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How was Your Night?

*Louise and Polly sit at their desks in the teacher’s office*

*Louise groans aloud*

*Polly looks up at her*

Polly: Something the matter?

*Lou groans and looks up at her*

*Polly glances at her oddly*

Polly: Too much to drink?

*Lou groans as she nods*

Polly: Oh.

Lou: Last night was so annoying too.

Polly: Huh?

*Lou sits back and sighs*

Lou: Every creep in Japan decided to come by my table last night.

*She looks at the ceiling*

Lou: I want a real man, you know?

Polly: Weren’t you married before?

Lou: Yeah. But those idiots sucked. You know, I took a drink of how many times a creep came up to me and tried to hit on me.

Polly: And that’s why you’re hung over?

Lou: That and the real men that did talk to me bought me drinks. Pretty soon, they all blend together, you know?

Polly: Not really, I don’t drink.

*Lou jus frowns at her*

Lou: And how was your night?

*Polly sighs*

Polly: Boring.

*Lou looks at her*

Lou: Oh? Why is that?

*Polly blows up her bangs as she sighs*

Polly: I just cleaned the apartment for the evening while Anthony spoke with another magazine publisher.

Lou: What? I thought you liked to do that sort of thing.

Polly: Unless I go in my husband office.

Lou: Oh…

*Polly presses her lips together and nods*

Polly: Yeah…

Lou: How bad this time?

Polly: Six Playboy, two Video Boy, three Bejean, eight pink films, and countless amounts of hentai.

Lou: Ouch!

*Polly nods*

Polly: He says it’s for the research that he does, but I just have to wonder at times…

Lou: Why don’t you convince him to stop writing smut for money?

Polly: That’s just it. My pay checks put food on the table while his money covers apartment, bills, water, heating, internet, entertainment, and everything else in between.

Lou: *Frowns* Oh…

*Polly taps her pen on her desk*

Polly: Yeah…

*Lou props her elbows on her desk*

Lou: Men, huh?

*Polly nods*

Polly: That’s the thick of it.

*Both women sigh as the door slides open*