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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Innocent Revenge:

Sweet burning incense.

Mosh slowly drew open his eyes. He was half out of it.

“Hm?” he asked. The mouse tried to move his wrists, but something held them still above his head. The movement quickly drew him awake.

“What the--?” he asked. He found that his wrists were chained above his head.

“What the hell?!?” Mosh cried. He looked down at himself. Naked and chained up. It didn’t take him long to figure out what was going on.

“Good, you’re awake now,” he heard her say. He looked there was his mistress-wife. Noiz stood before him naked as well with two kitchen knives in her hands. Her husband blinked wildly.

Am I dreaming?, he thought. Mosh blinked many times. No, this was real. His heart raced in his chest. Noiz licked her lips at him.

“Did something good happen today?” the mouse asked.

“Uh-huh,” his wife said.

The mouse swallowed hard. “What?”

“Guess.” She made the first cut down his spine.

“You didn’t kill anybody?”

“Yeah, but that’s not it.” Another cut to his back.

“You’re working on a new project?”

“No.” Third cut to the back.

“The academy has more money?”

“Not yet.” She reached around and cut his chest.

“Ow! How did you get the money?”

“Guess.” A cut to the abdomen.

“A donation?”

“Care to guess from who?” Cut from inside of his thigh to his ankle.

Mosh’s eyes shot wide. “You mean from… Takeo’s family.”

“Correct! Now here’s your prize!” Noiz bit down into his neck. Mosh let out a small gasp. Noiz smirked inside of her head as she enjoyed her sensuous little prize. His blood was just as good as his heart, taste, and body to her!

So worth the game!, she thought. Maybe we should play this more often! That was a good midnight snack.