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    Hisako and Coni followed the trio down the dirt road. Ryuji glared at her.

    "Refresh my memory," he said. "Why exactly are you following us?" She gave him a little shrug.

    "Depends," she said.

    "On what?" he asked.

    "Where are you going?"


    "Answer my question first."

    "Why should I?"

    "Ryuji-kun!" Haruko cut in. "Answer her question."

    "Why should I?" he asked.

    "Just to do it!" Haruko hissed. Ryuji sighed and rolled his eyes.

    "Fine," he mumbled. He turned to the girl and her dog. "We've looking for the Cove. There, you happy now?" Hisako gave him a funny look.

    "What is that?" she asked.

    "What is what?" he asked.

    "What is this 'Cove?'" the child asked. Ryuji froze in his tracks. He stared deep into those deep reddish-brown eyes of hers. The boy struggled to answer this correctly.

    "Well... uh... it's... well... well..." he said. He turned to the older women for help.

    "What is the cove?" he asked. Kasumi and Haruko laughed. The boy's cheeks turned a bright red.

    "Hey, shut up! I tried!" he cried out. Hisako blinked at them all.

    "So, what is it?" she asked. They all went silent. The siblings turned to Kasumi.

    "So, what is it?" Ryuji asked her. The woman warrior stood up straight.

    "From what I was took on my journey so far," she explained. "I might find out the truth about my family's legacy. That's all I can tell you right now." The other four listened in silence.

    "Wow!" Ryuji mouthed. Haruko raised an eyebrow at all.

    "Is that all?" she asked.

    "Yeah," Kasumi said with a nod. Haruko suspected that there were other reasons involved, but left it at that. Ryuji looked over at Hisako.

    "Well?" he asked. "Happy now?" Hisako didn't talk at first. Ryuji felt his hopes rising. Great!, he thought. Maybe she might go home now and leave us alone. But instead, the dog owner gave them a huge grin.

    "I'm going with you!" she declared. Ryuji's face just dropped.

    "What?" he asked. Hisako leaned in close to his face.

    "I. Am. Coming. Along. With. You. Guys." she said as clear as a bell.

    "Why?!?" he cried. Hisako pulled back with a grin.

    "Cause!" she said. "I want to see this Cove for myself!" *Plus-cross on Ryuji's head*

    "Well, you can't!" he hissed.

    "Wasn't asking you," she said. The dog girl turned to Kasumi and Haruko.

    "So can I?" she asked.

    "No!" Ryuji snapped.

    "Yes!" the women said.

    "Great!" Hisako cheered. "Can Coni come along too?"

    "No," Ryuji said.

    "Well, you can't!" he hissed.

    "Wasn't asking you," she said. The dog girl turned to Kasumi and Haruko.

    "So can he?" she asked.

    "No!" Ryuji snapped.

    "Yes!" the women said.

    "Great!" Hisako cheered. Ryuji sighed aloud as he lowered his head. Why?!?

    That's how Hisako came into their little group.

Chapter Thirteen: New Baggage