over the walls. The ceiling was of Classic Greece. A ruby chandelier was in the middle of the ceiling. Kurai kept looking around to keep herself calm. Akitada was just amazed. He never knew this place ever existed. Raphael sat down at his desk. He looked at the demon and angel. They were staring back at him with different reactions on their faces.

“Sit!” the main angel commanded as he held out his hand to the royal red chairs in front of his desk. The cat and mouse complied slowly. The other angels came around Raphael. The main angel eyed the couple sternly. Akitada waited patiently. Kurai watched in some fear. The angel breathed in deeply.

“Kurai,” he said in a stern voice. “What are you doing here?” The demon kitty held her mousey’s hand tightly. She could feel her strength coming back again.

“I had to see Akitada-kun again!” she blurted out. The angel mouse was blown away by that one. Alice, Beth, and Ursula were secretly smiling at that response. Their plan was working. Raphael kept staring at Kurai. He hadn’t learned the plan just yet.

“How did you even get here?” he questioned. Kurai silently hung her head as she pointed forward. Raphael looked and saw that she was pointing at Michael. The other angel looked stunned.

“Michael?” he managed to ask at last. His friend nodded. Raphael was still shocked. He, Michael, and Gabriel all vowed to never let Kurai into Heaven at any cost. Raphael never thought that Michael would fall after so long.

“B-B-But why?” Raphael stammered out. Michael couldn’t help but to smile. He looked at Alice, Beth, and Ursula for permission to his friend in on the plan. The angels smiled back at him. Raphael, Kurai, Akitada were now confused.

“Guys,” Raphael started. “What’s going on here?” Michael looked back to him smiling. He leaned into his friend’s ear whispered the whole plan. Kurai tried to listen in, but to no avail. She could barely hear them. Raphael soon began to grin. He and Michael turned to the demon kitty smiling. Kurai was really suspicious.

“What?” she asked with an eyebrow raised. All except Akitada were smiling at her with mischief. The demon kitty really was annoyed now. She didn’t like to be made a joke.

“Okay spill it!” she barked. “What are you guys plotting? What are you smiling for?” Raphael kept grinning at her.

“Nothing,” he replied. “Just the thought of you falling for Akitada is…” That really set the kitty off.

“Ridiculous?” she finished.

“Yeah,” Raphael answered.

“Are you saying that I’m not good enough for him?” she questioned bitterly.

“Yeah!” the angels chimed in. Kurai remembered where she was right fast. She didn’t want Akitada to see what a bitch she was yet. So, she decided to try and stay nice.

“Why?” she asked. All of the other angels tried not to laugh at such a question. Beth was smiling hard at her.

“Isn’t it obvious?” she asked. Kurai was really lost now.

“What is?” she asked.

“Figure it out,” Beth replied. “You’re a smart kitty. You’ll get it.” Kurai got it loud and clear. Her anger increased even more. Holding back was harder now.

“It’s because I’m a demon and he’s an angel. Isn’t it?” she asked out loud almost shouting. The other angels just shrugged innocently. That did it for her. Kurai grabbed Akitada tightly by the hand. The mouse lightly winced in pain.

“Why should it matter?!?” the demon kitty yelled out. “I love him and that’s all that matters!” Ursula smiled at her coldly.

“But what would your little gang think when they see that you are in love with an angel?” she challenged. “Think about how many people you will alienate Akitada from because of your love.” Kurai gripped her mouse’s hand tighter. The angel tried to breathe again.

“I don’t care anymore!” Kurai yelled out. “I love him no matter what! Angel or not! Everyone else can kiss my ass for all I care! Isn’t that what love is?”

“Well yeah, but…” Beth spoke up. Kurai rose straight to her feet from her chair.

“Why should I have any hidden motives for loving Akitada?!?” she yelled out. “You always do this to me! Why am I always the bad guy with you guys? Sure I cause trouble, but I have my mellow moments! I’m tired of you guys staring and running from because I am a demon. You treat me like a criminal! Akitada doesn’t! He sees past all of that! He sees me for me! Akitada is the first angel to treat me like an equal! That’s why I love him so much! He is so good to me. So if you have a problem with it, you can just kiss me…”

Suddenly, Kurai collapsed out on the red marble floor mid-sentence. Akitada rushed right to her.

“Kurai!” he yelled as he caught her in his arms. The mouse tried to shake her awake. The cat was pretty out cold. The angel looked up at his superiors in a panic.

“What happened to her?!?” he asked out loud. Michael just smiled at him calmly.

“Don’t worry,” he replied. “It’s the pass, it took out most of her energy while she was ranting.” That’s the only drawback about spirit passes. The more you talk, run, fight, or move around in your destination, the more energy the pass drains from you. That is why you are advised to rest for hours at a time in your destination. Kurai apparently overlooked this detail when she came to Michael for the pass. Akitada looked at his mentors.

“Will Kurai be okay?” he asked. Michael kept smiling.

“She will be fine,” he answered. “She just needs to sleep it off.” Then, the angel turned to the girls.

“Take miss Kurai here to healing springs. We’ll check on her by morning.”

“Yes sir!” Alice, Beth, and Ursula replied. Then they struggled to pick up the demon kitty up to the healing springs. (She was next to dead weight when out cold.) The boys watched in silence. Akitada was lightly blushing. He and the other two could barely speak at all. How could they? A devil just publicly expressed her love for an angel. What could one do? Only sit back and watch the love story unfold. On boy, this was going to be a long and complex one!

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