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Why I Love My Job

*Noiz sits back at her desk, smiling*

Noiz: Man, I just love this job!

*Leans into her camera*

Noiz: And you know why? No? Well then, I’ll tell you!

*Sits back*

Noiz: First off, I am the boss. That’s right, everyone answers to me. Don’t like it, I have you no use for you, thank you. Being the boss is really sweet. How? Take a look.

*Pulls out a chart. Gets out a pointer and points to each perk*

Noiz: I make more money than the rest of them; everyone has to do what I say; I can hire and fire anyone I want; plus, my ideas always come first.

*Grins at the camera*

Noiz: Get it?

*Phone rings*

Noiz: Excuse me.

*Answers the phone with a smirk*

Noiz: Hello? Ah, just the person I wanted to talk to!

*T.J. passes by in the hall with an eyebrow raised*

T.J.: Who is she talking to? That woman is just not right at times.