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Chapter Four: Innocent Malice:

The next morning was a slow day. Mosh didn’t have classes until this afternoon. So, he might as well take it easy until three o’clock. The mouse turned on his laptop and got on line. He checked his e-mail. Nothing special. Just spam and introductions from classmates. Mosh read through them all in under a couple of minutes. But then, the bait was lowered down before his very eyes.

A new chat popped up on the screen. Curious, Mosh clicked on the window. It was an invitation with a message written on it.

“Hey honey!” the mouse read to himself. A kissing smiley face followed behind those words. Mosh had to re-read those words over and over again to see if he was losing his mind. No, they were real. But, was it a prank? Who was sending him such a thing?

“Who is this?” he typed back. There was a pause. Then, a response came back up.

“This is your teacher, baby!” Mosh read. The mouse froze up instantly. Oh shit! He thought. She found me! But, the student didn’t log off. Instead, he clicked accept. Now, they had full connection to each other.

“Why are you on so early this morning?”

“I could ask you the same thing, mouse boy!”

“I have the morning off. I don’t go to class until three.”

“I see.” There was another pause.

“So what are you going to do until then?”


“Hm. What are you wearing right now?”


“Just go with me on this!” Mosh hesitated at first.

“Okay… Jeans and t-shirt.”

“Ooo! I have on a white blouse and short black skirt. No panties or bra, of course.” Mosh’s eyes grew big as his nose began to bleed. Whoa! He just had to kept on typing.

“And then what?”

“You’re on top of me, reaching under my skirt.”


“You slip your fingers inside of me. Am I turning you on?”

“Yes! O-O”

“Next, you unbutton my blouse and you put your mouth to my nibbles.” Mosh thought that he was going to faint. She knows, what she wants, doesn’t she!

“Stay after class tomorrow and I’ll show you how it’s done!”

“Uh… okay…”

“Good boy. See you then.” Then, the teacher logged off. Mosh just sat there at his computer, staring at it blankly. What… just happened? More importantly, what had he gotten himself into with her now?