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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Ritual:

It’s another hot spring night. Noiz closed the door behind her. Mosh lied on the bed, waiting for her. Their nightly ritual began to unfold.

She reached behind her and pulled her black and baby blue obi loose. The cloth falls from her hand to the floor. Mosh sat up and watched on intently. Neither one has any emotion their faces. It’s not time for that.

Noiz put her hands to her kimono and waited as if to get permission from her husband. The mouse looked at her with a stoic face. He gave her a small nod. The kitty slid off her black and baby blue kimono. The silk and cotton fell around her feet. Mosh sat up to stare heavily at her. He began to remove her underwear with his eyes.

His wife crawled on the bed to him. He told her in his arms and pulled her closer to his body.

“Kiss me!” Mosh whispered. His kitty silently complied. The mouse lied back down on the bed as he kissed her back. Her hands searched for something to grab onto as he tried to push his tongue into her mouth. Her short fingertips found cloth. Her grip tightened on his gray t-shirt. She slowly slid it over his head and threw it down to the floor. Alas, more access. Mosh held her closer to him.

Noiz snaked her hands up his chest to his shoulders. Oh well!, she thought. Since when did he develop muscle to his body? The kitten felt her panties getting wet with her excited discovery. She panted heavily in between kisses.

“I love you so much,” the kitty moaned. The mouse giggled to himself.

“What?” Noiz asked. He didn’t answer in words. Mosh reached up and tapped her on the nose with his finger.

“You’re so cute,” he whispered. Noiz lightly blushed.

“Come here,” Mosh whispered. He pulled her in closer for another kiss. Noiz’s panties became wetter as she kissed him back again. Her husband worked his hands across her back and let his fingers cling to her black, red, and gold bra. Noiz pushed her tongue passed his lips and into his mouth. Her long, black tail swayed back and forth in the air. She wanted him to go for it.

Mosh slowly took apart the three black hooks behind her. The crotch of Noiz’s panties had become too wet to stay on now. His tongue stroked the inside of her left cheek when the last hook came loose. His fingers gently brushed on her shoulders to the black bra straps. Mosh took his sweet time sliding them down her arms. The kimono print bra sailed halfway across the room. Her breasts felt so warm up against his chest. Mosh let his hands wander down to them as if on instinct. His thumb and finger playfully pinched on her nipples. Noiz whimpered in his mouth in pain and pleasure.

That feels so good!, she thought. Her hands quickly went for her husband’s belt. In one quick movement, she unhooked them without thinking. Mosh’s breath grew heavy at her touch. Noiz could feel his arousal stirring awake at her touch. She giggled to herself.

“Ooo, are you excited yet?” his wife asked. Mosh nodded with rosy red cheeks. Noiz gave him a little smile.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “It’s coming.” She kissed him on the throat with tiny, butterfly kiss. The mouse whimpered at the warmth and feeling. His loins grew harder with excitement. Noiz grabbed onto his jeans and took her time unbuttoning and unzipping them. He breathed in heavily when he felt a breeze against his boxers. Noiz glanced up at him as she took her time rolling them off. Mosh shivered and moaned at her touch.

“Your hands are so warm,” he whispered. “Oh!” Noiz gave him a little giggle.

“Relax, relax,” she said. “I’m coming to that point.” She got his jeans down to his ankles before yanking them off. He looked up at her with helpless eyes.

“Take me!” he whispered aloud. “I am yours!”

“I know,” she whispered back. Noiz grabbed onto his boxers. Her eyes trailed up to him, waiting for a response. Mosh swallowed hard at her. She gave him a wicked little smile.

“Do you want me to take this off of you?” Noiz asked. Mosh quickly nodded with red cheeks. His wife raised an eyebrow at him.

“Can I get that in words?” she asked.

“Yes!” the mouse yelped. Noiz gently shushed him.

“Okay, okay,” she said. The kitty grabbed his boxers tighter and slowly rolled them off of his body. He trembled at her touch. Noiz paused and looked down at him.

“Keep still or I’ll have to tie you down,” she said. Mosh still trembled.

“But I can’t!” he whimpered.

“Try,” Noiz insisted.

“Okay,” Mosh said in one breath. It took him a little bit, but he managed to calm down at the right moment for his mistress-wife to finish stripping him down. His boxers landed on the floor near the door. Mosh reached up and grabbed onto her black, red, and gold panties. His fingers played with the thin black band before they took them off and flung them to the floor.

Noiz leaned down and kissed her husband on the lips once more. Mosh happily returned the gesture. Yet, the kitty didn’t feel like that was enough anymore. She wanted to do more tonight.

She felt her right hand glide down his chest all the way to his lap. The warmth of his hard member made her heart do little flips. Ooo, you really are excited, she thought. Only one way to fix that. Mosh broke off the kiss and moaned as she felt his wife’s hand gently stroking him. It felt like a silk glove against warm skin. She enticed a soft moan from his lips.

“Mistress,” he whispered. Noiz nibbled at his throat in a playful manner. Her hand sped up inch by inch. The kitty found her own warm, wetness building up brick by brick. Ooo!, she thought. I don’t know how much longer I can take this! Her hand stroked him up and down even faster.

Mosh’s fingers clung to the sheets underneath them. “Oh, oh, oh!” he cried. “I can’t hold it!” He felt himself burst at his wife’s hand.

“NOIZ-SAMA!” the mouse cried. He let go of the sheets, panting. Noiz sat up and licked her hand ever so greedily. The moans from her mouth turned her husband back on in a click.

“Hey Noiz-sama,” he said. His kitty glanced up at him from her treat.

“Hm?” she asked in between licks. Mosh sat up some.

“Want me to return the favor?” he asked. Noiz paused and looked up at him.

“What?” she asked. Mosh gave her a wicked little smile and pushed her down onto the bed.

“Whoa!” Noiz yelped as her head hit the pillow underneath her. Mosh licked his lips as he pushed his thighs apart. His wife watched him.

“What are you doing?” she asked. The mouse grinned at her as he moved his right hand from her leg to her lower lips. Noiz felt a shiver go up her spine.

“Ooo!” she murmured. The mouse glanced up at her.

“You like that, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes!” she said, breathlessly.

“You want me to do more, don’t you?” Mosh asked. His finger caressed her lower lips inch by inch.

“OH YES!” his wife cried.

“Say please,” Mosh told her.

“Oh please!” his wife cried. “GIVE ME MORE!” The mouse smirked at her.

“Heh,” he said. “Well okay then.” He gently pushed his fingers past her lips. Her husband slowly began his massage. His wife whimpered at his touch.

“Oh,” she moaned. “Oh!” Mosh leaned in nuzzled her neck.

“Mmm,” he whispered. “You smell nice.” He licked along her skin as he sped up his fingers. Her rising voice made his nuzzling into little bites. Noiz cried out as she threw back her head.

“Oh yes!” she cried. Her claws dug into the sheets. Naoko nipped her on the neck as he pushed his fingers deeper inside.

“You close yet?” he whispered at her warm skin. His wife only moaned louder in response. The mouse smirked at her.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he whispered. The mouse slipped a third finger into her and went even faster. Noiz screamed out even louder.

“Oh god! I can’t… I can’t….” she cried. “I CAN’T HOLD IT!!!” She came in a wild blast at his fingers. Mosh slowly drew them out. Noiz gave him a hungry look at his licked his fingers clean. She quickly licked her lips.

“Mosh,” she said.

“Yeah?” he asked. Noiz sat up with big eyes.

“Are you… still hard?” she asked. Mosh looked down at himself. His member looked hungry for more as well.

“Yeah,” he said with a nod. “Why?” Noiz didn’t speak at first. She sat up and pushed him back onto their bed. Mosh looked up at her with a pleasantly surprised look on his face.

“Okay…” he said. “What’s all this?” Noiz gave him a little giggle. She kissed him on the lips. Mosh whimpered at her lips. His wife smiled as she moved her mouth down to his neck. The mouse took in heavier breaths.

“Oh,” he whispered with his eyes closed. She took a couple of licks to his neck before moving down to his chest. Her tongue traced small circles around his nipples.

“Oh wow,” her husband whispered. Noiz dragged her mouth down to his abdomen. Mosh moaned louder at the butterfly kisses she gave him at her skin. The kitty grabbed him by the hips in an attempt to hold him still. That only caused him to bounce even more.

“Keep still,” Noiz whispered.

“I can’t!” Mosh moaned.

“Try!” Noiz almost pleaded aloud. She found his member and slipped it into her mouth. Mosh let out a low groan. The kitty whimpered as she began to suck him off. Her husband breathed heavily. Noiz started off with slow sucking. The taste of him made her wetter again. He always tastes so good!, she thought. The kitty reached up and groped his balls. Mosh arched his back upwards.

“Oh yeah!” he cried. “Yes! More! More!” Noiz sped up with her sucking. The mouse pushed her head in closer to his thighs. His voice overpowered the silence in Aiko Suite.

“NOIZ-SAMA!” he cried. “MORE! MORE!” The kitty wife happily complied and sped up with her mouth even more. She licked the tip like it was a popsicle. Her hands stroked his balls even more. Mosh’s body slid up and down with the rhythmatic sucking. Noiz tried to keep up with his every moment. The speed drew her to do even more. He tasted sweet, perfect even. Better than any cake or candy in the world. The pleasure would end soon, but she tried to push that out of her head.

Just enjoy the moment, she kept telling herself. That motivated her to suck even faster and more. So good! I want more!

Mosh yanked on his wife’s hair. “Noiz-sama! I-I’m going to cum!” That little sentence pushed the kitty to wrap to the climax. She pushed the tip all the way to her throat and did some heavier sucking. Mosh tightly shut his eyes and let loose his second load.

“I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, MY MISTRESS!!!” he cried out. He released the sheets, panting. Noiz sat up and swallowed. Her husband glanced up at her as if waiting for a review. The kitty gave him a little smile.

“Are you hungry?” she asked. Mosh gave her a blank look.

“Huh?” he asked. The cat gave him a little smile as she lied back and spread her legs for him. Mosh’s cheeks turned a soft baby pink. As if on strings, he sat up and buried his face between her thighs. The tip of his tongue met with her lower lips. Noiz tightly shut her eyes. Mosh smiled as he dug his tongue inside inch by inch. The taste sent shockwaves to his brain. His member woke up for the third time tonight. He didn’t waste anytime eating her out. His wife let out a happy cry.

“Yes, yes!” she moaned. “Right there! Oh!” Mosh started off with slow, little licks inside of her. More shockwaves hit his brain. Must have more!, he thought. The mouse sped up with licking the sweet, heated walls. She became wet around his muscle. Noiz threw back her head and moaned louder.

“Yes!” she screamed. “More, more!” She arched her hips upwards for him to taste more. Mosh greedily licked up more as he pushed his tongue in deeper. The taste made him harder as his tongue made her wetter. The mouse pulled his wife in closer for even more. This is better than cheese or cake!, he thought. The mouse pushed his tongue in a little bit more.

Noiz’s screams of pleasure drowned out the silence again. She could’ve woken up the neighbors with her bliss. Mosh didn’t mind it. He found it rather motivating in fact. Made him take pride in his work to pleasure his goddess. Hey, he got something out of it as well. They both won all around. But tonight, Mosh wanted something more.

As he pushed his tongue in further, the mouse began his hunt. He took time to stroke the more sensitive areas within her along the way. His wife bounced around a bit in place.

“Oh! What are you doing?” she asked. Her husband gave her a harder lick in response. Noiz shut her eyes to try and catch herself in vain. All it did was make her lost in further pleasure.

“Oh, I see!” she said. “You’re looking for something. Oh!!!” The mouse grabbed her by the hips and pushed his face closer to her womanhood in response. Her louder scream gave him the right clue that he needed for his quest.

Almost there, he thought. Just a little bit more. He inched himself to the point that his cheeks touched her outer lips and took one more little lick…

“OH GOD!!!” Noiz screamed when the tip of his tongue hit her G-spot. After a little nudge and push along with the rest of the licks, the kitty happily delivered on her prize to him. Mosh drank his fill feverishly. Yum!, he thought. The mouse pulled out and sat up, smiling. Noiz lied there, panting happily.

“Wow!” she gasped. “Where did you learn that?” Mosh kind chuckled at her.

“Oh,” he replied. “Just picked it up on my own.” Noiz tried to relax enough to get to sleep, but the look in her husband’s eyes told her he had other plans. The kitty blinked at him.

“What?” she asked. Mosh snickered at her as he smirked. He pounced on her and gave her a strong kiss on the lips. Noiz kissed back confused. Her husband worked his tongue into her mouth and began massaging the inside. The kitty moaned in his mouth as she tried to grasp what was going on. When he was sure that she was fully distracted, Mosh slipped himself into her. Noiz broke off the kiss.

“Wait! There’s more?” she asked. Mosh playfully nipped at her ear.

“Oh yes,” he whispered. He began pulling in and out of her slowly. His wife held him in arms as she whimpered in reawaking pleasure.

“How is this?” the mouse asked.

“Good!” she moaned. “Oh, harder! Harder!” Her husband smirked at her.

“Only if you ask me really nicely,” he said. He continued to keep going slowly. Noiz held onto him tighter. She shut her eyes faster.

“Please go faster, Mosh-kun!” she cried.

“And why should I?” he asked.

“I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!” she screamed. “PLEASE GO HARDER IN ME!!! PLEASE!!!” Her husband gave her a wicked smile.

“Well…” he said. Noiz gave him sweet little kitty eyes for extra measure. Mosh kissed her on the cheek.

“Just this once, I guess,” he whispered. He licked her cheek to seal the deal. A shocking chill ran up his wife’s spine as she squealed aloud in his ear. Despite reeling in slight pain, Mosh sped up at his lady’s request. Noiz screamed out happily as she grabbed onto him tighter. Her nails dug into his back. The mouse cried in pain and pleasure as he sped up with his thrusting even more. His mouth tipped down to her breasts. He happily sucked on her nipples. Noiz laced her fingers through his dark brown hair. She roughly yanked on the strands. Mosh moaned against the heated skin in pain and pleasure as he sucked harder and faster on her nipples. He even gave into nibbling on her plump breasts. The mouse pumped just as hard as he could go. Noiz just took it all as her eyes rolled back into her head.

“I’m so close!” she yelled. Mosh gave her one more suck before he himself gave into his own release. My goddess!, he thought as he moaned against her breast. He let go as he finished cumming inside of her. Noiz cried out happily as she felt her own release. Mosh took a moment to lay on top of her, panting. His wife gently stroked his hair. Her hazy brown eyes trailed down to her man. She wants to tell him how she feels about him, but their lust had wiped away all words that she could think of. Instead she just smiles and thinks of that sweet phrase to him, hoping that it would reach him somehow. He can’t really speak either. Mosh just goes right to sleep while using Noiz’s wet breasts as a pillow. She took in the scent of his hair as she kissed him on the head before falling asleep herself.

They will be doing this erotic ritual again tomorrow night.