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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Silent Seduction:

The day sailed by nicely. Noiz did her work and Rob completed classes for the day. The evening greeted another romantic night. The lovers started with dinner. Then, they went up the stairs. Rob took her to Aiko Suite. He laid her down onto their bed and they made love again. Afterwards, cat and mouse went to sleep. Over, right? Not tonight, pal!

Rob woke up in the middle of the night. He looked all around him for a moment. Pitch black all around him. Aiko Suite looked so different in the dark. Only the autumn moonlight outside gave an inch of light in the sexy room. Tonight provided a soft yet spooky sense to the atmosphere. Rob watched on in amazed silence. “It looks so different!” he thought with the same attitude.

Suddenly, the mouse boy felt a warm body curled up next to him. Rob quickly looked down. Noiz slept beside of him peacefully. A warm smile came onto Rob’s face. He lightly stroked back some of her thin black-brown bangs. She looked so peacefully sweet sleeping there. Such an angelic kitty when she slept. (She could be swing between an angel or devil at any time awake.) Rob leaned down and lightly kissed her on lips.

“Sweet dreams, my love,” he whispered. Suddenly, a naughty idea came into his head. He looked at Noiz sleeping again. She looked so innocent lying there asleep. Rob watched on wondering. Would it be so wrong to play with her while she slept? The more he thought about it, the more aroused he became. In a few seconds, Rob made up his mind. He decided that he would play with her while she slept.

The mouse climbed on top of his beloved. She seemed dead to the world. Rob smiled at her wickedly. He gently played with her hair. The mouse gave her a light kiss on the lips.

“I really do love you,” he whispered to her. The mouse lightly kissed her on the neck. No response yet. Rob decided to continue on. He left a slow trail of soft kisses along her neck. The time, the kitty murmured softly in her sleep. The mouse smiled at her reaction. “Good,” he thought. “We have something after all!” That inspired the mouse to do more.

Rob kissed down even further. Noiz whimpered happily in her dreams. The mouse became even more aroused by the sound of her sweet voice. He just had to have more. Rob made it all the way down to her chest. The taste overpowered his mind right away. The mouse licked at her bust in high joy. He sucked on them some for an extra measure. Noiz softly moaned in her sleep.

Rob kissed down to her abdomen. He licked on there as well. The cat trembled all over in her sleep. Rob licked on even more. He came upon an amazing discovery. One tongue stroke made his cat tremble all over happily. Rob looked up slightly confused. “What just happened?” he thought. Curious, the mouse licked that spot again. Noiz’s whimpering grew a little louder. The mouse licked that spot again. The mouse slowly put two and two together. A dirty smirk came onto his face. “Oh, I see!” the mouse boy thought. “I found a sensitive spot on her!” This opened the door for more “playing.”

Rob licked at that certain spot even more. Noiz moaned out louder and louder in her sleep. The sounds made the game even more enjoyable. Rob kept licking on until he felt how wet she had become at his thigh. The mouse smiled to himself wickedly. “She’s ready!” he thought to himself. Time for the really “fun” part!

Rob kissed even further down until he reached his final destination. He slipped his tongue inside of her. The kitty really moaned out loud. Rob didn’t stay around for the dreaming pleasure. He had work to do! So, Rob got right to it!

He licked inside of his beloved kitty slowly. Noiz moaned out louder in her sleep. The mouse gradually began to lick faster. As he “kissed” her, a thought crossed his horny mind. “Can girls have an orgasm in their sleep?” the mouse wondered. Only one way to see…

Rob licked on harder and faster. He even eventually added his fingers into the mix. Noiz moaned out even louder in her sleep. Her voice drove the mouse to pump and lick even faster! The taste of her drove him to new heights of ecstasy. “She tastes heavenly!” Rob thought in bliss. He just had to have more. So, the mouse helped himself to more of his sweet kitty.

Finally, Noiz came really hard in her sleep. She cried out so much that she nearly woke up. Rob waited nervously to see if she would. Lucky for him, Noiz sank back into a deeper sleep. Rob relaxed and finished up his treat.

Once he licked it all up, Rob slowly pulled out and lied down next to his beloved. He smiled at her sweetly as she slept. Rob lightly kissed her on the lips once more.

“Night, love,” he whispered to her. Rob went to sleep wondering how his playing affected her dreaming in any way.