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Chapter Thirty-Six: Forbidden Fruit:

Women are a strange thing to behold. Rob learned this in the months he lived with Noiz-sama. She was an odd one alright. But yet… Rob couldn’t help but to be attracted to her. He couldn’t figure out why.

That thought crossed his mind as he reformed again. Rob opened his eyes and looked around. He heard the shower running. A smile came onto his face. Opportunity knocked. Naughty ideas floated into his mind. The mouse had to investigate.

Rob slowly climbed out of bed and walked into the hallway. He peeked into the cracked bathroom door. Steam greeted him right in the face. Rob had to narrow his eyes some for a better look.

Through the steam, he saw a goddess taking a shower. She looked as beautiful as ever. Rob silently admired her from the crack in the door. She had a nice body, that was for sure. Chocolate all over. Noiz had a nice figure to her. She stood about five-ten without her geta on. Nice short black-brown hair to her shoulders. Her face looked cute. Sweet deep brown eyes that led many into her. Cute little bunny nose. Nice normal lips for the sweetest kisses. Her cheeks teased him to kiss them over and over again. Noiz just had a nice face to her. That was only the start of it.

Rob stared on quietly. His eyes began to travel downwards. Noiz’s shoulder were nice and narrow. The mouse constantly wanted to kiss and nibble on them. They looked as tasty as the rest of her arms. They themselves looked like skinny little bird arms. Her arms did look cute however. Rob just loved to tease her about them. Noiz would laugh along with him. Next came her hands. Tiny little things that they were. Almost like a child’s. Her nails never really grew out however. She bit them down. Even that looked a little cute. He did wish she would stop soon. On with the rest of the show.

Rob’s eyes trailed further down her body. Noiz had a plump bust to her. 38C to be exact. The mouse always found them entertaining. Just as much as… Rob forced himself back on track again. Noiz had been gifted with a slender waist for him to hold her whenever he wanted. Noiz’s hips were the mouse’s second favorite thing about her. Those things were chocolate and nicely curved. They begged for someone to hold them tight. Between her hips and breasts lied her abdomen. Flat and tantalizing. Rob kissed her there like he was worshipping a beautiful goddess. Each kiss was a heavy declaration of his love for her. The mouse would kiss all the way down to his most favorite part of her.

The all-mighty female garden. Men and women alike praised and worshipped this powerful part of the woman. So many wonders came from that area. Rob knew that too well. He got to experience it every night. What joys he met there! He could play with her depths all night long. He just loved Noiz’s sexy love garden down below. Who could blame him?

That’s where he finished up this sexy anatomy of his beloved princess. Finally, there were her legs. Long and slender. All chocolate, just like the rest of her body. Overall, Noiz looked HOT!!! Rob couldn’t help but to stare at her. His member had fully woken up now. Suddenly, the mouse wanted to play with his mistress once again. He began to have lustful fantasies about her. His mind faded into happy bliss.

Suddenly, it all went quiet. Rob quickly returned to earth when he noticed. Noiz looked up in the shower in his direction. Rob began to silently panic. He wasn’t sure if she saw him or not. But, Noiz would if he didn’t do something fast. “Oh crap!” Rob thought. “I better get away before she sees me!” He began to silently panic as he looked around. But then, the mouse remembered his own abilities. A quick smile came onto his face. “Of course!” he thought. “What didn’t I think of that one?

So as the shower door opened wide, Rob shrank himself to a tiny mouse and scurried back to bed. He grew back to his normal size and pretended to sleep. Clean and safe escape indeed! Score one for the mouse!