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    A misty fog rolled over the neighborhood this morning. Perfect time to slip away. Kasumi quietly packed up her things and crept out of her bedroom door. In the hallway, she looked into the rooms of her hosts. Ryuji and Haruko looked sound asleep in their beds. She gave them each a calm smile.

    "Thank you guys," the woman whispered. "You were so kind to me. I just can't have you getting mixed up with my mission. Goodbye." Then, Kasumi quietly walked down the hall and left the house.

    So quiet outside. It almost looks dead. A chill ran through Kasumi's body. I hate to leave them like this, she thought. But I have no choice. She drew in a breath and began to walk. The ground felt so heavy under her feet with each step. She was doing them a favor she had to remind herself over and over again.

    But then when she got out to the gate, Kasumi heard a small shuffle behind her. She paused and glanced over her shoulder. Her fears came to life at this point.

    "Why are you here?" she asked. Haruko and Ryuji stood inches away from her. The fact that they were dressed and packed up, ready to go didn't help either.

    "What does it look like?" Haruko asked. "We're coming with you." The woman blinked.

    "Why?" she asked.

    "We're going to help you find the Cove, of course!" the sister cheered. The color drained from Kasumi's face as she turned to Ryuji. He looked at her in a funny way.

    "Something wrong?" he asked. Kasumi quickly shook her head.

    "No!" she cried. The siblings raised an eyebrow at her.

    "Is... something wrong?" Ryuji asked again.

    "You can't come with me!" the woman cried. Haruko took a step forward.

    "What do you mean?" she asked.

    "It's too dangerous!" Kasumi cried. Ryuji put his fists on his hips.

    "We can take anything!" he boldly announced. "Right, sis?" The older sister tried to hold back a nervous giggle.

    "Well, not everything," she said. "But, we have the experience." Kasumi frantically shook her head.

    "You can't fight against him!" she blurted out. No sooner had she said that, she quickly covered her mouth. Oh shit!, she thought. I told them too much! Her eyes darted in panic towards the brother and sister.

    "Who?" Ryuji asked, looking puzzled at her. Kasumi clenched her fists as she lowered her head.

    "I can't tell you that..." she mumbled.

    "I'm sorry?" Haruko asked. Kasumi lifted her head with tears in her eyes.

    "Just go home!" she cried. "Forget you ever saw me! Go on with your lives! I'll only get you killed in the end!" She sank to her knees and breathed out. The siblings didn't speak at first. Ryuji stepped forward and rested his hand on her shoulder. Kasumi looked up to see him smiling.

    "If it's protection you're worried about," he said. "We'll be fine. Haruko and I have survived with our parents for eight years just fine. We can take this." Kasumi lowered her shoulders as if get him off of her.

    "Why?" she asked. The boy paused and looked at her.

    "Why what?" he asked.

    "Why do you want to go with me so much?" she asked. Ryuji threw up his hands in the air, smiling.

    "Nothing much," he said. "We just want to get out of this boring, old neighborhood."

    "More like you want to get out of this boring, old neighborhood," Haruko corrected. Her brother gritted his teeth.

    "That's not the point!" he snapped. He turned back to Kasumi. She sat in place, trembling.

    "So you're just not going to leave me, are you?" she asked.

    "No," Ryuji and Haruko said together.

    "You both could die," the woman pointed out. Ryuji stood before like a superhero.

    "Haruko and I will be fine!" he declared. "You have nothing to worry about! So what do you say?" The woman lowered her head and sighed softly to herself.

    "Fine, you can come along," she said. Ryuji leapt up in the air cheering as Haruko shook her head, smiling.

    "YES!!!" he cheered to the sky.

    Idiot!, his sister thought. Kasumi forced herself to smile.

    Oh no, she thought. Why did I agree to that?

Chapter Eight: Off They Go: