To understand literature is to acknowledge it is simply a product of human experience.In order to understand and comprehend literature, you have to understand life. It doesn't matter what you experience, as long as you can understand anything in front of you in writing. The sky is not the limit. Experience is a key ingredient for great writing. Even if you are poor at the art.
Literature must spring from an impression or perception pressing enough to have made the writer write.... It should magnetize the imagination and give pleasure.Novelist Elizabeth Bower
The literature piece must have the right "hook" to it in order to attract readers. If there is no hook, people won't want to read the piece. The hook can't be a weak one either. It must be a great strong one. And if you aren't good at making a strong hook, you can at least try. It hurts to try.#3
The moral is that the flower of art blooms only where the soil is deep, that it takes a great deal of history to produce a little literature, that it needs a complex social machinery to set a writer in motion.Henry James
With literature and life, experience is the key. If there is no experience, you don't have much to go on. Effort is also important to literature. If you don't have experience, the least you can have is effort and try to make a great literature. If you don't have neither experience nor effort, you don't really have anything to run with. And that is just sad.#4
It's when we're given a choice that we sit with the gods and design themselves.Dorothy Gilman
When you are told what to do, you don't have much power and control about how to execute the process or the outcome. But when you have plenty of choice, anything goes with you. You have more power and control with the process and the end result. Having choice of what and how it's done is much better and more rewarding than having everything being chosen for you. I like having more choices a whole lot.#5
There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.Hurston
It is forever wrong to keep anything to yourself. What if you died with a secret locked inside of you? You would regret not telling someone before you died. That would be awful beyond explanation. You need to speak up and be heard. Even if you have one person or the whole world, or your voice sounds horrible, speak up! Someone will want to hear you. Just speak up!#6
"Direct your eyes inward"
Look into yourself. You might find gift you never had. Maybe some good and may be some bad. You never know until you look into yourself. You will get to know yourself a whole lot better if you look into yourself. Knowing yourself will help you get to know other people and maybe even make new friendships. So direct your eyes inward and learn more about yourself to get through life!#7
What does the term "sacrifice" mean to you? Give an example of a time when you have had to sacrifice something that meant a lot to you.Sacrifice is a thing one must do in order to achieve a goal and survive. It can be small and soft or huge and painful. But in the end, sacrifice is all worth it and it will pay off. I have not yet have made any sacrifices to achieve any goals. But I know when the times comes, I will be ready to make my sacrifice to success.
Think of a journey you took to a place where you had never been. What expectations did you have about this place? What surprises did you find there?Last October, my family and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas. We ventured to Freepost and Nassau. I expected them both to be total paradises. I was almost right. Freeport had some damage done to the island due to the hurricanes. But it was still nice. Both of the islands were complete tourist traps with its sellers. But overall it was a great vacation.
The troops in Iraq are dying for freedom in there. The sad truth is they are dying in a pointless war. The families are suffering with them. Iraqis and Israelis are dying for peace in the Middle East. But they all are still fighting and surviving to live and bring peace and freedom to the Middle East. Even if it is a pointless war Bush started.