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Night City Myth

Why do demons love angels so much? Purity? Untouched territory? Desperate for salvation? For Miss Kurai, it was all three. But, let’s back up a bit. Kurai is a wild little demon kitty girl. She drank like a fish, ran wild in Hell and the living realm, got into many fights, stole different things, damaged property, and bullied the innocent. Kurai didn’t have many friends. (Who needs ‘em?” she would ask.) Kurai lived dangerously free until she fell in love.

It occurred one summer in Tokyo by the seaside. Kurai and some of her “friends” were raiding a fishing boat when she saw him. He was a mouse. But, not just any plain mouse! He was an angel mouse. A fine one at that! Short dark brown hair, white short-sleeved t-shirt, black surf shorts, leather sandals, and heavy white wings. Kurai couldn’t help but stare at him. Her cheeks became warm. “Damn he’s hot!” she thought.

Right then, Kurai knew she had to have him. So, the demon kitty straightened up her looks some and made her way to him.

The angel was lost in thought when something caught his eye. Kurai was right in front of him. The mouse studied the cat for a long time. This was a wild beauty. Hair was short black and messy. Eyes were a deep brown. Chocolate little demon kitty. Black short shorts, pink tube top, no shoes, and great black wings. Usually, demons scared the mouse. But, something about her caught his attention.

“Hi… there…” the angel said at last. The demon smiled at him. “I’m Kurai!” she said aloud. “What’s your name?” The angel hesitated at first. Then he said, “Akitada.” The demon smiled. “That’s a cute name!” she called. Akitada just blushed. Suddenly, Kurai noticed something strange. Her heart was beating fast. Her cheeks were bright red. Her thoughts were racing at lighting speeds. “Oh… wow!” the demon thought. “He’s hot!

Above in heaven, the angels were watching. Alice, Beth, and Ursula were frowning. They have been trying to tame and civilize Kurai for nineteen years now. “Oh no!” Beth called. “That tramp’s after Akitada-kun!” “What should we do?” Ursula asked in a panic. Both angels wanted to string up the kitty and beat her down. The last thing they wanted was the mousey to become fallen.

“Leave her!” Alice replied. The other two angels looked at her as if she was crazy. “WHAT?!?” they called. “Alice!” Beth called. “Are you insane?” Ursula questioned. The love deity turned to them smirking. “Ladies!” she called. “I think we have found a way to tame the beast!” The other two angels looked at her in concern. “How?” Ursula asked. “Love came sometimes tame the wild.” Alice informed her. “So, if we get the demon with out angel…” “She’ll be a sweet kitten!” Beth finished. “Exactly!” the love deity called. The three angels grinned at their new project.

Akitada rose to his feet. “Well,” he spoke up. “I’ve got to go! It’s nice meeting you, Kurai!” The angel was leaving when he felt someone grab onto his wrist. Akitada turned to see Kurai grabbing onto him for dear life. The angel was confused. “Uh…” he began. “What are doing?” Kurai was looking at him sweetly. “Stay!” she called. Now, the angel was more confused. “What? Why?” he asked. The demon smiled. “Come with me!” she called. “Why?” he called. Kurai didn’t answer. She just grabbed the angel and flew upwards. Akitada became extremely nervous. “Ahhh!!!” he yelled out. “Kurai! Put me down!!!” The girl didn’t listen. She still kept flying upwards.

They flew up over the city. Akitada was amazed. “WOW!!!” he called out. “What a view!” Kurai grinned in pride. “Like it?” she asked. “I come out here when I need a break!” The angel was blown away. Kurai flew next to him. She was smiling in pride. “It’s fun to people-watch up here!” she called. “It gets even better at sunrise and sunset!” Akitada looked on the mall’s clock. “That’s thirty minutes from now!” he called. “Wanna wait?” she asked. Akitada thought about that for a moment. Then he smiled and said, “Sure!” The demon smiled at him. “You’re in for a great treat!” she called. Then, they watched and waited.

Throughout the thirty minutes, Kurai and Akitada just talked about anything. They talked like they were old friends. Akitada just talked about anything. They talked like they were old friends. Akitada seemed to begin to like the demon. A connection was struck right away. Kurai was pink inside. This was her first crush. Ever!

“Here is the sunset!” Akitada called out. “Huh?” Kurai asked as she looked up. And there it was. The golden sun was setting over the city. It truly was a beautiful sight to see. Both angel and devil were amazed. It was like viewing a new painting in an art gallery. A sunset is a true wonder of the world.

When it was over, Akitada turned to Kurai and said, “Well, got to go!” “Wait!” Kurai called out. The angel turned to her. “Yes?” he asked. The demon shuffled a bit. “Are you… coming to watch the sunrise tomorrow?” she asked like a shy little schoolgirl. Akitada lightly smiled at her. “Of course!” he called. Then, the angel lightly kissed her on the cheek. Kurai became a bright red in the cheeks. Her heart raced like crazy. “Oh!” the demon thought happily. Then, Akitada slowly pulled away. “Good night!” he called. Then, the angel flew away to Heaven.

Kurai slowly floated down to the busy street. She didn’t hear life at all. Her mind was far away in love. That was it! The demon had to have the angel mouse! Akitada was to be hers and hers alone!

First Angel Love