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Chapter Forty-One: Mad About the Boy:

Rob walked up the stairs to the guest bedroom. He stood in front of the closed door. The mouse could feel his heart racing already. He could only imagine the lessons Tutor Noiz would give tonight. Well, no stalling now; she’s waiting. Rob drew in a deep breath and opened the door.

Noiz lounged on the futon waiting for him. She looked really sexy dressed up like a naughty little schoolgirl. Her fishnets and lacy miniskirt teased him so. Rob’s face turned bright red as he stared on. Noiz smirked at him wickedly.

“Like what you see?” she questioned. Rob couldn’t speak again. He just nodded. Noiz smiled at him in a dirty way.

“Good enough!” she remarked. “Now come to momma!” That did it from there! Rob leapt onto the bed to her. He kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back. The heat overpowered them from there.

Noiz pushed him back onto the bed. Rob looked up at her helplessly. The cat smirked at him wickedly.

“I have you now!” she said. Rob stared at her cleavage peeking out from her blouse. His face went bright red. The cat smiled at him wickedly. She quickly ripped off his shirt. Rob stared on at her almost blank. He became hard almost right away. Looks like an intense night tonight.

Noiz grabbed at his belt and quickly undid it. She pulled out the belt and got started on his jeans. Rob’s heart skipped a loud beat. Noiz grinned at him boldly. Fun to see him worked up like this! Made it more entertaining. She forced off his jeans and threw them to the floor. She grabbed his boxers and pulled them off. Rob lied naked before her. Noiz grinned at him wickedly. Now to add on.

Noiz kissed him on the lips. Rob kissed back. They made out again. The kitty slipped her tongue into his mouth. He gave her his in return. A hot battle ensued in their mouths. While they kissed, Noiz reached over to her drawer and pulled it open. She reached inside and pulled out the rope. The tutor tied her student his arms above his head. Rob moaned in her mouth loudly. Noiz broke off the kiss. She sat up and looked at her prey. How tasty he looked lying there naked and tied up. Great! Now the lesson could begin.

The kitty began slowly unbuttoning her long white blouse. Rob stared on intently! Noiz grinned on wickedly. She slid off the blouse and moved her hands to her skirt. The cat began to unzip that. Rob watched on hungry. Noiz blew a kiss at him sweet and naughty. She slid off her skirt and tossed it to the floor. Noiz now only had her fishnets and underwear. Rob stared on with a nosebleed. Even the ponytails looked kinky. Noiz smiled on wickedly.

“Enjoying the show?” she asked. Rob’s face turned a bright red as he nodded. Noiz smirked at him.

“Good,” she replied. The tutor sexually slid off her fishnets. Rob felt himself getting harder down below. Noiz watched him smiling as she threw those to the floor. Next came her bra. She took that one off slowly. Rob began to drool. His kitty smiled at the results. Almost there. Only one item left. Noiz quickly ripped off her panties and tossed them aside. She sat before him naked now. Rob stared on at her bright red all over. The kitty smirked at him wickedly.

“How much do you want me?” she asked provocatively. Rob swallowed hard at her question. He couldn’t answer at first. The mouse had lost his tongue there for a moment. Noiz waited for him a moment. Rob swallowed hard again.

“I’ll go crazy!” he yelped at last. Noiz looked on at him.

“Say what?” she asked. Rob panted harder at her.

“Please, Noiz-sama!” he screamed. “I need you! Don’t tease me like this! I love you! I really do!” Noiz smiled at that one.

“Good enough!” she said. Then, the tutor took his member and slid it into her. Rob moaned out loud. Noiz leaned down and kissed him on the lips. She got to work right away. The cat started slow at first. Her pet moaned out loud. He shut his eyes in deep bliss. He softly moaned.

“Please mistress,” he begged. “Don’t tease me like this! Harder! Harder!” Noiz smiled at him wickedly.

“Gladly, my student!” she replied. The cat sped up even more. Rob moaned out louder. His voice drove her even faster and faster. The mouse cried out louder and louder. Noiz pumped on harder and harder. She leaned down and began nibbling on his strong chest. Rob squirmed as he cried out even louder. The bindings made the experience even sexier. He shut his eyes for even more fun. Noiz just sped up and pumped even harder! She closed her eyes and threw back her head. Both tutor and student were enjoying the lesson tonight. Really well too at that!

Both came really hard at the end of the lesson. The tutor and student cried out together. Noiz slowly pulled out and collapsed onto her lover panting. Rob panted along with her. His kitty looked up at him smiling.

“You got all of that?” she asked. Rob nodded at her once.

“Yeah!” he replied.

“Same time tomorrow?” Noiz asked provocatively.

“Hell yeah!” the mouse answered nodding. Noiz smiled at him wickedly.

“Okay there,” she replied. “More lessons for tomorrow then!”

“Yay!!!” Rob cheered. They shared another kiss before going to sleep for the night.